
From Dark Prospects Rules
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This is not at this time intended to be transcluded into the main book, but perhaps a stand-alone document? Anyway - a central repository with links out to all things ritual.

  • Book of Ritual Philosophy goes here.
  • Include a self-built, preferably collapsing index.
  • Links to the assorted rituals.
  • Links to the different places merits

Rituals in Dark Prospects, or "Our Rituals Philosophy"

Character Requirements

Sheet requirements

A character must have the Rituals background to cast any rituals, including 0-level rituals. Regardless of whether you know the relevant discipline or power, you must still have purchased the background. With very few exceptions, you must have level of rituals background equal to the level of the ritual you wish to cast.

Character Creation

Characters with the Rituals background enter game with a certain number of rituals. These may be created in the item maker, or may be selected from the library of Systemic Rituals.

Character Limitations

The total number of “beneficial” rituals on a single character - regardless of caster - may not exceed 3 + that character's levels in Rituals.

Types of Ritual Magic

Each type of ritual magic is unique and distinct. They are fundamentally incompatible; they cannot be combined. A ritual cannot be designed to use or require more than one type of ritual magic. A single character CAN know more than one type of magic, though some are incompatible. The types of ritual magic are:


Necromancy a Vampire ritual type, and is powered by Blood. The Giovanni Clan guard this ritual magic. All Necromancy rituals require an appropriate number of Necromantic foci.


Thaumaturgy is a Vampire ritual type, powered by Blood. Tremere are undisputed masters of Thaumaturgy. Setites can also gain access to it, and in Dark Prospects, Sabbat rituals are represented by Thaumaturgy. All Thaumaturgy rituals require an appropriate Thaumaturgy Ritual Circle.


Observant magic is a vampire ritual type powered by blood. It is unique to Quarry creek, and is intended to allow vampire characters access to rituals without needing one of the


Hedge is a Mortal ritual type, powered by Essence. Hedge and Faith are mutually exclusive types, and cannot both be learned by the same character.


Faith is a Mortal ritual type powered by Essence. Healers, mystics, saints - these archetypes are represented by the Faith merit. Faith and Hedge are mutually exclusive types, and cannot both be learned by the same character.


Gnostic is a Shifter ritual type, powered by Gnosis. While some rituals may intended for only a particular shifter type, they should generally be usable cross-species.


Wraith magic is powered by Pathos or Angst. Rituals that shape the corpus into useful effects or objects. Sometimes require the donation of a soul.

Types of Rituals


Systemic rituals are either designed to replicate rituals in canon of the World of Darkness, or they are fundamental to Dark Prospects mechanics. They are published <on the wiki>, and are available to be acquired by any character with access to the appropriate magic type. Systemic rituals may have unique mechanics or effects not otherwise available in the game, and canon rituals especially may not be entirely “balanced”. These are rituals that have been vetted and approved by Rules Team.


Unique rituals are those developed by a character for their own personal use. They are not published on the wiki, and to get a copy, one must beg, borrow, or steal it from the developer. These rituals may have unique mechanics or effects not available via the item maker. All unique rituals must be approved by the Rules Team. A given character may develop only one unique ritual per season, and development requires uptime activities with STs. Working out the final mechanics for a unique ritual is an interactive process between player and staff, and may take many months - player should not expect quick approval between games.


Characters may also develop their own rituals by using the itemmaker. Any ritual created via the itemmaker can be assumed approved by rules team. Time will still need to be spent in uptime or downtime to acquire the ritual and learn it, and there is a cooldown equal to the level of the ritual before you can bring another itemmaker ritual into game. Itemmaker rituals may not be designed to be more narrow than their magic type - they may not limited to only a particular species of fera or a particular clan of vampire, etc.


All player-created rituals, regardless of source or type, must include the following components:

  1. Name
  2. Requirements / Prerequisites
    • Type of Magic
    • Level of Rituals background
  3. Level
    • Determines how long it takes to learn the ritual.
  4. Cost
    • How much energy, Health, or WP
    • If energy, must correlate to type of magic
  5. Casting time
    • Minimum amount of time caster must spend to complete the ritual
  6. RP requirements
    • Minimum of four specific steps which must be repeated in the same order every time - the “ritualistic” part of the ritual.
    • Examples:
      • Create a ritual circle, bleed into a cup, kill a bird and eat its eyes, recite a poem.
      • Jump three times, wiggle your ears, lick your nose, clap your hands.
      • Touch a window, light a candle, say a phrase, blow out the candle.


All rituals must be written down, in English. They may be printed or handwritten. If handwritten, they must be reasonably legible. Rituals may be in a journal or other book. If the rituals are on loose, unbound paper, the paper may not be white. All copies of rituals must be initialed by Rules Team, Storytellers, or Check-in staff. Rituals are considered tagged props - they can be stolen and should not be stored outside in-game spaces.


Rituals that are cast on a location or on an item that might be handed off, must include a 3x5 card. Rituals that are cast on a person that have lasting effects, must have include either a 3x5 card, or have a visible indicator that is shatterable; the ritual ends if/when the indicator is removed or shattered.