Power: Blood Healing

From Dark Prospects Rules
Revision as of 15:02, 10 March 2016 by Brian (talk | contribs)
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Vampires may also choose to restore health to another target with their blood. To do so, the vampire must cut themselves - A thrown weapon prop, a bladed weapon prop, or the vampire's fangs may be used for this; (call “cutting 1, cutting 2, cutting 3” regardless of the implement, while pantomiming the action) you will take no damage from this process. Begin using the sig call "Giving Health" to heal the target by 1 for each blood given. Although conscious targets may choose to reject this health, unconscious targets must accept it. Successfully giving health this way incurs a Blood Bond. A target in the Dying state may have life restored to them through this mechanic. If they do you may choose to keep them Unconscious until awakened by any player (no damage required, roleplay shaking or otherwise trying to awaken them) or for 10 minutes, whichever comes first (notify the player). You may give blood above someone's maximum health, though they will not receive health above their maximum. A mortal target who receives 1 or more health this way becomes Ghouled. A mortal target at 0 health who receives 5 health this way in a single feeding becomes a Vampire.