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(Wraith Powers: Arcanoi)
Line 204: Line 204:
: <span class="treepower">Level 2) {{PowerTip|Resist}}: Any power, No Cost, Self, 1x/hour</span>
: <span class="treepower">Level 2) {{PowerTip|Resist}}: Any power, No Cost, Self, 1x/hour</span>
: <span class="treepower">Level 3) {{PowerTip|Cloak Sight}}, No Cost, Self, Always On</span>
: <span class="treepower">Level 3) {{PowerTip|Cloak Sight}}, No Cost, Self, Always On</span>
: <span class="treepower">Level 4) {{PowerTip|Resist}}: (Physical,Damage), 1 Pathos, Self</span>
: <span class="treepower">Level 4) {{PowerTip|Resist}}: (Physical + Damage), 1 Pathos, Self</span>
: <span class="treepower">Level 5) {{PowerTip|Counter}}: Packet Attacks, 2 Pathos, Self, packet attacks</span>
: <span class="treepower">Level 5) {{PowerTip|Counter}}: Packet Attacks, 2 Pathos, Self, packet attacks</span>
: <span class="treepower">Ingrained) {{PowerTip|Breach}}: {{PowerTip|Sense Pool}}: Willpower + {{PowerTip|Breach}}: {{PowerTip|Sense Pool}}: Energy, 1 Pathos, Self, 10 minutes</span>
: <span class="treepower">Ingrained) {{PowerTip|Breach}}: {{PowerTip|Sense Pool}}: Willpower + {{PowerTip|Breach}}: {{PowerTip|Sense Pool}}: Energy, 1 Pathos, Self, 10 minutes</span>
Line 211: Line 211:
; <span class="treename">Flux</span> (*Forbidden in Wraith culture)
; <span class="treename">Flux</span> (*Forbidden in Wraith culture)
: <span class="treepower">Level 1) {{PowerTip|Create Relic}}, 3 Pathos, Require Obolus</span>
: <span class="treepower">Level 1) {{PowerTip|Create Relic}}, 3 Pathos, Require Obolus</span>
: <span class="treepower">Level 2) {{PowerTip|Shared Strength}}: {{PowerTip|Resist}}: (Physical,Damage), 1 Pathos, Self/Other</span>
: <span class="treepower">Level 2) {{PowerTip|Shared Strength}}: {{PowerTip|Resist}}: (Physical + Damage), 1 Pathos, Self/Other</span>
: <span class="treepower">Level 3) {{PowerTip|Shatter}}, 2 Pathos, +1 Angst, Other (Item)</span>
: <span class="treepower">Level 3) {{PowerTip|Shatter}}, 2 Pathos, +1 Angst, Other (Item)</span>
: <span class="treepower">Level 4) {{PowerTip|Pathogen}}, 5 Pathos, Other, Touch, 10 cards</span>
: <span class="treepower">Level 4) {{PowerTip|Pathogen}}, 5 Pathos, Other, Touch, 10 cards</span>

Revision as of 10:08, 31 May 2018

Wraiths are restless dead, finding themselves in a state of existence somewhere between life and afterlife. They attempt to defy a force called Oblivion, which threatens to unmake all things. All have at least two sides - their Psyche, the part of them that is based on their human origins, and their Shadow, a dark version that pushes them to serve Oblivion.

Advantages to playing a Wraith:

  • Access to Energy storage through Tills
  • Energy gaining through Haunts and Living Emotions
  • Costume flexibility
  • Power versatility
  • Free powers in Innate trees
  • Fetish Item access
  • Shadow roleplay
  • No special weaknesses
  • Immunity to Diseases
  • Passions
  • Native Realm: Umbra

Disadvantages to playing a Wraith:

  • Limited access to Realm
  • No mortal healing mechanics
  • Shadow can take over through Catharsis
  • Mistrust of other Wraiths in general
  • Fetters control powers
  • Being turned into furniture

Building a Wraith

  • Start by following the Universal Character Creation section in the Universal Character Information chapter and then…
  • Select a Legion - this should play into your backstory and is based on how you died.
  • Select a Guild if you wish to.
  • Choose a Shadow Archetype.
  • Wraith Energy is called Pathos
  • You receive no Background points.
  • Choose 2 Passions (used for replenishing Pathos).
  • Choose 2 Fetters (to keep you tied to the world).
  • Choose any 3 Arcanoi trees as innates. The singular of Arcanoi is Arcanos.
  • Spend 12 points on Arcanoi.
  • Fill in 3 dots for Shadow.
  • Take as many Dark Arcanoi (for your shadow to abuse you with) as you have dots in Shadow.
  • Spend 20 points (freebies) anywhere you like on your sheet.

When purchasing powers as a Wraith, you must purchase them in order. In order to purchase a level 2 power, you must have purchased the level 1 of the same tree. To purchase a level 3 power, you must purchase the level 2 power from the same tree, etc.

Built-In Powers

Wraiths come with built-in powers.

  • BreachBreach: You may use the described power Cross-gauntlet. Use the sig call “Breach:” preceding your normal sig call. Unless otherwise specified, you may also use the power without the Breach call to use it in your current realm. If the power you are using over Breach has its own cost, you must also pay the cost of that power.: Amplify EmotionAmplify Emotion: Mental. Use the sig call: "Amplify emotion: [described emotion]." The target must already be feeling the emotion described. The target becomes overwhelmed by the emotion described for the duration of this power., Your Passions, 1 Pathos, Other, 10 minutes, 1x/1m, Realm Target Only
  • Energy to HealthEnergy to Health: While conscious the character may spend any amount of energy to regain the same amount of health. While out of combat you may use this power with no cooldown., 1 Pathos, Self, 1x/60 seconds
  • Gauntlet SightGauntlet Sight: Buff, Sight. You can perceive across the gauntlet, into both realms at once. You are aware which side the gauntlet someone is on, or if they're in both. You may not target cross-gauntlet (including sensory powers) without Breach or similar., No Cost, Self, Always On
  • ImmunityImmunity: You are immune to the effect in the title. Immunity effects with durations are exclusive.: (Alcohol + Disease + Drugs + Poison + Medicine + Potions), No Cost, Self, Always On, only while in the Umbra
  • Passion RegenerationPassion Regeneration: If you remain within 10 feet of a character who is under the effect of Amplify Emotion and feeling the emotion described, gain 1 Pathos per minute. Additionally, if you have a Pathos pool, while standing within the range defined on a Haunt or Citadel card gain Pathos at the appropriate rate as described on the Node card., Your Passions, No Cost, Self, Always On
  • PortalwalkPortalwalk: When you are in the Umbra, you may interact with a door as if in the Realm. Locked doors are still locked; warded doors are still warded and the stated effects and costs still apply., No Cost, Self
  • BreachBreach: You may use the described power Cross-gauntlet. Use the sig call “Breach:” preceding your normal sig call. Unless otherwise specified, you may also use the power without the Breach call to use it in your current realm. If the power you are using over Breach has its own cost, you must also pay the cost of that power.: Sense EmotionSense Emotion: Mental, Instant, Sensory. Ask the target if they are currently feeling the described emotion., Your passions, No Cost, Other, Realm Target Only
  • While in the Dying state you may spend 1 Pathos to regain 1 Health. When you do, return to a Fetter that is not on your body, gain 1 Angst, and enter a Harrowing (as described above). After 10 minutes in the dying state you die.

Wraith Pools

Pathos - This is the Wraith Energy pool - use this to power your Arcanoi.
Shadow - Shadow defines how powerful your Shadow currently is (read on for more). If your Shadow ever reaches a value of 10 then you lose yourself and become the shadow entirely. A being like this is called a Specter. Reading along you’ll see that there are multiple ways your Shadow may increase. Only while in Catharsis, Angst can be used to power Dark Arcanoi or can be used as if it were Pathos to power your Arcanoi.
Angst - Angst is a counter-pool - it defines how much power your Shadow has at this very moment. This pool has a maximum value of 10. On the first night of game you come into play with your Angst at the same value as your current Shadow. If it reaches 10, and you would gain any amount of Angst, enter Catharsis. See the section on Catharsis in this chapter for more information. Angst can be decreased by certain powers.

Ritual and Fetish Access All wraiths have innate Wraith Ritual access and access to Pathos-fueled Fetishes. There are no prerequisites.

Regenerating Energy

Haunts are “Places of Power” for Wraiths. Find the Haunt that matches your Passions and you regenerate energy quickly. The regeneration rate is defined on the 3x5 card attached to a Haunt. Find a Haunt that doesn’t match your Passions and you’ll still regenerate, but more slowly and the emotion of that Haunt will seep into your character.
Emotional Regeneration
All Wraiths come with a set of free powers: Sense Emotion, Amplify Emotion, Passion Regeneration. Using them you can find a target feeling your passions, amplify those passions on that person, and then for every minute in proximity to that target you will gain 1 Pathos.


While Wraiths may not have to eat, Wraith players do. Because of this, you may pick up items like plates of food, glasses of drink, etc. if you intend to ingest it yourself, for no cost.

Costume Flexibility

As a Wraith, you can be as old or as young as you like. Any costuming and concepts from the last couple millennia are valid.

No Mortal Healing

Since you’re already dead, healing potions and medicine don’t have an effect on you. Similarly, diseases don’t have an effect on you.


Wraiths have a double-edged sword in the Obolus. These items are normally little white discs... made of Wraiths. The good news is that these items can easily be turned into Fetish or Relic Items. To do so, use a Fetish or Relic creation ritual and a single Obolus to create the item. Head to ST camp to discuss creating the new item. A character who is forged into an Obolus is destroyed forever.


Your Shadow. The dark part of your soul, always telling you to join Oblivion, or to act against your passions, to fall away from what you were as a human. These Shadows can be brought out in various ways, and when they do it’s always bad for you. Shadows cannot see across the Gauntlet.


When you become a Specter your Shadow is in full control of your body - it desires nothing more than to drive everyone to Oblivion (the nothingness that waits to envelop all things). If you become a Specter, swap your Angst and Pathos pools (your Pathos now has a maximum value of 10 and your Angst no longer has a maximum), and trade your passions out for new ones - ones that seem near-opposite of the originals. Change your Shadow value out for an Eidolon value - this value starts at 0. Eidolon works quite a bit like Shadow in that when it takes over it changes your personality - back to your Wraith personality. The same things are required in order to bring the Eidolon to the surface, and the Eidolon value can theoretically end up eventually reaching 10, returning you to your Wraith persona permanently. Unfortunately, you’ll probably be dead before this ever happens as everyone and their mother will be out to turn you into currency.

Shadow archetypes

These define the general behavior of your Shadow when it is in power. It is recommended that these be fairly counter to your character’s own personality. This list is not complete, and you may create your own Shadow Archetype, but know that your shadow MUST be that thing in your character’s mind that slowly tells your character why they should join Oblivion.

Abuser, Anarchist, Deserter, Director, Freak, Id, Leech, Maggot, Martyr, Merchant, Monster,Surgeon, Opium-Eater, Parent, Perfectionist, Pusher, Rationalist, Revolutionary, Scapegoat


Something has to tie you to the realm of the living. As such, you’ll need your Fetters. These are Realm items (non-magical) that your character has a special emotional attachment to. You start with two of these, but may either purchase more or fewer using merits/flaws below. These items allow access to your level 4 and 5 powers. Without them (if your Fetters are destroyed) you lose access to these powers entirely. If you have no Fetters you will only be able to remain tied to the Realm for 1 game session, after this, turn your character sheet in at ST camp. If you are reduced to 0 health with no Fetters and would normally return to a Fetter, wait until you have hit the 10 minute mark, then head to ST camp instead and turn in your character sheet. If you only have one Fetter, the Fetter is at game but you do not know where it is and it is not destroyed, you may not return to game with your Wraith character until you know where the Fetter is located. If your Fetter items did not come to game with you for some reason, ask ST camp if you can borrow some Fetters that are similar in representation to your normal Fetter items. You may not play a Wraith character without your Fetters in game.

Losing Fetters

If your Fetter is destroyed or severed, you enter a Harrowing.


These are the emotions that your Wraith feeds off of. These passions should relate directly to your character’s core personality. Your Wraith has 2 Passions. Find the matching Haunts to regenerate effectively, or use the Passion power trio earlier in this chapter to regenerate even more quickly. Anger, Depression, Duty, Fear, Greed, Happiness, Hate, Jealousy, Love, Obsession


Wraith players receive 2 sealed envelopes at check-in for use during gameplay. When you enter a Harrowing, open one envelope while heading to a nearby fetter. The card within should tell you all information regarding the effect of your Harrowing. If you run out of envelopes, go to ST camp to get a new envelope. Harrowings are incurred by self-healing from the dying state, having a Fetter destroyed, or by the events described below under “Death as a Wraith”. Cards should contain the scene that you experience while in your Harrowing, a description of what impact that has on your character directly, and a goal to achieve to get out of your Harrowing’s effect. You may be under multiple Harrowings at the same time, and Harrowings do not end between games. At any time you may increase your permanent Shadow rating in order to exit a Harrowing.

Death as a Wraith

Wraiths are already dead so they get a “get out of death free” card. If you enter the Dead state your character becomes unplayable for the remainder of the game weekend. Return the following game in a Harrowing, with 1 lower maximum health for the remainder of that game. If you have no Fetters when you would return to a Fetter, your character falls to Oblivion and ceases to exist.


Entering your Shadow is called Catharsis. When you enter your Shadow, you lose access to your Pathos pool, but can expend Angst as if it were Pathos. Upon reaching 0 Angst, leave Catharsis. Upon leaving Catharsis add 1 to your original Angst level. If this amount is greater than 10, return to your Psyche with no Angst and increase your Shadow by 1. If this amount is less than or equal to 10, return to your Psyche at this new Angst amount. You may choose to report to ST camp and lower your Angst level when you would end your Catharsis instead. Doing so has consequences! You may also choose to enter Catharsis at any time. Choosing to do so immediately increases your Angst to 10 before entering Catharsis. Doing so means that you will exit your Catharsis gaining 1 Shadow with no Angst.

Arcanoi - Arcanoi are Wraith powers. Please note, certain Arcanos are technically banned in Wraith culture. These will have a note next to them. Talk with Character Guides about these trees.

Choose any 3 Trees

Wraith Power Trees are a bit more open than other types of supernaturals. Choose any 3 trees for your character.

Ingrained Powers

Your Innate Trees come with special Ingrained Powers. Order your trees primary, secondary, and tertiary (this is your choice, but remember that if you choose a Guild it is based on your Primary tree). You receive the power for your primary tree after purchasing 1 power between all trees, You receive the power in your second tree after purchasing 6 powers between all trees, and the power in your third tree after purchasing 12 powers between all trees. You’ll see these powers listed with their trees.

Learning New Arcanoi

To learn new powers in the Arcanoi, you must have a teacher for each level, and you may only learn powers in tree-order.

Wraith Guilds and Legions

Wraith Legions are a primary social grouping in the Wraith world. Upon being reaped, you are assigned to your Legion based on the important question: “How did you die?”. Deathmarks should generally be costumed. If you were suffocated, blue lipstick might be fine. If you were stabbed, red ‘wound’ makeup where you were stabbed. If you died of sickness, work to place bags under your eyes, or however you would like to portray it.

Skeletal Legion - Victims of Pestilence/Sickness (those who died of diseases)
Iron Legion - Victims of Old Age (natural death)
Grim Legion - Victims of Violence
Emerald Legion - Victims of Happenstance (accidental deaths)
Legion of Penitents - Victims of Madness (either killed by their own or another’s madness)
Silent Legion - Victims of Despair (often suicides, but can be the murder part of a murder/suicide)
Legion of Paupers - Victims of Mystery (unknown cause of death or castoff from other legions)
Legion of Fate - This legion is not available for Player Characters, but deserved mention in the rulebook. This legion contains ‘Victims of fate’ - those whose deaths are mysteries - those who fate simply chose.

Wraith Guilds are based around power specialties. Your primary power tree is tied directly to what guild you may join, so choose carefully. These are a secondary social organization and are somewhat out of favor in Wraith culture.

The Great Guilds
Considered “necessary” by Wraiths as a whole.
Artificers - Kinesis
Masquers - Moliate
Pardoners - Castigate
Usurers - Usury
The Working Guilds
Rock stars of Wraith culture.
Chanteurs - Keening
Harbingers - Argos
Oracles - Fatalism
Sandmen - Phantasm
The Criminal Guilds
What it sounds like
Haunters - Pandemonium
Monitors - Lifeweb
Proctors - Embody
Puppeteers - Puppetry
Spooks - Outrage
The Forbidden Guilds
Exactly what it sounds like...
Alchemists - Flux
Solicitors - Intimation

A special note on Arcanoi that have an Angst cost listed: These powers increase your Angst while you are not in Catharsis, but cost an Angst while you are in Catharsis.

Wraith Powers: Arcanoi

Level 1) CloakCloak: Buff. Use the cloak hand sign: place your hand in front of your face, palm inward, fingers spread. You are considered invisible except to the power Cloak Sight. You cannot be targeted by a character who cannot see you, but you are affected by mass powers.You may not move your feet, speak, use any power which requires your character to speak, or take any aggressive action aside from Mental powers while using this power. This power has a 1 minute cooldown., No Cost, Self
Level 2) UnseenUnseen: While in Cloak, spend the required energy, you may choose to move. If you leave Cloak then this power ends. You may use this power with Mass Cloak with no cost increase., 1 Pathos, Self
Level 3) ArmorArmor: Place your hands on an in-game shirt, worn or unworn (if worn, get permission from the player) - this item must not be tagged Armor. Make a 3 count of "Creating Armor", then spend the described amount for every 2 armor pool you wish to infuse the item with. This armor lasts up to 24 hours.. This armor, once lost, cannot be repaired. Attach a 3x5 to the shirt with: “Armor: [your name], [your character's name], [the start time], [the end time], and [the total amount of armor provided]”. No target may have more than 10 armor pool added this way., 1 Pathos/2 Armor, +1 Angst, Garb
Level 4) ShadowstepShadowstep: While not in combat you may step into a shadow, go out of game, immediately travel to any other shadow within line of sight, then return to game. During this travel time you may not open any doors, nor retain any information you overhear or see., No Cost, Self
Level 5) TerrorTerror: Mental. Use the sig call "Terror: Run from me." The target must flee from you and must attempt to remain away from your presence for the duration., 3 Pathos, Other (mass), 10 minutes, “All who hear me: Terror”
Ingrained) VisionsVisions: Send the target to ST camp to obtain a Vision. Instruct them to provide your name and request a Vision., No Cost, Self, 1x/day
Level 1) Shared StrengthShared Strength: Grant the allowed power(s) to another target for up to 1 hour unless otherwise specified on the power descriptor line. Shared Strength may only be used to grant one power per use. The cost listed is to use the Shared Strength power itself. You must also pay the cost of the power described. In the ItemMaker, this means the cost of the unmodified item. In a power tree, this is the cost of the power in that tree. If the power is not located in that tree, there is no additional cost. If the power can be used multiple times during that hour, you must spend energy per use you wish to give. Notify the player with sig call: “Shared Strength: [power name] [number] uses [time]”. The target does not *need* to use the power if they do not wish to. You may not give Shared Strength as a power. Shared Strength is freely resistible.: AugmentAugment: Increase that damage you deal with brawl and melee attacks by 1 unless otherwise specified. You may not increase your damage above 4. This ability stacks with other instances of Augment, but you cannot use the same source of Augment twice (each use must come from a different power tree location.), 1 Pathos, Self/Other, Willing Wraith, 10 minutes
Level 2) Flog SoulFlog Soul: Mental, Instant. Over the duration specified, role play an attempt to repair the target's soul. You may use fire and brimstone speeches or help explain how they can reconnect with their humanity. At the end of that time notify the recipient that they may lower their Angst by up to 5, but must take the same amount of damage., +1 Angst, Other, 5 minute RP
Level 3) Knit SoulKnit Soul: Willing Wraith target loses 2 maximum health for the remainder of this game session and reduces their Shadow level by 1., +3 Angst, Other, 10 minute RP, 1x/game & ClarityClarity: Mental, Instant. Remove any single Mental Effect or Dream effect or shut off a Derangement - if shutting off a Derangement it cannot be reactivated again for 10 minutes., 2 Pathos, Other
Level 4) Ward DoorWard Door: Attach a 3x5 card to a door with the following text: “This Door Is Warded [start time], [duration], Spend [cost] to enter”. Unless otherwise specified, this power lasts for 2 hours. You may expend additional energy to increase the duration by 1 hour per energy spent. None may not pass through this door from the warded side without spending the required pool or being invited. In order to invite another character, you must remain within touch range of the door. If the power descriptor line lists a type and target cost, adjust the text to: “This Door Is Warded against [type] [start time], [duration], Spend [cost] to enter”. The target type must spend the required pool to pass through the door from the warded side or be invited., 3 Pathos, Any door, 1 at a time, vs. Specters, vs. 2 Willpower
Level 5) Repair SoulRepair Soul: Mental, Instant. Use the sig call: “Repair Soul: Lose 3 Angst”. Decrease the target’s Angst by 3., 3 Pathos, Self, 1x/hour
Ingrained) Sense Pool Sense Pool: Mental, Instant, Sensory. Use sig call: "Sense:" followed by the name of the pool, as described on the power descriptor line, the target should reply with their current Pool level or “Resist”, or "No Effect" if they don't have that pool.: Angst + Sense PoolSense Pool: Mental, Instant, Sensory. Use sig call: "Sense:" followed by the name of the pool, as described on the power descriptor line, the target should reply with their current Pool level or “Resist”, or "No Effect" if they don't have that pool.: Pathos + Sense PoolSense Pool: Mental, Instant, Sensory. Use sig call: "Sense:" followed by the name of the pool, as described on the power descriptor line, the target should reply with their current Pool level or “Resist”, or "No Effect" if they don't have that pool.: Shadow, 1 Pathos, Self, 10 minutes
Level 1) EchoEcho: For the duration of this ability you may communicate Cross-gauntlet with the Sig Call: "Echo:" followed by the words you wish to send across the Gauntlet. This power does not let you use other powers cross gauntlet., 1 Pathos, 1 hour, Cross-gauntlet
Level 2) BreachBreach: You may use the described power Cross-gauntlet. Use the sig call “Breach:” preceding your normal sig call. Unless otherwise specified, you may also use the power without the Breach call to use it in your current realm. If the power you are using over Breach has its own cost, you must also pay the cost of that power.: TerrorTerror: Mental. Use the sig call "Terror: Run from me." The target must flee from you and must attempt to remain away from your presence for the duration., 1 Pathos, Other, 10 minutes, Cross-gauntlet, Realm target only
Level 3) ApparitionApparition: Other. Touch a target that you can see and call "You see me" - the target may see and hear you for the duration of this power. You may not touch each other as long as you remain on opposite sides of the Gauntlet unless you would otherwise be able to., 1 Pathos Other, 10 minutes, Touch, Cross-gauntlet
Level 4) SafeSafe: Disable. Immediately remove your white headband to appear in the Realm. You may not move your feet, take any aggressive actions, or use any powers. As long as you do not do any of these things you take no damage and cannot be effected by any powers. If you wish to move your feet, take any aggressive action, or use a power, immediately replace your headband to re-enter the Umbra first., 1 Willpower, Self, 2 minutes
Level 5) MaterializeMaterialize: Remove your white headband and enter the Realm. You have full access to powers in this state and effectively are a living being. You become vulnerable to poisons, diseases, drugs and alcohol. While in the Realm you may be healed by any means that would restore health to a living being. Any passive Energy generation is halved while in the Realm., +1 Angst, Self, unlimited duration
Ingrained) Written WordWritten Word: You may use any written communication tool to communicate with individuals on the other side of the Gauntlet., No Cost, Self, Cross-gauntlet
Level 1) Magic AwarenessMagic Awareness: When you resist any power that is used on your character you know what power was used. You do not know where the power came from. This power has no effect unless you resist a power + BreachBreach: You may use the described power Cross-gauntlet. Use the sig call “Breach:” preceding your normal sig call. Unless otherwise specified, you may also use the power without the Breach call to use it in your current realm. If the power you are using over Breach has its own cost, you must also pay the cost of that power.: Sense SupernaturalSense Supernatural: Mental, Instant, Sensory. If a type is not specified on the power descriptor line then you may use the sig call: “Sense Supernatural: Are you a supernatural creature?” - you may not ask the type. If a type is specified, you may ask “Sense Supernatural: Are you a [type]?” - the target must respond truthfully. A supernatural creature is any character not written on a Mortal character sheet. If "any" is listed in the power description, or if multiple supernatural types are listed, you must choose one type each time you use the power.: Wraith, 1 Pathos, Self, 10 minutes
Level 2) ResistResist: You may call resist to the power(s) described on the power descriptor line.: Any power, No Cost, Self, 1x/hour
Level 3) Cloak SightCloak Sight: Buff, Sight. You may see any individual with the cloak hand sign up who is in a realm you can see; you are are aware they are cloaked, and can target them normally., No Cost, Self, Always On
Level 4) ResistResist: You may call resist to the power(s) described on the power descriptor line.: (Physical + Damage), 1 Pathos, Self
Level 5) CounterCounter: When you are struck by the damage type described you may spend energy to call "Resist, counter [resisted call]", where number is the amount of damage you would have been dealt. Your attacker takes that damage instead of you. This damage cannot be modified and can also be countered back.: Packet Attacks, 2 Pathos, Self, packet attacks
Ingrained) BreachBreach: You may use the described power Cross-gauntlet. Use the sig call “Breach:” preceding your normal sig call. Unless otherwise specified, you may also use the power without the Breach call to use it in your current realm. If the power you are using over Breach has its own cost, you must also pay the cost of that power.: Sense PoolSense Pool: Mental, Instant, Sensory. Use sig call: "Sense:" followed by the name of the pool, as described on the power descriptor line, the target should reply with their current Pool level or “Resist”, or "No Effect" if they don't have that pool.: Willpower + BreachBreach: You may use the described power Cross-gauntlet. Use the sig call “Breach:” preceding your normal sig call. Unless otherwise specified, you may also use the power without the Breach call to use it in your current realm. If the power you are using over Breach has its own cost, you must also pay the cost of that power.: Sense PoolSense Pool: Mental, Instant, Sensory. Use sig call: "Sense:" followed by the name of the pool, as described on the power descriptor line, the target should reply with their current Pool level or “Resist”, or "No Effect" if they don't have that pool.: Energy, 1 Pathos, Self, 10 minutes
Flux (*Forbidden in Wraith culture)
Level 1) Create RelicCreate Relic: You may go to ST camp with a prop and one or more Obolus tag/prop. You may create a Relic item (such as a weapon or other Umbrabound item) from this Obolus. You must have a prop to turn into this Relic. When creating a Weapon, please obtain an appropriate Weapon tag to add next to the Relic tag., 3 Pathos, Require Obolus
Level 2) Shared StrengthShared Strength: Grant the allowed power(s) to another target for up to 1 hour unless otherwise specified on the power descriptor line. Shared Strength may only be used to grant one power per use. The cost listed is to use the Shared Strength power itself. You must also pay the cost of the power described. In the ItemMaker, this means the cost of the unmodified item. In a power tree, this is the cost of the power in that tree. If the power is not located in that tree, there is no additional cost. If the power can be used multiple times during that hour, you must spend energy per use you wish to give. Notify the player with sig call: “Shared Strength: [power name] [number] uses [time]”. The target does not *need* to use the power if they do not wish to. You may not give Shared Strength as a power. Shared Strength is freely resistible.: ResistResist: You may call resist to the power(s) described on the power descriptor line.: (Physical + Damage), 1 Pathos, Self/Other
Level 3) ShatterShatter: Physical. Destroy a tagged item by touching it with a physical attack. Use the sig call "Shatter.", 2 Pathos, +1 Angst, Other (Item)
Level 4) PathogenPathogen: This ability cannot be resisted, but cannot be used in combat. Call "Subtle Pathogen", then hand your target 10 cards with the following text: "Subtle Pathogen, Disease: Your maximum health is immediately reduced by 2. For the remainder of game you cannot regenerate your own health without energy expenditure, and the Medicine skill will not have an effect. If you have more than one of these cards, hand approximately half of them to the next person who touches you or who you touch. Keep at least 1 card.” The caster of Pathogen is Immune to the Pathogen power for 10 minutes after use and may return any Pathogen cards handed to them during this time., 5 Pathos, Other, Touch, 10 cards
Level 5) MaterializeMaterialize: Remove your white headband and enter the Realm. You have full access to powers in this state and effectively are a living being. You become vulnerable to poisons, diseases, drugs and alcohol. While in the Realm you may be healed by any means that would restore health to a living being. Any passive Energy generation is halved while in the Realm., +1 Angst, Self, Unlimited Duration
Ingrained) PoisonPoison: Physical. Use the sig call: "Poison [damage]", touch your target - they receive the described amount of damage every minute for the next hour. 1, 3 Pathos, Other, 1 hour, Does Not Level
Intimation (*Forbidden in Wraith culture)
Level 1) BreachBreach: You may use the described power Cross-gauntlet. Use the sig call “Breach:” preceding your normal sig call. Unless otherwise specified, you may also use the power without the Breach call to use it in your current realm. If the power you are using over Breach has its own cost, you must also pay the cost of that power.: Instill DesireInstill Desire: Mental. Use the sig call: “Instill desire: [an identifiable person or object physically at game]” - for the duration of this power the target will try to obtain that person or object, whatever that means to them. If the duration of this power is 'persistent', you may simplify the sig call to 'Persistent: Desire'., 1 Pathos, Other, 10 minutes
Level 2) BreachBreach: You may use the described power Cross-gauntlet. Use the sig call “Breach:” preceding your normal sig call. Unless otherwise specified, you may also use the power without the Breach call to use it in your current realm. If the power you are using over Breach has its own cost, you must also pay the cost of that power.: DispassionateDispassionate: Mental. Target becomes unable to feel emotions. This also prevents anyone with a Frenzy mechanic from Frenzying., 1 Pathos, Other, 10 minutes
Level 3) LoveLove: Mental. Use the sig call: "Love me". The target is overcome with love, respect, and adoration for you. The target will protect you to the best of their ability, but will not necessarily sacrifice their life for yours. The target is inclined to do things you ask, short of inflicting harm to themselves or others.(This power has been replaced by Entrancement), +1 Angst, Other, 10 minutes
Level 4) BreachBreach: You may use the described power Cross-gauntlet. Use the sig call “Breach:” preceding your normal sig call. Unless otherwise specified, you may also use the power without the Breach call to use it in your current realm. If the power you are using over Breach has its own cost, you must also pay the cost of that power.: Sense DesireSense Desire: Mental, Instant, Sensory. Use the sig call: "Sense Desire" - target must tell you their strongest current desire., 1 Pathos, Other
Level 5) BreachBreach: You may use the described power Cross-gauntlet. Use the sig call “Breach:” preceding your normal sig call. Unless otherwise specified, you may also use the power without the Breach call to use it in your current realm. If the power you are using over Breach has its own cost, you must also pay the cost of that power.: Persistent: Instill GoalInstill Goal: Mental. In 10 words or fewer give the target a purpose to achieve. They need not act overtly, but must do everything in their power to complete it before the duration runs out. The purpose may not directly kill the target. If the duration is 'persistent', you may simplify the sig call to 'Persistent: Goal'., 2 Pathos, Other, 24 hours
Ingrained) ResistResist: You may call resist to the power(s) described on the power descriptor line., 1 Pathos, Self, Intimation powers and any other Instill power.
Level 1) BreachBreach: You may use the described power Cross-gauntlet. Use the sig call “Breach:” preceding your normal sig call. Unless otherwise specified, you may also use the power without the Breach call to use it in your current realm. If the power you are using over Breach has its own cost, you must also pay the cost of that power.: Instill EmotionInstill Emotion: Mental, Instant. Use the sig call "Instill Emotion: [name of emotion]". The emotion becomes the primary thing the character feels, pushing all other emotions to the side. This change in emotion may only be instant, but the effects last until external forces begin to impact that character. Making a character happy may only last until they turn to see their friend bleeding out again. Making a character angry may only last until someone offers them a kindness. *, 1 Pathos, Other, 10 minutes & BreachBreach: You may use the described power Cross-gauntlet. Use the sig call “Breach:” preceding your normal sig call. Unless otherwise specified, you may also use the power without the Breach call to use it in your current realm. If the power you are using over Breach has its own cost, you must also pay the cost of that power.: Suppress EmotionSuppress Emotion: Mental. Use the sig call "Suppress emotion:" followed by an emotion you believe the target is experiencing - the target finds themselves unable to feel that emotion for the duration of this power., 1 Pathos, Other, 10 minutes
Level 2) BreachBreach: You may use the described power Cross-gauntlet. Use the sig call “Breach:” preceding your normal sig call. Unless otherwise specified, you may also use the power without the Breach call to use it in your current realm. If the power you are using over Breach has its own cost, you must also pay the cost of that power.: Break CatharsisBreak Catharsis: Mental, Instant. Use the sig call "Break Catharsis" and touch the target. If the target is in Catharsis, they immediately exit the Catharsis state., 1 Pathos, Other
Level 3) Persistent: DaydreamDaydream: Mental. Hand the target a 3x5 card. The first line on both sides should be the word: “Daydream” - this does not count as a word for determining word counts. On one side, describe a dream that character would have. On the other, give a 10 word command. For the duration, the target should attempt to follow that command as long as it does not directly counter their nature. Someone is not likely to attack individuals they consider trusted allies, but they might be unable to attack when they would otherwise be aggressive. If the target is asleep, they may not resist this ability., 1 Pathos, Other
Level 4) GuardianGuardian: Physical. Touch as many as 2 willing targets - they may not take damage as long as you remain in contact with them. They cannot attack, or use Abilities or Powers, but may break contact to do so. If you wish to bring them back to this damage immunity, you must spend another will. The user of this power may still be damaged., 1 Will per target, Other, Touch, 10 minutes
Level 5) Induce CatharsisInduce Catharsis: Mental, Instant. Touch your target, call "Induce Catharsis" - if the target is a Wraith or Specter then they immediately enter Catharsis., +1 Angst, Other, Touch
Ingrained) ResistResist: You may call resist to the power(s) described on the power descriptor line., 1 Pathos, Self, this tree
*You may not instill your own Passion
Level 1) Disable ItemDisable Item: Physical. Touch a tagged item on another player and call "Disable Item" - the target may not use that item for 10 minutes., 1 Pathos, Any tagged item, 10 minutes & Item SightItem Sight: If you are able to physically read the tag or 3x5 card on an item then you may read and understand its contents. This means that you must be within range to study the item. If you see that an item is tagged and you are standing near the person, you may ask to see the tag. The in-game effect is that the individual sees you staring at their item. A person using this ability is obviously and in-game studying the object in question., No Cost, Self, Always On
Level 2) Protect ItemProtect Item: Target may call a single resist to any Shatter or Disable Item call on that item. If this effect happens then you know who used Shatter on your item, and that they attempted to shatter it. This effect lasts until end of game or until the effect occurs., 1 Pathos, Any tagged item, End of Game
Level 3) DisplaceDisplace: Mental, Instant. After using a power or causing damage to a target, point at a second target and use the sig call: "Displace: They did it" - the target of the original power is affected as though the power or damage came from the second target, even if they might not otherwise be able to sense that a power was used. Any resource or answer is returned to the caster., 1 Pathos, Other
Level 4) DisarmDisarm: Physical. Use the sig call: "Disarm, drop your gear", while attacking. You must make a successful attack with this sig call to cause the Disarm. Targets struck with Disarm drop one weapon that is held in hand. If they have a second weapon and are struck with a second Disarm, they drop the second weapon. The same holds true for shields or magical weapons. If specified on the command line, you may call "Disarm, give me your weapon", instead of dropping, the target should pass their weapon to you.: Take Weapon, +1 Angst, Other
Level 5) ShatterShatter: Physical. Destroy a tagged item by touching it with a physical attack. Use the sig call "Shatter.", 3 Pathos, Any tagged item & ConcealConceal: You may wrap a number of tagged items described in your power descriptor line with an orange band, making them out of game. If the power does not describe a number, then you may do this with a single item. If someone searches you for tagged items you do not need to turn these items over. If you do this with a weapon and a concealed weapon check is used on you, you may answer “no” regarding that weapon. If you have other weapons on you, you must still answer “yes”. In order to use an item that was previously Concealed, you must first remove the orange band., No Cost, Self, 2 items
Ingrained) MeldMeld: Place a marker (an orange 3x5 card) that states “[Player Name] / [Character Name] [Time], Meld”. Make an audible 3 count and go out of game. You may not return to game for a minimum of 4 hours and may remain out of game as long as you would like beyond that. This power may be used to sleep. This power may not be used in combat., 1 Pathos, Self, Attach Meld card to any tagged item
Level 1) LifelineLifeline: Use the sig call: “Lifeline: Return here upon death.” Point to the target and one of their stationary Fetters. Upon reaching 0 health, the target Wraith immediately goes out of game and returns to that Fetter, returning to game at 1 health instead of entering the dying state and does not incur a Harrowing. This power ends once this effect occurs or at the end of this game session. You may only have one instance of this effect on you at a time., 1 Pathos, Self/Other Wraith
Level 2) Fetter SentryFetter Sentry: Receive up to 5 special tags each game session. These special tags replace the tags on already tagged fetters (they cannot be used to create false fetters or new fetters). If the fetter would be destroyed, instead remove the tag and when the scene winds down, go find the person whose name is on the tag. That person takes 3 damage and restores the original fetter tag., No Cost, Self/Other
Level 3) Bind FetterBind Fetter: This requires any non-magical Realm item, tagged or untagged, and a willing target. Touch the item and the target, call "Bind Fetter". Head to ST camp when possible with yourself, the target, and the item, and obtain a Fetter tag for the item., 5 Pathos, Other, 1x/game
Level 4) ShatterShatter: Physical. Destroy a tagged item by touching it with a physical attack. Use the sig call "Shatter.", 2 Pathos, Any Tagged Fetter
Level 5) ParalyzeParalyze: Mental, Disable. Use the sig call "Paralyze" and designate a target. For the duration the target may not move their body. Characters under this effect may move their head and speak, as well as use mental effects, self powers, and resist powers. Resisted effects will not end this power., +1 Angst, Other, 10 minutes
Ingrained) ClairvoyanceClairvoyance: Other, Irresistible. As Astral Projection, except that you equip an orange headband and may only visit a character who you believe is friendly to you, a target who you can currently see, or the thing defined on the power descriptor line. You may follow the target, listening and seeing what they do for up to 10 minutes at which point you must return to your body. While traveling to or from the target you may not overhear or oversee events. While this power is active you may not use any powers except for Possessing Heal - you are only able to follow, listen, and watch. This power is not usable in combat., No Cost, Self, own fetters only
Mnemosynis (*Forbidden in Wraith culture)
Level 1) Silent VoiceSilent Voice: Offer a white 3x5 card to a target of your choosing. The target may read the card in its entirety but need not do so immediately upon receiving the card. The card must start with the text: "Phantom Speaker, you hear a voice:" followed by the full text you wish to convey. As 3x5s are not physical objects in the world of our game, the message cannot be intercepted intentionally or otherwise., 1 Pathos, Other, 1 card
Level 2) Think on ThatThink on That: Mental, Disable. Use the sig call: “Mediate on: [subject]” where the subject is something you know has happened that this character knows about - can be a past action, something the characters affected, or failed to effect., 1 Pathos, Other, 10 minutes, past action
Level 3) Forgetful MindForgetful Mind: Mental, Instant. Use the signature call “Forgetful Mind” - the target forgets the last 10 minutes of in-game activity., 1 Pathos, Other
Level 4) DerangeDerange: Mental. Give a target an active Derangement for the next 10 minutes. You may choose the Derangement.: Fugue, 2 Pathos, Other, 10 minutes
Level 5) Ultimate LogicUltimate Logic: Mental, Persistent. After 10 minutes of conversation with a target, use the sig call: "Ultimate Logic: [10 word statement]" - the target believes this statement is true until end of game, or until significant evidence is presented to them otherwise. This effect can be broken by Clarity., 1 Pathos, Other, Until end of game, target character history
Ingrained) SkillSkill: Power: Skill: Detection 1 & Detection 5, no additional cost.
Level 1) VisageVisage: After a 10 count, you may alter your outward appearance; equip or remove any mask or prosthetic including mantles that represents another power. You may wear any other mask or prosthetic that you wish; if you equip an item you do not get the benefits of that power. You may remove any mask, mantle, or prosthetic that you wish; if you remove an item that is a requirement for a power, pause any timers and suppress all effects of the associated power. The power returns at its original timers when you release Visage, requiring you to restore any props required. You may also remove any costuming requirements while this is in effect. Using this power *only* to remove costume requirements has no cost. If this effect was used on you, you may cancel it after its minimum duration., 1 Pathos, Self/Other, minimum 10 minutes
Level 2) Healing TouchHealing Touch: Touch the target and use the sig call “Healing Touch [x]”. The target of this power is healed for the amount designated on your power descriptor line. If this power levels this amount increases by 1 for every level you purchase in its associated power tree past where it was obtained, to a maximum 4. 1, 1 Pathos, Other, Levels & Remove AggRemove Agg: Use the sig call “Remove Agg” to remove the Aggravated Damage effect from a target., 2 Pathos, Self/Other
Level 3) Shared StrengthShared Strength: Grant the allowed power(s) to another target for up to 1 hour unless otherwise specified on the power descriptor line. Shared Strength may only be used to grant one power per use. The cost listed is to use the Shared Strength power itself. You must also pay the cost of the power described. In the ItemMaker, this means the cost of the unmodified item. In a power tree, this is the cost of the power in that tree. If the power is not located in that tree, there is no additional cost. If the power can be used multiple times during that hour, you must spend energy per use you wish to give. Notify the player with sig call: “Shared Strength: [power name] [number] uses [time]”. The target does not *need* to use the power if they do not wish to. You may not give Shared Strength as a power. Shared Strength is freely resistible.: ClawsClaws: You may use 1 or 2 Claw boffers. While using these boffers you receive Augment (does not stack with Augment from War Form or Beast Form). You may defend with your Claws, but must have the Brawl skill to attack with them./TentaclesTentacles: You may use 1 or 2 long brawl boffers marked as tentacles. While using these boffers you receive Augment. In order to deal damage with Tentacles you must have the Brawl skill. You may use them to defend even if you may not deal damage. , 1 Pathos, Self/Other, 10 minutes
Level 4) Aggravated DamageAggravated Damage: Physical. You may call the described damage as Aggravated. Use the sig call “[number] Agg”. If a duration is not specified, this power lasts for a single attack., 1 Pathos, Other, 60 seconds
Level 5) Vaporous BodyVaporous Body: Equip a white mantle. You are immune to Damage and Status effects, may only use non-offensive or Mental powers, and may not use any power that is considered “Physical”. You may not use Medicine, Resist: Mental, or any effect which is tagged as Physical while in Vaporous Body. While in Vaporous Body, you may walk through any door, even if locked with a level 3 lock. Call “Immune” when you are hit with an effect that you are immune to., +1 Angst, Self, 10 minutes
Ingrained) Revert FormRevert Form: Special, Touch. Use the Sig Call: "Revert to True Form", touch the target. They are Forced to revert to their natural form. If a homid Shifter, Vampire, Wraith, or Mortal they remove any masks or prosthetics mantles, claws, or tentacles they have equipped. If a Metis or Lupus shifter, any Gaian Spirit, or anything else that naturally reverts to an animal state, they must equip their masks, prosthetics, mantles, claws, and/or tentacles as appropriate. Revert Form removes and cancels Frozen Form., No Cost, Self/Other, 60 seconds, 1x/10m, Touch
Level 1) Move ObjectMove Object: Move any object in the Realm. You may not pick the object up, but may knock it off of a surface or move it along a surface., No Cost, Any Object, Cross-gauntlet & ResistResist: You may call resist to the power(s) described on the power descriptor line.: Status, 2 Pathos, Self
Level 2) Gauntlet StrikeGauntlet Strike: Physical. You may use your melee or brawl attacks across the Gauntlet. You must call “Gauntlet Strike” before calling the melee attack damage., 1 Pathos, Other
Level 3) Gauntlet GraspGauntlet Grasp: You may pick up an item from the other side of the Gauntlet, or may attempt to open a closed door while in the Umbra. Locked doors are still locked in the Umbra. Opening doors does not cost Energy., 1 Pathos, Any Object
Level 4) BreachBreach: You may use the described power Cross-gauntlet. Use the sig call “Breach:” preceding your normal sig call. Unless otherwise specified, you may also use the power without the Breach call to use it in your current realm. If the power you are using over Breach has its own cost, you must also pay the cost of that power.: ForceForce: Physical, Subtle. Throw a packet to deal up to 3 melee damage at range. Use sig call “Subtle Force [number]” where number is the number of damage you wish to cause. The target is aware they have taken damage, but not the source. This ability cannot receive a benefit from augment., 1 Pathos, Other
Level 5) ConvergenceConvergence: Equip a distinctively orange and white striped headband - you may achieve this effect by twisting your white and orange headbands if you do not have another headband available, as long as the striping is clearly visible and discernible. In addition to the headband, you may optionally wear a green glowstick to help indicate this power in dark conditions. A character affected by this power exists in both the Realm and the Umbra at the same time. Characters who are Native Realm: Realm behave as they normally do in the Realm. Characters who are Native Realm: Umbra behave mechanically as if under the effects of Materialize. Being shunted ends this effect and returns you to your native realm., +1 Angst, Self
Ingrained) Hasty EscapeHasty Escape: Cross your arms over your chest in an “X”. As long as you take no action other than moving away from enemy targets as quickly as you safely can you will take no damage. This power has a 1 minute cooldown., 1 Pathos, Self
Level 1) BreachBreach: You may use the described power Cross-gauntlet. Use the sig call “Breach:” preceding your normal sig call. Unless otherwise specified, you may also use the power without the Breach call to use it in your current realm. If the power you are using over Breach has its own cost, you must also pay the cost of that power.: ConfusionConfusion: Mental. Use the sig call: “Confusion” For the next 10 minutes the target cannot fathom what's happening around them - it is as if they are a child learning about the world for the first time. When this period ends the target returns to normal, forgetting the time they were under the Confusion effect., 1 Pathos, Other, 10 minutes
Level 2) BreachBreach: You may use the described power Cross-gauntlet. Use the sig call “Breach:” preceding your normal sig call. Unless otherwise specified, you may also use the power without the Breach call to use it in your current realm. If the power you are using over Breach has its own cost, you must also pay the cost of that power.: HauntingHaunting: Mental. Use the sig call "Haunting: The Voices Call". For the duration of this power your target must roleplay hearing voices and sounds that aren't there., 1 Pathos, Other, 10 minutes
Level 3) BreachBreach: You may use the described power Cross-gauntlet. Use the sig call “Breach:” preceding your normal sig call. Unless otherwise specified, you may also use the power without the Breach call to use it in your current realm. If the power you are using over Breach has its own cost, you must also pay the cost of that power.: Bind FootBind Foot: Status. Throw a packet with the call "Bind Foot". The affected target may not move from their current location., 1 Pathos, Other, & ElementElement: Physical. Throw a packet with the sig call: “[name of element] [amount of damage]” (Example: Fire 3). If the element is not defined, you may use any of the 4 Western elements (Earth, Air, Fire, Water) or the five Eastern elements (Fire, Earth, Water, Wood, Metal) - you must choose which elemental system you intend to use before ever using this ability and should not switch between them. If this power levels this amount increases by 1 for every level you purchase in its associated power tree past where it was obtained, to a maximum 4. 2, 1 Pathos, Other, Levels
Level 4) BreachBreach: You may use the described power Cross-gauntlet. Use the sig call “Breach:” preceding your normal sig call. Unless otherwise specified, you may also use the power without the Breach call to use it in your current realm. If the power you are using over Breach has its own cost, you must also pay the cost of that power.: TerrorTerror: Mental. Use the sig call "Terror: Run from me." The target must flee from you and must attempt to remain away from your presence for the duration., 1 Pathos, Other, 10 minutes
Level 5) CounterCounter: When you are struck by the damage type described you may spend energy to call "Resist, counter [resisted call]", where number is the amount of damage you would have been dealt. Your attacker takes that damage instead of you. This damage cannot be modified and can also be countered back.: Melee or Brawl Damage, 2 Pathos, Other
Ingrained) ResistResist: You may call resist to the power(s) described on the power descriptor line., 1 Pathos, Self, This tree
Level 1) BreachBreach: You may use the described power Cross-gauntlet. Use the sig call “Breach:” preceding your normal sig call. Unless otherwise specified, you may also use the power without the Breach call to use it in your current realm. If the power you are using over Breach has its own cost, you must also pay the cost of that power.: TelepathyTelepathy: Mental, Special. Use the telepathy hand sign, hand with first 3 fingers closed, thumb and pinky spread. Look into the eyes of your target - the target may refuse Telepathy by simply not returning the gesture for no cost. Speak in a whisper or very soft voice - your target will hear your voice in their mind. Others who see this should ignore your communication., 1 Pathos, Other
Level 2) BreachBreach: You may use the described power Cross-gauntlet. Use the sig call “Breach:” preceding your normal sig call. Unless otherwise specified, you may also use the power without the Breach call to use it in your current realm. If the power you are using over Breach has its own cost, you must also pay the cost of that power.: Persistent: DreamshapeDreamshape: Mental, Irresistible. Place a 3x5 card on a sleeping target. The first line on both sides should be the word: “Dreamshape” - this does not count as a word for determining word counts. On one side, describe a dream that character would have. On the other, give a 10 word command. For the duration, the target should attempt to follow that command as long as it does not directly counter their nature. Someone is not likely to attack individuals they consider trusted allies, but they might be unable to attack when they would otherwise be aggressive. As the target is asleep, they may not resist this ability., 1 Pathos, Other, Sleeping/Unconscious/Dying target
Level 3) BreachBreach: You may use the described power Cross-gauntlet. Use the sig call “Breach:” preceding your normal sig call. Unless otherwise specified, you may also use the power without the Breach call to use it in your current realm. If the power you are using over Breach has its own cost, you must also pay the cost of that power.: Merciful SleepMerciful Sleep: Mental, Disable. Designate the target and call “Merciful Sleep”. The target falls unconscious for 10 minutes., 1 Pathos, Other, 10 minutes
Level 4) Convert EssenceConvert Essence: You may convert any Essence you receive into your innate Energy type. + BreachBreach: You may use the described power Cross-gauntlet. Use the sig call “Breach:” preceding your normal sig call. Unless otherwise specified, you may also use the power without the Breach call to use it in your current realm. If the power you are using over Breach has its own cost, you must also pay the cost of that power.: Drain PoolDrain Pool: Physical. You may drain the pool described in the power descriptor line. Once the sig call for this power begins, the user may not move from their current position. You may use your natural reach to maintain contact, but you may not lean to increase your reach. The target may move away from the user to disengage from this power, unless another power has immobilized them. Use the sig call: "Tapping 1, Tapping 2, Tapping 3, Draining [type] 1, Draining [type] 2…" If the target does not have that pool, they must respond with "No effect." If you have the named pool then you gain the same amount that you drain all at once after the draining call ends.: Essence, No Cost, Other,
Level 5) MajestyMajesty: Hold your arms down and outward, palms forward. None may take any aggressive action against you. You may not run while using this power, you may only move at a walking pace. You may not attack while this power is active. This power has a 1 minute cooldown., +1 Angst, Self, 1 minute
Ingrained) ImmunityImmunity: You are immune to the effect in the title. Immunity effects with durations are exclusive.: DreamshapeDreamshape: Mental, Irresistible. Place a 3x5 card on a sleeping target. The first line on both sides should be the word: “Dreamshape” - this does not count as a word for determining word counts. On one side, describe a dream that character would have. On the other, give a 10 word command. For the duration, the target should attempt to follow that command as long as it does not directly counter their nature. Someone is not likely to attack individuals they consider trusted allies, but they might be unable to attack when they would otherwise be aggressive. As the target is asleep, they may not resist this ability. + DaydreamDaydream: Mental. Hand the target a 3x5 card. The first line on both sides should be the word: “Daydream” - this does not count as a word for determining word counts. On one side, describe a dream that character would have. On the other, give a 10 word command. For the duration, the target should attempt to follow that command as long as it does not directly counter their nature. Someone is not likely to attack individuals they consider trusted allies, but they might be unable to attack when they would otherwise be aggressive. If the target is asleep, they may not resist this ability., No Cost, Always On
Level 1) BreachBreach: You may use the described power Cross-gauntlet. Use the sig call “Breach:” preceding your normal sig call. Unless otherwise specified, you may also use the power without the Breach call to use it in your current realm. If the power you are using over Breach has its own cost, you must also pay the cost of that power.: TremensTremens: For 60 seconds you may give precise commands to an unconscious, dying, or dead character. These commands should be whispered. Start these 60 seconds with the sig call: "Tremens: Act as I command" - the target cannot speak, stand up, or walk, but may do things like "roll onto your back", "sit up", "lift and lower your right arm", etc., 1 Pathos, Other, 60 seconds, Unconscious/Dead/Dying realm target
Level 2) BreachBreach: You may use the described power Cross-gauntlet. Use the sig call “Breach:” preceding your normal sig call. Unless otherwise specified, you may also use the power without the Breach call to use it in your current realm. If the power you are using over Breach has its own cost, you must also pay the cost of that power.: VentriloquismVentriloquism: This effect lasts 60 seconds. Use the sig call "Ventriloquism: Repeat after me, [short phrase]". The target must repeat the phrase verbatim in a loud, clear voice. For the remainder of the effect, you need only say “Ventriloquism: [phrase]”, 1 Pathos, Other, Unconscious/Dead/Dying realm target
Level 3) ClairvoyanceClairvoyance: Other, Irresistible. As Astral Projection, except that you equip an orange headband and may only visit a character who you believe is friendly to you, a target who you can currently see, or the thing defined on the power descriptor line. You may follow the target, listening and seeing what they do for up to 10 minutes at which point you must return to your body. While traveling to or from the target you may not overhear or oversee events. While this power is active you may not use any powers except for Possessing Heal - you are only able to follow, listen, and watch. This power is not usable in combat., 1 Pathos, Self, 10 minutes, Follow Realm-target only
Level 4) BreachBreach: You may use the described power Cross-gauntlet. Use the sig call “Breach:” preceding your normal sig call. Unless otherwise specified, you may also use the power without the Breach call to use it in your current realm. If the power you are using over Breach has its own cost, you must also pay the cost of that power.: Possessing HealPossessing Heal: For each minute you are following a target in either Clairvoyance or Possession you may give the target 1 health. This health is granted all at once when you end the effect. Simply let the player know once you leave Clairvoyance or Possession., No Cost, Other, usable on target of Clairvoyance or Possession, Cross-Gauntlet
Level 5) BreachBreach: You may use the described power Cross-gauntlet. Use the sig call “Breach:” preceding your normal sig call. Unless otherwise specified, you may also use the power without the Breach call to use it in your current realm. If the power you are using over Breach has its own cost, you must also pay the cost of that power.: PossessionPossession: Mental. Place your hand on target's shoulder, call "Possession", and if the power is not resisted equip an orange headband, then for the duration you can give simple commands to the target - the target must follow your commands to the best of their ability. If you command the target to do something that would cause them damage they may expend a willpower to resist the command. You may not repeat a resisted command or attempt to circumvent the resisted command. While possessing a target the possessor may use any Mental or Status powers they possess except for Possession or Clairvoyance or any power that crosses the Gauntlet. Powers that have an actual verbal or physical component, such as Command, must be performed by the possessed. Upon crossing the Gauntlet, Possession becomes broken. The possessor is affected by any Mental powers, the possessed is affected by any other powers. You may possess possess a dead or dying target, when doing so, the target's death timer immediately freezes. Since the target has no health at this point, any damage dealt to the target instead harms the possessor., +1 Angst, Other, Touch, 10 minutes, Realm-target only
Ingrained) Watcher SightWatcher Sight: You may see characters in orange headbands who are either following another individual or are stationary. This allows you to see individuals using Clairvoyance or Possession. If a player is out of costume or obviously not playing a character, this power does not allow you to see them. A player wearing an orange headband who is truly out of game (if you're not sure) may clarify their out of game status by flashing or maintaining a second Out Of Game signal., No Cost, Self, Always On
Level 1) TransferTransfer: You may give or take the energy type specified from a willing target. To do so, use a tapping 3 count followed by a draining or giving count for each energy given. You may also fill or empty an Energy Storage Fetish of the energy type specified while not in combat.: Pathos, No Cost, Other
Level 2) BreachBreach: You may use the described power Cross-gauntlet. Use the sig call “Breach:” preceding your normal sig call. Unless otherwise specified, you may also use the power without the Breach call to use it in your current realm. If the power you are using over Breach has its own cost, you must also pay the cost of that power.: Healing TouchHealing Touch: Touch the target and use the sig call “Healing Touch [x]”. The target of this power is healed for the amount designated on your power descriptor line. If this power levels this amount increases by 1 for every level you purchase in its associated power tree past where it was obtained, to a maximum 4. 1, 1 Health per health given, Other
Level 3) BreachBreach: You may use the described power Cross-gauntlet. Use the sig call “Breach:” preceding your normal sig call. Unless otherwise specified, you may also use the power without the Breach call to use it in your current realm. If the power you are using over Breach has its own cost, you must also pay the cost of that power.: Drain PoolDrain Pool: Physical. You may drain the pool described in the power descriptor line. Once the sig call for this power begins, the user may not move from their current position. You may use your natural reach to maintain contact, but you may not lean to increase your reach. The target may move away from the user to disengage from this power, unless another power has immobilized them. Use the sig call: "Tapping 1, Tapping 2, Tapping 3, Draining [type] 1, Draining [type] 2…" If the target does not have that pool, they must respond with "No effect." If you have the named pool then you gain the same amount that you drain all at once after the draining call ends.: Health, 1 Pathos, Other
Level 4) Convert HealthConvert Health: You may convert any amount of Health into your innate Energy type at a rate of 2 Health to 1 Energy., 1+ Health, Self
Level 5) Energy BurnEnergy Burn: Physical. By default, this power drains 1 energy then deals 1 damage for each energy drained. Touch your target and call "Energy Burn: [number]" where [number] is the amount total amount of damage you wish to do. Putting up to 3 additional energy into it will increase [number] by 1 per energy added. The target loses that much of their energy pool and takes as much damage as energy drained., +1 Angst, Other, Touch, 1x/60sec, additional cost is paid in Pathos
Ingrained) Sense PoolSense Pool: Mental, Instant, Sensory. Use sig call: "Sense:" followed by the name of the pool, as described on the power descriptor line, the target should reply with their current Pool level or “Resist”, or "No Effect" if they don't have that pool.: Health, No Cost, Other & Sense PoolSense Pool: Mental, Instant, Sensory. Use sig call: "Sense:" followed by the name of the pool, as described on the power descriptor line, the target should reply with their current Pool level or “Resist”, or "No Effect" if they don't have that pool.: Energy, 1 Pathos, Other

Shadow Powers: Dark Arcanoi

These are special powers that you may purchase. For no XP cost, you may take a level of Dark Arcanoi per level of Shadow you have. They are only usable by your Shadow. There are no Ingrained Powers in Dark Arcanos. If you lose a level of Shadow, you must choose to lose a Dark Arcanoi power. Powers must be purchased in order in their trees.

Level 1) Sense PassionsSense Passions: Mental, Instant, Sensory. Use the sig call "Sense Passions", target must respond with any passions they may have. If they do not have Passions they may freely resist with either "Resist" or "No effect"., 1 Angst, Other (Wraith)
Level 2) ShadowspeechShadowspeech: Mental, Special, Touch. Touch a target who has a Shadow, use the sig call "Shadowspeech: [question you wish to ask]" - the target player should respond to the question as their character's Shadow. If they do not have a Shadow, they may freely resist with either "Resist" or "No Effect". The target character should not recall being asked or answering the question. Must remain in contact for the duration of both the question and answer., 1 Angst, Other (Wraith)
Level 3) Give AngstGive Angst: Mental, Instant. Give the target 1 level of Angst if they have an Angst pool. Use the sig call: “Giving Angst 1”, 1 Angst, Other (Wraith), Touch
Level 4) Shadow CoaxShadow Coax: Mental, Special, Touch. Touch a target, as long as you remain in contact with that target their shadow is in charge of the body. This does not increase the target's Angst. If they do not have a shadow, they may freely resist with either "Resist" or "No Effect"., 2 Angst, Other (Wraith), Touch
Level 5) Empower ShadowEmpower Shadow: Mental, Instant. Restore the target Shadow or Specter to 10 Angst if they have fewer than 10. If they do not have a shadow, they may freely resist with either "Resist" or "No Effect". If they are not in Shadow, then they may resist as normal., 1 Willpower, Other (Wraith), Touch
Level 1) BreachBreach: You may use the described power Cross-gauntlet. Use the sig call “Breach:” preceding your normal sig call. Unless otherwise specified, you may also use the power without the Breach call to use it in your current realm. If the power you are using over Breach has its own cost, you must also pay the cost of that power.: Steal HealthSteal Health: Physical. Touch a target, call “Steal Health 1”, the target’s health is reduced by 1 and your health is increased by 1., 1 Angst, Other
Level 2) CounterpassionCounterpassion: Mental. Reverse the target Wraith or Specter's passions for 1 hour. Use the sig call: "Counterpassion: Reverse your passions"., 2 Angst, Other (Wraith)
Level 3) Flush AngstFlush Angst: Physical. Drain the target entirely of Angst. Your Angst pool immediately goes to 10 if the target had any Angst. Use the sig call: "Draining all Angst.”, 1 Willpower, Other (Wraith), Touch
Level 4) Energy VampirismEnergy Vampirism: Physical. This ability only costs to initiate. Use the counted call: "Draining Energy" to drain any Energy resource from your target. You may drain 1 Energy per Draining Energy call. Gain as much health as Energy drained this way. Because you are not drinking it, a vampire’s blood taken this way will not cause a blood bond., 1 Angst, Other, Touch, Any Energy Type
Level 5) ResistResist: You may call resist to the power(s) described on the power descriptor line.: Mental, 1 Angst, Self
Level 1) Empower ShadowEmpower Shadow: Mental, Instant. Restore the target Shadow or Specter to 10 Angst if they have fewer than 10. If they do not have a shadow, they may freely resist with either "Resist" or "No Effect". If they are not in Shadow, then they may resist as normal., No Cost, Self, 1x/hour
Level 2) Taint ItemTaint Item: Apply the Taint Effect to an object. Apply a temporary label with the text "[type] Tainted" to the object in a visible location. This effect is permanent until the object is cleansed.: Fetter, 1 Angst, Any tagged fetter, Wyrm Only
Level 3) Vaporous BodyVaporous Body: Equip a white mantle. You are immune to Damage and Status effects, may only use non-offensive or Mental powers, and may not use any power that is considered “Physical”. You may not use Medicine, Resist: Mental, or any effect which is tagged as Physical while in Vaporous Body. While in Vaporous Body, you may walk through any door, even if locked with a level 3 lock. Call “Immune” when you are hit with an effect that you are immune to., 1 Angst, Self, 10 minutes
Level 4) Rebuild ItemRebuild Item: Take a magic Item that has had its tag destroyed to ST camp, replace the tag with a new one., 3 Angst, Any previously tagged magic Item and its torn tag, Add Wyrm Taint
Level 5) Traverse GauntletTraverse Gauntlet: You may equip or remove a white headband to enter or leave the Umbra. This ability costs 2 Energy indoors, 1 Energy outdoors, or no energy in a place of power. If you are touching a window, mirror, or node card, you may step across immediately. If not, you must make a silent 10 count., Variable cost, Self
Level 1) BreachBreach: You may use the described power Cross-gauntlet. Use the sig call “Breach:” preceding your normal sig call. Unless otherwise specified, you may also use the power without the Breach call to use it in your current realm. If the power you are using over Breach has its own cost, you must also pay the cost of that power.: TelepathyTelepathy: Mental, Special. Use the telepathy hand sign, hand with first 3 fingers closed, thumb and pinky spread. Look into the eyes of your target - the target may refuse Telepathy by simply not returning the gesture for no cost. Speak in a whisper or very soft voice - your target will hear your voice in their mind. Others who see this should ignore your communication., No Cost, Other, Realm target only
Level 2) Shared StrengthShared Strength: Grant the allowed power(s) to another target for up to 1 hour unless otherwise specified on the power descriptor line. Shared Strength may only be used to grant one power per use. The cost listed is to use the Shared Strength power itself. You must also pay the cost of the power described. In the ItemMaker, this means the cost of the unmodified item. In a power tree, this is the cost of the power in that tree. If the power is not located in that tree, there is no additional cost. If the power can be used multiple times during that hour, you must spend energy per use you wish to give. Notify the player with sig call: “Shared Strength: [power name] [number] uses [time]”. The target does not *need* to use the power if they do not wish to. You may not give Shared Strength as a power. Shared Strength is freely resistible.: AugmentAugment: Increase that damage you deal with brawl and melee attacks by 1 unless otherwise specified. You may not increase your damage above 4. This ability stacks with other instances of Augment, but you cannot use the same source of Augment twice (each use must come from a different power tree location.), 1 Angst, Other
Level 3) Shared StrengthShared Strength: Grant the allowed power(s) to another target for up to 1 hour unless otherwise specified on the power descriptor line. Shared Strength may only be used to grant one power per use. The cost listed is to use the Shared Strength power itself. You must also pay the cost of the power described. In the ItemMaker, this means the cost of the unmodified item. In a power tree, this is the cost of the power in that tree. If the power is not located in that tree, there is no additional cost. If the power can be used multiple times during that hour, you must spend energy per use you wish to give. Notify the player with sig call: “Shared Strength: [power name] [number] uses [time]”. The target does not *need* to use the power if they do not wish to. You may not give Shared Strength as a power. Shared Strength is freely resistible.: Any power you own, 1 Angst, Other
Level 4) Body WrackBody Wrack: Status, Disable. Throw a packet with the call "Body Wrack". Your target falls to the ground in agony., 1 Angst, Other, 60 seconds
Level 5) DispassionateDispassionate: Mental. Target becomes unable to feel emotions. This also prevents anyone with a Frenzy mechanic from Frenzying. (Mass), 3 Angst, 10 feet, “All within 10 feet:”
Shroud Rending
Level 1) Gauntlet SightGauntlet Sight: Buff, Sight. You can perceive across the gauntlet, into both realms at once. You are aware which side the gauntlet someone is on, or if they're in both. You may not target cross-gauntlet (including sensory powers) without Breach or similar., No Cost, Self, Always On
Level 2) Gauntlet GraspGauntlet Grasp: You may pick up an item from the other side of the Gauntlet, or may attempt to open a closed door while in the Umbra. Locked doors are still locked in the Umbra. Opening doors does not cost Energy., No Cost, Any Object
Level 3) Persistent: DreamshapeDreamshape: Mental, Irresistible. Place a 3x5 card on a sleeping target. The first line on both sides should be the word: “Dreamshape” - this does not count as a word for determining word counts. On one side, describe a dream that character would have. On the other, give a 10 word command. For the duration, the target should attempt to follow that command as long as it does not directly counter their nature. Someone is not likely to attack individuals they consider trusted allies, but they might be unable to attack when they would otherwise be aggressive. As the target is asleep, they may not resist this ability., 1 Angst, Other
Level 4) BreachBreach: You may use the described power Cross-gauntlet. Use the sig call “Breach:” preceding your normal sig call. Unless otherwise specified, you may also use the power without the Breach call to use it in your current realm. If the power you are using over Breach has its own cost, you must also pay the cost of that power., 1 Angst, Self, any power that you own which is resisted as a Mental or Status power.
Level 5) ShuntShunt: Mental, Instant. Force another target into or out of the Umbra. If the target is entering the Umbra you must be able to provide the white headband., 1 Angst, Self/Other

Wraith Merits and Flaws

Wraith Merits
Memoriam - 2 point merit - Constant minor Pathos regeneration (1/hour). Your character left behind a legacy in life. This memory feeds your Pathos. Explain this legacy in your backstory.
Strong Psyche*May be purchased with or provide XP, not limited to freebies and flaw points, including after character creation. - 3 point merit - Twice a day and for no cost you may resist entering Catharsis, regardless of the source. Your Angst does not increase when you resist Catharsis this way.
Lowered Shadow - 3 point merit - Reduce your starting Shadow by 1.
Umbral Bullets*May be purchased with or provide XP, not limited to freebies and flaw points, including after character creation. - 2 point merit - Umbral BulletsUmbral Bullets: While you are in the umbra, bullets fired from your gun deal “Umbral 2” damage with a revolver/derringer dart, or “Umbral 3” damage with a rifle/repeater. The gun must be tagged per standard tagging rules. You may use Umbral Bullets with Gunplay Techniques., 1 Pathos per bullet fired
Extra Fetter - 4 point merit - You start game with 1 extra Fetter. You may take this Merit up to 3 times.

Wraith Flaws

Impersonal - 4 point flaw - You may not gain pathos from intense emotions of others - you do not receive the Amplify Passion or Passion Regeneration powers
Castigation Junkie*May be purchased with or provide XP, not limited to freebies and flaw points, including after character creation. - 5 point flaw - May never purchase the Castigate Arcanos while you have this flaw. If you go 24 hours without having Flog Soul or Knit Soul on your character, you gain 1 Shadow.
Heightened Shadow - 3 point flaw - Increase your starting Shadow by 1.
Missing Fetter - 4 point flaw - You start game with 1 fewer Fetter.
