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Mental. Place your hand on target's shoulder, call "Possession", and if the power is not resisted equip an orange headband, then for the duration you can give simple commands to the target - the target must follow your commands to the best of their ability. If you command the target to do something that would cause them damage they may expend a willpower to resist the command. You may not repeat a resisted command or attempt to circumvent the resisted command. While possessing a target the possessor may use any Mental or Status powers they possess except for Possession or Clairvoyance or any power that crosses the Gauntlet. Powers that have an actual verbal or physical component, such as Command, must be performed by the possessed. Upon crossing the Gauntlet, Possession becomes broken. The possessor is affected by any Mental powers, the possessed is affected by any other powers. You may possess possess a dead or dying target, when doing so, the target's death timer immediately freezes. Since the target has no health at this point, any damage dealt to the target instead harms the possessor.<noinclude>[[Category:Powers]]</noinclude>
''Mental''. Place your hand on target's shoulder, call "Possession", and if the power is not resisted equip an orange headband, then for the duration you can give simple commands to the target - the target must follow your commands to the best of their ability. If you command the target to do something that would cause them damage they may expend a willpower to resist the command. You may not repeat a resisted command or attempt to circumvent the resisted command. While possessing a target the possessor may use any Mental or Status powers they possess except for Possession or Clairvoyance or any power that crosses the Gauntlet. Powers that have an actual verbal or physical component, such as Command, must be performed by the possessed. Upon crossing the Gauntlet, Possession becomes broken. The possessor is affected by any Mental powers, the possessed is affected by any other powers. You may possess possess a dead or dying target, when doing so, the target's death timer immediately freezes. Since the target has no health at this point, any damage dealt to the target instead harms the possessor.<noinclude>[[Category:Powers]]</noinclude>

Latest revision as of 14:01, 7 July 2017

Mental. Place your hand on target's shoulder, call "Possession", and if the power is not resisted equip an orange headband, then for the duration you can give simple commands to the target - the target must follow your commands to the best of their ability. If you command the target to do something that would cause them damage they may expend a willpower to resist the command. You may not repeat a resisted command or attempt to circumvent the resisted command. While possessing a target the possessor may use any Mental or Status powers they possess except for Possession or Clairvoyance or any power that crosses the Gauntlet. Powers that have an actual verbal or physical component, such as Command, must be performed by the possessed. Upon crossing the Gauntlet, Possession becomes broken. The possessor is affected by any Mental powers, the possessed is affected by any other powers. You may possess possess a dead or dying target, when doing so, the target's death timer immediately freezes. Since the target has no health at this point, any damage dealt to the target instead harms the possessor.