
From Dark Prospects Rules
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This character receives money equivalent to this value at each attended game
Level 1) $0.15/game
Level 2) $0.35/game
Level 3) $0.60/game
Level 4) $0.90/game
Level 5) $1.25/game
At check-in for each attended game, a player will roll a 6 sided die. The following values correspond to the sides of the die, 1-6. They will receive money equivalent to this value at that session.
Level 1) $0.00/$0.06/$0.09/$0.12/$0.27/$0.45
Level 2) $0.00/$0.14/$0.21/$0.28/$0.63/$1.05
Level 3) $0.00/$0.24/$0.36/$0.48/$1.08/$1.80
Level 4) $0.00/$0.36/$0.54/$0.72/$1.62/$2.70
Level 5) $0.00/$0.50/$0.75/$1.00/$2.25/$3.75
This character receives money equivalent to this value at their first attended game
Level 1) $0.90
Level 2) $2.10
Level 3) $3.60
Level 4) $5.40
Level 5) $7.50
You have some tagged equipment (weapons, etc.) - these items may not be supernatural.
Level 1) 1 item
Level 2) 2 items
Level 3) 3 items
Level 4) 4 items
Level 5) 5 items
You own a supernatural item of some sort. To create an item, please see Items or Relics are considered Level 1 Items. At character creation you may not create more Items than you have levels in the Item Background, and no more than 2 Items may be the same Level.
Level 1) 1 level worth of items
Level 2) 2 levels worth of items
Level 3) 3 levels worth of items
Level 4) 4 levels worth of items
Level 5) 5 levels worth of items
You may use appropriate rituals at the level you have in the rituals background. If taken before character creation you may come in with any number of rituals where the ritual levels total the below values. You can create Custom Rituals using the same chart for Custom Items above. We also have pre-existing Rituals created by your Rules Team, which can be found at game or here: Please see the appropriate section of the book to determine if your character can take this Background.
Level 1) 1 level worth of Rituals
Level 2) 3 levels worth of Rituals
Level 3) 6 levels worth of Rituals
Level 4) 10 levels worth of Rituals
Level 5) 15 levels worth of Rituals
Hedge Mage only
This Background may be purchased multiple times. Each level of this background allows you to charge a single Talisman at that level while using the Infusion ritual, as well as Connect to an additional single Talisman at that level. Connection may be purchased multiple times. You may have any number of Connection trees at 5 dots each. You may have no more than two Connection trees with fewer than five dots at a given time.
Supernatural Knowledge
You may take this background as many types as you wish - specify the supernatural type of knowledge you would like. This background only applies to what knowledge you come into game with. Any knowledge gained in game is learned in game. Many character types start with "effective supernatural knowledge" - information regarding what knowledge is available can be found in the setting section of the wiki for each character type. If your character has effective supernatural knowledge, add the value of the effective knowledge to the purchased levels. Purchasing levels above 5 has no effect.
Level 1) You know that this type of supernatural exists and may have seen one once.
Level 2) You know the basics - their energy type and loosely know their organizational structure.
Level 3) You know some in-depth information and can name the common clans/tribes/legions. You may purchase specific tribe/clan/legion knowledge for a single supernatural type. The level of that knowledge may not exceed the level of the parent supernatural type’s knowledge.
Level 4) You know everything except the deep, dark secrets.
Level 5) You know all there is to know about this supernatural type.
You have a bond via your pack to some Gaian Spirit Totem creature.
Each rank of this background provides 1 point toward purchasing Powers for your Totem (see the Gaian Spirits section of the Rulebook for information). A Gaian Spirit may not be both a Totem and a Spirit Familiar. Gaian spirits may not take this background.
Spirit Familiar*
You have a bond to a Gaian Spirit.
Similar to the Totem background, but for a bond between yourself and a single spirit. Each rank of this background provides 1 point toward purchasing Powers for your Familiar (see the Gaian Spirits section of the Rulebook for information). Only one non-spirit character may be bound to any one spirit this way, and each character may only take this background once. Each rank of this background can be used to help purchase Totem Powers for your bound spirit. A Gaian Spirit may not be both a Totem and a Spirit Familiar. Gaian Spirits may not take this background.

* You may improve the backgrounds: Totem, Spirit Familiar, Income, Prospecting, Rituals, or Connection with experience after character creation. Please note that the Totem and Spirit Familiar backgrounds are *not* mutually exclusive. You may have a Totem (shared with a pack) and a Spirit Familiar (connected only to you) at the same time.