Changeling Rules

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Changelings are the leftovers of the bygone area of the Fae. As a Changeling, you have a little Fae in you, but you’ve got at least as much human.

Advantages to playing a Changeling:

  • Built in Birthright powers
  • Kith Forms provide advantages to your Birthrights
  • Partial Gauntlet Sight
  • Enchanting mechanics
  • Energy regeneration through creativity or nodes
  • Native Realm: Realm

Disadvantages to playing a Changeling

  • Vulnerable to “iron” attacks
  • Forgetting mechanics can cause temporary loss of powers
  • Banality can result in a permanent loss of powers
  • All levels of Non-Innate powers require a teacher
  • Only Nockers may create Fetish Items
  • Fragile Magic means that you cannot repeatedly use powers when someone resists them

Building a Changeling

  • Start by following the Universal Character Creation section in the Universal Character Information chapter and then…
  • Choose a Kith (listed below)
  • Choose 3 Arts as Innate Arts.
  • Fill in 10 points of Glamour (Changeling Energy)
  • Fill in 3 dots of Banality.
  • Spend 12 points on Arts.
  • Spend 18 points on Backgrounds.
  • Spend 10 points (freebies) anywhere you like on your sheet.

When purchasing powers as a Changeling, you must purchase them in order. In order to purchase a level 2 power, you must have purchased the level 1 of the same tree. To purchase a level 3 power, you must purchase the level 2 power from the same tree, etc.

Built-In Powers

Changelings come with a few built-in powers.

  • Create EnchantmentCreate Enchantment: Power: Create Enchantment - Expend an Energy to create an item which will Enchant targets who do not have access to Glamour, or provide Glamour to a target which uses the Glamour Energy Type.
  • Enchant ObjectEnchant Object: Create a 3x5 card with the following: "Enchantment, 1 hour - 1 WP to resist" - "You are Enchanted. Gain Enchanted Sight (see but not hear into umbra from realm) & Reduced Delirium (if affected by Delirium, respond as if your WP is at least 4) & Impunity toward [your name] (you may not attack unless they attack you first); 1 Willpower to resist. At the end of the effect Rationalize everything that happened while Enchanted and destroy this card. If resisted, destroy this card." At any point, you may offer any object to another individual. If they accept the object being offered, hand them the Enchantment card. They take the effects of the card unless they spend one Willpower to resist the entire effect. You may not store up enchanted objects; you may have only one ungifted enchanted object. Create a 3x5 card with the following: "Enchantment of <OBJECT>, 1 hour - 1 WP to resist" - "Gain Enchanted Sight (see but not hear into umbra from realm) & Reduced Delirium (if effected by Delirium, respond as if your WP is at least 4) & Impunity toward [your name] (you may not attack unless they attack you first); 1 Willpower to resist. At the end of the effect forget everything that happened while enchanted and destroy this card. If resisted, destroy this card." At any point, you may offer the Enchanted object to another individual. If a non-Changeling accepts the object being offered, hand them the Enchantment card, they take the effects of the card unless they spend one Willpower to resist the effect.
  • Enchanted VisionEnchanted Vision: Power: Enchanted Vision, No Cost, Always On. Provides visibility into the Umbra from the Realm, but not hearing.
  • Kith FormKith Form: Form. The Changeling pulls their chimerical form into substance. Each kith gains specific bonuses while their kith form is active. While in Kith Form, a Changeling loses their Fragile Magic weakness. However, if a Changeling drops to the dying state while in Kith Form, they immediately gain 1 permanent Banality, and they lose the mechanical benefits of Kith Form for the rest of the day (change out of Kith Form costuming at earliest convenience). A Changeling cannot gain Banality this way more than once per day. Use either a mask or other distinct costuming (such as removable beards or noses), represent your Kith. While in Kith Form gain Gauntlet Sight, No Cost, Always On, and Echo, No Cost, Always On. - Variable effect - see specific Kith for more information. 1 Willpower, Self, 1 hour The Changeling pulls their chimerical form into substance. Each kith gains specific bonuses while their kith form is active. While in Kith Form, a Changeling loses their Fragile Magic weakness. However, if a Changeling drops to the dying state while in Kith Form, they immediately gain 1 permanent Banality, and they lose the mechanical benefits of Kith Form for the rest of the day (change out of Kith Form costuming at earliest convenience). A Changeling cannot gain Banality this way more than once per day. Using either a mask or other distinct costuming (such as removable beards or noses), represent your Kith. While in Kith Form gain Gauntlet Sight, No Cost, Always On, and Echo, No Cost, Always On.
  • MuseMuse: Power: Muse - Instill in the target a desire to create something.
  • Muse RegenerationMuse Regeneration: You regain 1 Glamour per 5 minutes that you continuously observe a character creating art, such as writing, drawing, painting, performing music, or enthusiastically reciting a story. -


    While in the presence of a character creating art, telling a story, or creating a lasting change in their character’s relationships, the Changeling gains 1 Glamour every 10 minutes.
  • After being in the Dying state for 10 minutes, you may gain 1 permanent Banality and empty your Glamour pool to regain full Health. When you do, enter a Forgetting state. Otherwise, after 10 minutes in the dying state you die.

Changeling Pools

Glamour - The primary Changeling energy pool.
Disbelief - An anti-pool. Disbelief can eventually cause your Banality to increase. When the Disbelief pool reaches 10, gain 1 Banality and Disbelief resets to 0. Disbelief also increases any time you are hit for “iron” damage or whenever you reach 0 Glamour. At start of each game, your Disbelief is reset to zero.
Banality - Banality is your character’s inability to accept the fantastical. As long as Banality has not reached 10, once per game you may spend 3 XP at check-in to reduce your Banality by 1. Reaching 10 Banality kills the fae soul of the character; you lose access to all Changeling mechanics and revert to Mortal character sheet.

Ritual and Fetish Access

All Changelings have access to the Rituals background. Only Nockers may craft Fetishes; any Changeling may use Glamour Fetishes.

Regenerating Glamour

Nodes - Freeholds are Glamour nodes and are attackable.
Muse RegenerationMuse Regeneration: You regain 1 Glamour per 5 minutes that you continuously observe a character creating art, such as writing, drawing, painting, performing music, or enthusiastically reciting a story. - While in the presence of a character creating art, telling a story, or creating a lasting change in their character’s relationships, the Changeling gains 1 Glamour every 10 minutes.
Receiving an Enchanted Item - Receiving an Enchanted Object restores 1 Glamour and destroys the 3x5 card.
Any time you would gain Glamour, you may instead choose to reduce your Disbelief by that amount.

Fragile Magic

Whenever a target resists one of your Art powers, you may not use another Art for 10 seconds unless you give yourself 1 Disbelief.


In a Forgetting state, you lose access to all Arts, your Kith Form, and Birthrights. While in this state, you forget all about your Changeling half, and all supernatural knowledge is forgotten behind mundane explanations. Being brought to 0 Glamour or gaining a permanent Banality will cause a Forgetting state. On the plus side, you cannot gain Disbelief while in a Forgetting state. You may exit a Forgetting by receiving a single point of Glamour.

Arts - Choose 3 Trees

Changelings are a bit more flexible than most other types of supernaturals. Choose 3 Arts to be innate. If you purchase a Seelie art, you may not purchase a Shadow art, and vice versa. Choosing a Seelie art will define your nature as a Seelie changeling; one who honors the noble ideals of the Dreaming. Choosing a Shadow art will define your Changeling as someone who serves the nightmare aspect of the Dreaming.

Learning New Arts



Your character comes with Birthright powers based on their Kith. These powers are available at any time, but may be affected by being in Kith Form. Birthrights are tied directly to your Kith.


Creative CraftingCreative Crafting: During game outside of combat, you may go to ST camp and buy any craft skill item at its base money cost to create., No Cost, Once a day, buy an item in ST camp at crafting cost
Has a KnackHas a Knack: During Check-in, you may purchase up to 3 items for only their base creation cost. If you use this ability to create an item which requires a recipe that you don’t possess, it costs double base money cost to create instead., No Cost, During Check-in, craft 3 items of any kind
Sense AuraSense Aura: Mental, Instant, Sensory. Use the sig call "Sense Aura", you may ask the target their current strongest emotion, if they are supernatural, if they are your Type, if they are under a ritual effect, or if they have any magic items on them., 1 Glamour, Other
Kith Flaw
Gain 2 Disbelief if you refuse to help someone who seems to be in genuine need.
Kith Form
Your kith form should be a mask or prosthetics with exaggerated eyebrows, nose, and/or beard.
After 1 active hour in your Kith Form you may use Creative Crafting a second time per day. While in your Kith Form Sense Aura costs 1 less Glamour, bringing it to 0.
QuickenQuicken: Use the sig call: “Quicken, Double passive energy regeneration” - the target receives double regeneration from all time based and passive sources., No Cost, Self+Others, "While I tell my tale"
Shadows By FirelightShadows By Firelight: Power: Shadows By Firelight, 2 Glamour, Other, Can effect 1 target and 1 more for every 5 powers purchased.
InspirationInspiration: Use the sig call: "Inspiration: [target] gain 1 Willpower" - defined targets within 10 feet regain 1 Willpower., No Cost, Other, 1x/4h, Must spend at least 1 minute telling an inspiring story or giving advice.
Kith Flaw
Must spend 1 Willpower to resist a chance to hear or tell a story.
Kith Form
Wear a mask inspired by those worn in an african or middle eastern culture, or wear vibrant and unnatural contact lenses.
While in Kith Form the cost of Shadows By Firelight is reduced by 1. If you remain in Kith Form for the duration, the cooldown on inspiration is halved.

RiggingRigging: Receive a single free tag of any type once each game. Tags created with Rigging should receive a Rigging label, which has the word “Rigging” and the game or date written on it. When using Rigging to create a Fetish item, this item must be created using the ItemMaker during check-in and the caster must reduce their maximum Glamour and Willpower pools by a combined total equal to the level of the Fetish. This power may not be used to create a Fetish item that uses the same power more than once every 6 games. Tags created with Rigging expire and must be destroyed at the end of game., No Cost, Self, Receive a single free tag of any type per game. See Flaw. Tags created with rigging should receive a label with the word “Rigging” written on them. When using Rigging to create a magic item, this item must be able to be created using the ItemMaker and the caster must reduce their maximum pools by a total of the item level of the item spread across their pools. This power may not be used to create a magic item that uses the same power more than once every 6 games.
Trash is TreasureTrash is Treasure: Target may use any single untagged weapon as if it were a basic tagged version of the same item. If another player asks to see or use the item they should note that it lacks a tag and is thus unusable. Gaian Spirits may use any item they bring back with Trash is Treasure in any realm. Firearms still do not work in the Umbra. You may only use any given untagged item once per weekend this way, though it can be used by another person when you’re done. We won’t hold it against you if you accidentally use the same weapon twice because someone hands you something you already used but didn’t realize. Just try to keep it in mind. You may extend the duration of this power to 6 hours with the expenditure of 1 Willpower., 2 Glamour, self, 10 minutes, must spend 10 seconds threatening item into working
Chimerical CreationChimerical Creation: This power allows you to create a Glamour Fetish for the next game you attend. Write an index card with the Text: “Chimerical Creation, Description: <Prop Description>, Power: <Fetish Power>, Level: <Fetish Level>” and put it into a check-out box. When you receive the Fetish tag during check-in at the next game, reduce your maximum Glamour by 1 for each level of the Fetish, and your Maximum Willpower by 1 for that entire game., must reduce maximum Glamour & Willpower by 1 per item level until End of Game. Increase the Item level by 1 with no cost if a Talen with the desired power is expended in the Item construction. Creates a permanent Glamour Fetish Item. STs may add a flaw to the item. If they do, they should increase the level or otherwise alter the variables of the Fetish created this way.
Kith Flaw
Item created with Rigging must have their tags destroyed at End of Game.
Kith Form
Wear a white mask with bright blush, or stage makeup that achieves that effect.
While in Kith Form the cost of Protect Item is reduced by 1, and items you carry are immune to Disarm, Shatter, and Claim Item. If you remain in Kith form for an hour an roleplay crafting for a majority of this time, both the Willpower and Glamour cost for Chimerical Creation is reduced by 1 as long as its cost remains above 0.
Animal FormAnimal Form: Form. Carry a small animal prop wrapped in an orange OOG ribbon. When you use this power, take the orange ribbon off the prop, and put on an orange headband onto the target. The target now controls the animal prop as their character’s new form. While using this form, the character cannot use a weapon prop of any kind, and cannot deal weapon damage. They can still use mental, status, and self powers, and may deliver non-attack touch powers through the prop. While in this form and in the realm, the character in this form may not speak verbally. They may speak normally while in the umbra, or may communicate via powers such as Telepathy., 1 Glamour, Self, Unlimited Duration. Carry a small animal prop wrapped in an orange OOG ribbon. When you use this power, take the orange ribbon off the prop and put it onto your head. You now control the animal prop as your character’s new form. While using this form, you cannot use a weapon prop of any kind, and cannot deal weapon damage. You can still use mental, status, and self powers, and may deliver non-attack touch powers through the prop. While in this form and in the realm, you may not speak verbally. You may speak normally while in the umbra, or may communicate via powers such as Telepathy.
ReminisceReminisce: Mental. Use the sig call "Reminisce: I am an old friend" - the target believes they have known you for a long time but does not know any details they may not already have known - they simply have vague memories of knowing you for a long time., 2 Glamour, other, 10 minutes
ScroungeScrounge: Visit ST camp. Spend the described amount and notify the storytellers that you are using Scrounge. Receive a single-use item from ST camp. While at ST camp for the use of this power, you may not gain energy via any means., No Cost, 1x/day
Kith Flaw
Must spend a willpower in order to provide a direct truthful response to a question.
Kith Form
Your kith form should have the features of your pooka’s animal type, such as a tail, ears, or wings, but not an animal mask. While in your Kith Form, the cost of Reminisce is reduced by 1. If you remain active in game for 10 minutes while in your Kith Form you may use Scrounge twice instead of once while at ST camp.
ShatterShatter: Physical. Destroy a tagged item by touching it with a physical attack. Use the sig call "Shatter.", 3 Glamour, Any Item
SnarlSnarl: Mental, Signaled, Disable. Hold your arm straight toward a target with your index finger pointed straight down and use the sig call "Snarl: Kneel before me." The target must kneel in place, is unable to attack in any way, and cannot speak louder than a quiet voice unless prompted by the power user. This power additionally ends if the user steps away., 1 Glamour, Other, 10 minutes
Devour BodyDevour Body: Physical. Touch a Dying target, make an audible 30 count of "Devouring Body". Once you reach the 30 count, the target's body is destroyed. They must go immediately to ST camp. The user of this ability is restored to full health and restores 3 in all Energy pools they possess., 3 Glamour, Other, 30 seconds.
Kith Flaw
Can’t turn down a challenge without expending willpower
Kith Form
Your Kith form should be frightening and have large teeth, whether prosthetics or a mask. Blood on the scalp or a blood red cap are usually present in the Kith form.
While in your Kith Form, the cost of devour Body is reduced by 2. You may use Shatter a single time per day for no cost, providing you are holding the item you wish to shatter.
Hardened FleshHardened Flesh: Call "Hardened Flesh" to activate this effect. You may not take more than 2 damage from each hit for the duration of this power., 1 Glamour, self, 1 hour
Healing Touch 2Healing Touch 2: Power: Healing Touch 2, self, no cost, 1x/minute, when you imbibe alcohol, moonshine, or any drug.
Create EnchantmentCreate Enchantment: Power: Create Enchantment, no cost, 1x/hour, after 5 minutes of performing or intimately engaging with someone (dancing, singing, poetry, sex, etc..)
Kith Flaw
Must gain 1 Disbelief in order to turn down substances (drugs, alcohol) for 10 minutes.
Kith Form
To indicate your Kith form, you should wear goat or ram horns. You may additionally wear fur leggings and hooves.
While in your Kith Form, your Hardened Flesh birthright is always on, no cost. You are also immune to drug overdose and addiction mechanics.
FascinationFascination: Mental, Signaled, Disable. Use the sig call "Fascination: While we converse" or "Fascination: While I entertain". As long as you can maintain your end of a conversation or otherwise provide entertainment the target must keep their attention focused on you and may not attack you. You may not initiate power usage while this power is in use., 1 Glamour, Other, signaled
CharmCharm: Mental. Use the sig call: "Charm: You like me". The target should roleplay generally positive feelings towards the user, acquiescing to reasonable requests, defending them if attacked (so long as doing so does not put them in substantial danger) and supporting their goals when doing so does not run counter to the target’s own interests. The target is not unfailingly obedient and is not required to undertake substantial risks on behalf of the user. Charm breaks early if the user or her allies physically attacks the target. If you have learned this power on one of your power trees, it may be used at no energy cost once every ten minutes., 1 Glamour, Other, 10 minutes
ResistResist: You may call resist to the power(s) described on the power descriptor line.: Status, 2 Glamour, Self
Kith Flaw
All Disbelief gains are increased by 1
Kith Form
To indicate you Kith form, you should wear elf- or faerie-like prosthetics, such as strange contacts, gossamer wings, or pointed ears.
While in your Kith Form, the cost of Fascination, Charm, and Resist: Status are reduced by 1, minimum 0.
Cloak SightCloak Sight: Buff, Sight. You may see any individual with the cloak hand sign up who is in a realm you can see; you are are aware they are cloaked, and can target them normally., 1 Glamour, Self, 10 minutes
Bypass 3Bypass 3: Power: Bypass 3, 1 Glamour, Self, 10 minutes, only usable when exiting an enclosed space.
Escape BondEscape Bond: You may remove any mundane restraint (such as rope, handcuffs, a bear-trap, or a straight jacket), or you may remove a grapple or bind foot effect. If used out of combat, you may do so in a whisper., 1 Glamour, Self
Kith Flaw
Must speak softly. If the character ever speaks loudly or yells, they gain one disbelief.
Kith Form
To indicate you Kith form, you should wear gaunt make-up or an undead mask, we also recommend a black or white wig.
While in your Kith Form, the cost of Cloak Sight, Bypass 3, and Slip Bond are reduced by 1 to no cost.
Augment 2Augment 2: Power: Augment 2, 1 Glamour, Self, 1 hour
Health IncreaseHealth Increase: Increase your maximum health by the amount given on the power descriptor line. This ability stacks with other instances of Health Increase, but you cannot use the same source of Health Increase twice (each use must come from a different power tree location.) This power also increases your current health if your current health is at more than half of your maximum pool. 5, 1 glamour, self, 1 hour
ResistResist: You may call resist to the power(s) described on the power descriptor line.: (Terror, Snarl, Turncoat), 1 glamour, self
Kith Flaw
You lose access to Kith Form and all of your birthrights if you have no active Ritual Contracts.
Kith Form
To indicate you Kith form, you should wear a mask or makeup with horns and blue-ish skin.
While in your Kith Form, your Augment and Health Increase Birthrights are always on, no cost.

ARTS Choose 3 Arts to be Innate. If you purchase a Seelie Art, you may not purchase a Shadow art, and vice versa.

Changeling Powers: Arts



The art of illusions and obfuscation.

Level 1) CloakCloak: Buff. Use the cloak hand sign: place your hand in front of your face, palm inward, fingers spread. You are considered invisible except to the power Cloak Sight. You cannot be targeted by a character who cannot see you, but you are affected by mass powers.You may not move your feet, speak, use any power which requires your character to speak, or take any aggressive action aside from Mental powers while using this power. This power has a 1 minute cooldown., NC, no cost, self & Silent Voice, 1 Glamour, Other, 1 card
Level 2) UnseenUnseen: While in Cloak, spend the required energy, you may choose to move. If you leave Cloak then this power ends. You may use this power with Mass Cloak with no cost increase., 1 glamour, self & Instill emotion, 1 Glamour, Other
Level 3) Forgetful MindForgetful Mind: Mental, Instant. Use the signature call “Forgetful Mind” - the target forgets the last 10 minutes of in-game activity., 1 Glamour, Other & Resist: Any sense power, 1 glamour, self
Level 4) LoveLove: Mental. Use the sig call: "Love me". The target is overcome with love, respect, and adoration for you. The target will protect you to the best of their ability, but will not necessarily sacrifice their life for yours. The target is inclined to do things you ask, short of inflicting harm to themselves or others.(This power has been replaced by Entrancement), 1 Glamour, Other, 10 minutes
Level 5) Mass CloakMass Cloak: Physical. Place one hand from up to 2 targets on your shoulders, call “Mass Cloak”, then you and the associated targets use the cloak hand sign; place your hand in front of your face, palm inward, fingers spread. If either of those targets take an action or speak then they leave cloak. If you leave cloak, all targets leave cloak. If you wish to bring a target into cloak without leaving cloak, you may bring that target’s hand to your shoulder assuming you are able to. Cost is per target and must be spent each time you place a hand on your shoulder., 1 Glamour, 1-2 others

The art of navigating the Dreaming and shaping its denizens.

Level 1) Gauntlet GraspGauntlet Grasp: You may pick up an item from the other side of the Gauntlet, or may attempt to open a closed door while in the Umbra. Locked doors are still locked in the Umbra. Opening doors does not cost Energy., No cost & ExorcismExorcism: Mental, Instant. This ability has two uses. One, touch a target you believe is possessed, call “Exorcism: leave this vessel now” - if the target is being possessed then the possessor must leave the body and the target falls unconscious as if affected by Merciful Sleep. The second is usable only indoors. Use the call “Exorcism: All in the Umbra leave this room now” - all beings in the Umbra must do as commanded and leave the room. They may not return for the next 10 minutes as long as they remain in the Umbra., 1 Glamour, other
Level 2) BreachBreach: You may use the described power Cross-gauntlet. Use the sig call “Breach:” preceding your normal sig call. Unless otherwise specified, you may also use the power without the Breach call to use it in your current realm. If the power you are using over Breach has its own cost, you must also pay the cost of that power.: Any Power you possess, 1 Glamour
Level 3) Gauntlet StrikeGauntlet Strike: Physical. You may use your melee or brawl attacks across the Gauntlet. You must call “Gauntlet Strike” before calling the melee attack damage., 1 Glamour, Other & Gunbreach, 1 Glamour, Other
Level 4) ShuntShunt: Mental, Instant. Force another target into or out of the Umbra. If the target is entering the Umbra you must be able to provide the white headband., 1 Glamour, self/other & Summon Spirit, 1 Glamour, other, 10 minutes
Level 5) ConvergenceConvergence: Equip a distinctively orange and white striped headband - you may achieve this effect by twisting your white and orange headbands if you do not have another headband available, as long as the striping is clearly visible and discernible. In addition to the headband, you may optionally wear a green glowstick to help indicate this power in dark conditions. A character affected by this power exists in both the Realm and the Umbra at the same time. Characters who are Native Realm: Realm behave as they normally do in the Realm. Characters who are Native Realm: Umbra behave mechanically as if under the effects of Materialize. Being shunted ends this effect and returns you to your native realm., 3 Glamour, self/ other & Gauntletfallen, no cost, self, 1x/hour

The art of thievery and sleight of hand.

Level 1) Bind FootBind Foot: Status. Throw a packet with the call "Bind Foot". The affected target may not move from their current location., 1 Glamour, Other
Level 2) ConcealConceal: You may wrap a number of tagged items described in your power descriptor line with an orange band, making them out of game. If the power does not describe a number, then you may do this with a single item. If someone searches you for tagged items you do not need to turn these items over. If you do this with a weapon and a concealed weapon check is used on you, you may answer “no” regarding that weapon. If you have other weapons on you, you must still answer “yes”. In order to use an item that was previously Concealed, you must first remove the orange band., 1 Glamour, self, cost is per item, up to 3 items
Level 3) Subtle ForceForce: Physical, Subtle. Throw a packet to deal up to 3 melee damage at range. Use sig call “Subtle Force [number]” where number is the number of damage you wish to cause. The target is aware they have taken damage, but not the source. This ability cannot receive a benefit from augment. 3, 1 Glamour, Other
Level 4) Borrow PowerBorrow Power: Physical, Touch. You may use a single power that you know the target has once. Use the sig call: "Thieving Talons - Borrow Power: [power name]". The target will respond with the cost. You must spend 1 of the called resource type - energy, willpower, health - immediately in addition to the cost of this power. Convert the resource type to your native type if possible. If you do not have an equivalent resource (mortals borrowing rage powers, etc...), you may not use the power. You may not use this power to borrow a power you already own, nor may you borrow Thieving Talons; you may have only one borrowed power at a time. Powers without durations (unlimited, always on) or self powers with durations longer than 10 minutes are reduced to 10 minutes. You may not borrow the same power twice in any given hour., 1 Glamour, Other
Level 5) Claim ItemClaim Item: Mental, Special. You may take a tagged item from another character. You must be able to see the actual item to use this power, the item cannot be in the target’s hand. Use the sig call: "Claim Item: You never had this", touch the item. The target does not remember ever having had this tagged item or that you took it. Other characters may. This effect lasts until the end of the game weekend., 3 Glamour, Other & Rebuild Item, 3 Glamour, 1x/day

The art of physical transformations.

Level 1) VisageVisage: After a 10 count, you may alter your outward appearance; equip or remove any mask or prosthetic including mantles that represents another power. You may wear any other mask or prosthetic that you wish; if you equip an item you do not get the benefits of that power. You may remove any mask, mantle, or prosthetic that you wish; if you remove an item that is a requirement for a power, pause any timers and suppress all effects of the associated power. The power returns at its original timers when you release Visage, requiring you to restore any props required. You may also remove any costuming requirements while this is in effect. Using this power *only* to remove costume requirements has no cost. If this effect was used on you, you may cancel it after its minimum duration., 1 Glamour, self/other, 10 minutes, enforced
Level 2) Revert FormRevert Form: Special, Touch. Use the Sig Call: "Revert to True Form", touch the target. They are Forced to revert to their natural form. If a homid Shifter, Vampire, Wraith, or Mortal they remove any masks or prosthetics mantles, claws, or tentacles they have equipped. If a Metis or Lupus shifter, any Gaian Spirit, or anything else that naturally reverts to an animal state, they must equip their masks, prosthetics, mantles, claws, and/or tentacles as appropriate. Revert Form removes and cancels Frozen Form., 1 glamour, other, 60 seconds & frozen form, 1 Glamour, other, 10 minutes
Level 3) Animal FormAnimal Form: Form. Carry a small animal prop wrapped in an orange OOG ribbon. When you use this power, take the orange ribbon off the prop, and put on an orange headband onto the target. The target now controls the animal prop as their character’s new form. While using this form, the character cannot use a weapon prop of any kind, and cannot deal weapon damage. They can still use mental, status, and self powers, and may deliver non-attack touch powers through the prop. While in this form and in the realm, the character in this form may not speak verbally. They may speak normally while in the umbra, or may communicate via powers such as Telepathy., self/other, 1 hour minimum, enforced
Level 4) War FormWar Form: Form. Equip a mask designated by this power. This power lasts until deactivated unless otherwise specified. Falling unconscious while in this form reverts you to your natural form. Remember that while wearing an animal mask you inflict the Delirium effect on mortals. While in this form, gain access to the powers Resist: Mental, 3 Energy, Self and Aggravated Damage, 1 Energy, Other, 1 brawl attack - if you have two Energy Types, use the Primary with these powers. (any animal mask) + Claws, 1 Glamour, self/other, 1 hour minimum, enforced
Level 5) Persistent: any power this tree, +1 Glamour, 24 hours & Trigger: Any power this tree, +1 Glamour, when specified condition is met

The art of raw elemental creation and destruction.

Level 1) ElementElement: Physical. Throw a packet with the sig call: “[name of element] [amount of damage]” (Example: Fire 3). If the element is not defined, you may use any of the 4 Western elements (Earth, Air, Fire, Water) or the five Eastern elements (Fire, Earth, Water, Wood, Metal) - you must choose which elemental system you intend to use before ever using this ability and should not switch between them. If this power levels this amount increases by 1 for every level you purchase in its associated power tree past where it was obtained, to a maximum 4. 1 (any), levels, 1 Glamour, other & Sense Item, no cost
Level 2) Healing TouchHealing Touch: Touch the target and use the sig call “Healing Touch [x]”. The target of this power is healed for the amount designated on your power descriptor line. If this power levels this amount increases by 1 for every level you purchase in its associated power tree past where it was obtained, to a maximum 4. 1, levels, 1 Glamour, other
Level 3) ArmorArmor: Place your hands on an in-game shirt, worn or unworn (if worn, get permission from the player) - this item must not be tagged Armor. Make a 3 count of "Creating Armor", then spend the described amount for every 2 armor pool you wish to infuse the item with. This armor lasts up to 24 hours.. This armor, once lost, cannot be repaired. Attach a 3x5 to the shirt with: “Armor: [your name], [your character's name], [the start time], [the end time], and [the total amount of armor provided]”. No target may have more than 10 armor pool added this way., 1 Glamour, self/ other
Level 4) Deadly StrikeDeadly Strike: Physical. You may spend energy to strike for 4 damage with a brawl or melee weapon. Note that this is not an Augment ability and can be used even if you may not use Augment., 1 Glamour, other
Level 5) Elemental FormElemental Form: Form. Equip a mask that clearly represents the element you are going to be using. You become immune to all damaging effects for the specified duration and may throw Element 4 for that element at no cost during that time. Call “Immune” when an effect you are immune to is used on you., 3 Glamour, self, 10 minutes, 1x/day

The art of divination and luck manipulation.

Level 1) Sense SupernaturalSense Supernatural: Mental, Instant, Sensory. If a type is not specified on the power descriptor line then you may use the sig call: “Sense Supernatural: Are you a supernatural creature?” - you may not ask the type. If a type is specified, you may ask “Sense Supernatural: Are you a [type]?” - the target must respond truthfully. A supernatural creature is any character not written on a Mortal character sheet. If "any" is listed in the power description, or if multiple supernatural types are listed, you must choose one type each time you use the power., 1 Glamour, other & VisionsVisions: Send the target to ST camp to obtain a Vision. Instruct them to provide your name and request a Vision., self, 1/day
Level 2) TelepathyTelepathy: Mental, Special. Use the telepathy hand sign, hand with first 3 fingers closed, thumb and pinky spread. Look into the eyes of your target - the target may refuse Telepathy by simply not returning the gesture for no cost. Speak in a whisper or very soft voice - your target will hear your voice in their mind. Others who see this should ignore your communication., 1 glamour, other, 10 minutes
Level 3) ClairvoyanceClairvoyance: Other, Irresistible. As Astral Projection, except that you equip an orange headband and may only visit a character who you believe is friendly to you, a target who you can currently see, or the thing defined on the power descriptor line. You may follow the target, listening and seeing what they do for up to 10 minutes at which point you must return to your body. While traveling to or from the target you may not overhear or oversee events. While this power is active you may not use any powers except for Possessing Heal - you are only able to follow, listen, and watch. This power is not usable in combat., 2 Glamour, other & Cloak SightCloak Sight: Buff, Sight. You may see any individual with the cloak hand sign up who is in a realm you can see; you are are aware they are cloaked, and can target them normally., 1 Glamour, self, 10 minutes
Level 4) Sense DeeplySense Deeply: Mental, Instant, Sensory. Use the sig call "Deep Sense" - you may ask the target three of the following questions: their current Willpower rating, if they are under a Mental Effect, how many ritual effects they are under, if they have Magic Susceptibility, If they have the Infernalist effect on them, or if they are under a Blood Bond, Charm, Love, or Obsession. Shifters, Gaian Spirits, and Kinfolk may ask if the target is Kinfolk. Vampires and Ghouls may ask the target's Path, Path rating, if they have committed Diablerie, or if they are a Ghoul. You may use this power multiple times on a single target to ask 3 questions for each expenditure., 1 Glamour, other & Watcher SightWatcher Sight: You may see characters in orange headbands who are either following another individual or are stationary. This allows you to see individuals using Clairvoyance or Possession. If a player is out of costume or obviously not playing a character, this power does not allow you to see them. A player wearing an orange headband who is truly out of game (if you're not sure) may clarify their out of game status by flashing or maintaining a second Out Of Game signal., 1 Glamour, self, 10 minutes
Level 5) {{PowerTip|Magic Awareness, NC & CounterkillCounterkill: Other. Upon having your health reduced to 0 you may call "Counterkill". Your killer's health is instantly reduced to 0. This effect cannot be resisted. Counterkill cannot be used in conjunction with other powers and must be the last power used. Using Counterkill reduces all of your character's pools to 0 and applies Aggravated Damage to your character., 1x/day, other, Empty glamour pool and enter forgetting state.

The art of travel and haste.

Level 1) AugmentAugment: Increase that damage you deal with brawl and melee attacks by 1 unless otherwise specified. You may not increase your damage above 4. This ability stacks with other instances of Augment, but you cannot use the same source of Augment twice (each use must come from a different power tree location.) + EnhanceEnhance: Increases your damage with bows, firearms, and thrown weapons by 1 to a maximum of 4. This ability stacks with other instances of Enhance, but you cannot use the same source of Enhance twice (each use must come from a different power tree location.), 1 Glamour, self, 1 minute
Level 2) {{PowerTip|Bypass 2, levels, No cost, self, always on & Hasty EscapeHasty Escape: Cross your arms over your chest in an “X”. As long as you take no action other than moving away from enemy targets as quickly as you safely can you will take no damage. This power has a 1 minute cooldown., 1 Glamour, self, 10 minutes
Level 3) ResistResist: You may call resist to the power(s) described on the power descriptor line. (physical, damage), 1 Glamour, self
Level 4) VanishVanish: Target must go Out of Game for no more than the duration and no less than 1 second under the duration. This does not break Mental or movement impairing effects, otherwise the target may move as normal during the time they are OOG., 1 Glamour, self, 6 seconds
Level 5) TeleportTeleport: Physical. Touch the target, call "Teleport: [location]" where the location is defined on the power descriptor line. The target must go out of game, then go to the nearest of that defined location type they know of. If you are within 10 feet of that location and there is another one, then they may choose to go to the next nearest.: Node, 2 Glamour, self/other

SEELIE ARTS If you purchase any levels of a Seelie Art then you may not purchase any levels of a Shadow Art.


The Art of changing perceptions of time. It is almost exclusively held by the Sidhe. Or it was at one time. Or it will be?

Level 1) ConfusionConfusion: Mental. Use the sig call: “Confusion” For the next 10 minutes the target cannot fathom what's happening around them - it is as if they are a child learning about the world for the first time. When this period ends the target returns to normal, forgetting the time they were under the Confusion effect., 1 Glamour, Other, 10 minutes & {{PowerTip|Sense Liability, 1 Glamour, other
Level 2) ClarityClarity: Mental, Instant. Remove any single Mental Effect or Dream effect or shut off a Derangement - if shutting off a Derangement it cannot be reactivated again for 10 minutes., 1 Glamour, Other
Level 3) ParalyzeParalyze: Mental, Disable. Use the sig call "Paralyze" and designate a target. For the duration the target may not move their body. Characters under this effect may move their head and speak, as well as use mental effects, self powers, and resist powers. Resisted effects will not end this power., 1 Glamour, Other, 10 minutes
Level 4) ResistResist: You may call resist to the power(s) described on the power descriptor line.: any packet or projectile, 2 Glamour, self
Level 5)

ExtendExtend: This power has two uses. The first will Extend the duration of a power designated on the power descriptor line. Prefix your sig call with "Extend:". Powers modified by Extend may only be used with hostile intent. The alternate usage clears the Extend effect from the target. To use this form, use the sig call "Remove Extend" and designate the target. If the power has more than 10 minutes remaining then the remaining time is halved. Removing an Extend does not remove the effect itself.: any power currently affecting a target,

1 Glamour, other, +10 minutes

The art of deciphering runes and True Names to bolster allies.

Level 1)

Read allRead all: Power: Read all, No cost, self, always on

& Sense PoolSense Pool: Mental, Instant, Sensory. Use sig call: "Sense:" followed by the name of the pool, as described on the power descriptor line, the target should reply with their current Pool level or “Resist”, or "No Effect" if they don't have that pool.: Glamour, 1 Glamour, other
Level 2) Tool UsageTool Usage: Other. After a 10 count of "attuning" the character gains the ability to use a single, specific, non-magical item that they do not have the Ability for. The ability to use this item lasts the duration of the power., 2 Glamour, self, 10 minutes, after 10 count ‘attuning’
Level 3) Sense First FormSense First Form: Mental, Instant, Sensory. Use the Sig call: "Sense First Form", target must answer "Man", "Metis", "Beast", or if a Gaian Spirit, the thing that they are a spirit of. If they don't have an additional form, they answer with what they appear to be. In most cases, this will be "Man.", 1 Glamour, other & Protect itemProtect item: Power: Protect item, 1 Glamour, any tagged item, end of game
Level 4) Shared StrengthShared Strength: Grant the allowed power(s) to another target for up to 1 hour unless otherwise specified on the power descriptor line. Shared Strength may only be used to grant one power per use. The cost listed is to use the Shared Strength power itself. You must also pay the cost of the power described. In the ItemMaker, this means the cost of the unmodified item. In a power tree, this is the cost of the power in that tree. If the power is not located in that tree, there is no additional cost. If the power can be used multiple times during that hour, you must spend energy per use you wish to give. Notify the player with sig call: “Shared Strength: [power name] [number] uses [time]”. The target does not *need* to use the power if they do not wish to. You may not give Shared Strength as a power. Shared Strength is freely resistible.: AugmentAugment: Increase that damage you deal with brawl and melee attacks by 1 unless otherwise specified. You may not increase your damage above 4. This ability stacks with other instances of Augment, but you cannot use the same source of Augment twice (each use must come from a different power tree location.), 1 Glamour, self/other, 1 hour
Level 5) GuardianGuardian: Physical. Touch as many as 2 willing targets - they may not take damage as long as you remain in contact with them. They cannot attack, or use Abilities or Powers, but may break contact to do so. If you wish to bring them back to this damage immunity, you must spend another will. The user of this power may still be damaged., 1 Willpower per target, other, Touch, 10 minutes

The art of ruling. Originally held by the Sidhe, but now commoners in authority practice it as well.

Level 1) CommandCommand: Mental, Signaled, Disable. Use the sig call "Command: [single word]" in conjunction with the command hand signal. The target must attempt to complete the command as given to the best of their understanding. The target must continue to attempt to enact this command for as long as the hand signal is maintained, or until they are out of line of sight from the user. Example commands are: “Dance”, “Duck”, “Come”, “Follow”, “Stop”, "Leave". If the command is nonsensical or impossible to achieve, the target may choose to either attempt to do so anyways, or may stand still and think about how they could do so for the duration., no cost, other, signaled & Swollen TongueSwollen Tongue: Status. Throw a packet and use the sig call: “Swollen Tongue”, if it connects the target is unable to use words; they cannot use powers with spoken sig-calls (such as Obedience) or Rituals. If under the effect of this ability, you may make noise, but not words., 1 Glamour, other, 60 seconds
Level 2) ObedienceObedience: Mental. Lasts 10 minutes or until task is completed, whichever comes first. Use the sig call "Obedience: [command less than 10 words]" in conjunction with the command hand signal. The target must attempt to complete the command as given. This power cannot be used to force a character to do anything that would obviously cause them to suffer damage, change their state of consciousness, or prevent them from defending themselves when attacked., 1 glamour, other, 10 minutes
Level 3) Ward DoorWard Door: Attach a 3x5 card to a door with the following text: “This Door Is Warded [start time], [duration], Spend [cost] to enter”. Unless otherwise specified, this power lasts for 2 hours. You may expend additional energy to increase the duration by 1 hour per energy spent. None may not pass through this door from the warded side without spending the required pool or being invited. In order to invite another character, you must remain within touch range of the door. If the power descriptor line lists a type and target cost, adjust the text to: “This Door Is Warded against [type] [start time], [duration], Spend [cost] to enter”. The target type must spend the required pool to pass through the door from the warded side or be invited., 2 Glamour per door, up to 2 doors
Level 4) Blatant Persistent GoalBlatant Persistent Goal: Power: Blatant Persistent Goal, 2 glamour, other, 24 hours & ResistResist: You may call resist to the power(s) described on the power descriptor line. Mental, 2 Glamour, self
Level 5) MajestyMajesty: Hold your arms down and outward, palms forward. None may take any aggressive action against you. You may not run while using this power, you may only move at a walking pace. You may not attack while this power is active. This power has a 1 minute cooldown., 1 Glamour, self, 60 seconds

SHADOW ARTS If you purchase any levels of a Shadow Art then you cannot purchase any levels of a Seelie Art.


The art of undermining nobility and inciting darker natures.

Level 1) ImpunityImpunity: Use the Sig: "Impunity, you may not attack me". Your target may not attack you for what you say no matter what you say to them, even if they enter Frenzy, unless already doing so. If the target is already attacking you, or already in Frenzy, we wish you the best of luck in surviving your ordeal. While not technically a Disable, this effect breaks on the same conditions as Disable effects., 1 glamour, other, 10 minutes
Level 2) EnrageEnrage: Mental, Instant. If the target is capable of Rage Frenzy, causes the target to enter Rage Frenzy - you will be the first target of their Beast’s onslaught., 1 glamour, other & Induce Catharsis, 1 glamour, other
Level 3) Ward WalkingWard Walking: For the duration of this power, you may pass through wards that would otherwise affect you as if they did not exist., 2 Glamour, self, 10 minutes
Level 4) TurncoatTurncoat: Mental. Sig Call: "Turncoat, you are my ally" The allegiances of the target switch entirely. The target must attempt to fulfill the goals of the user of this power by whatever means are available. The target must defend and heal the allies of the power user, and attempt to defeat the enemies of the power user to the best of their ability. The target will be inclined to follow the orders of the power user, but will act to the benefit of the power user even when orders and objectives are unclear. This power cannot force a character to directly injure themselves or to kill another fallen character. This power ends when the target is dropped unconscious. After the effect of this power ends, the target may come to the conclusion that their actions were somehow manipulated, but not necessarily how or by whom without reason.(This power has been replaced by Entrancement), 2 Glamour, other, 10 minutes & Resist MentalResist Mental: Power: Resist Mental, 2 Glamour, self
Level 5) Mass RiotMass Riot: Power: Mass Riot, 2 glamour, all in 10 feet, 10 minutes

The art of contorting the Mists which hide the Fae.

Level 1) Think on ThatThink on That: Mental, Disable. Use the sig call: “Mediate on: [subject]” where the subject is something you know has happened that this character knows about - can be a past action, something the characters affected, or failed to effect., 1 glamour, other, 10 minutes, past action
Level 2) Truth in LiesTruth in Lies: This power provides a foil to Honesty. When commanded to give an Honest answer through powers or rituals you may answer with a falsehood., 1 Glamour, self, 10 minutes & Instill DesireInstill Desire: Mental. Use the sig call: “Instill desire: [an identifiable person or object physically at game]” - for the duration of this power the target will try to obtain that person or object, whatever that means to them. If the duration of this power is 'persistent', you may simplify the sig call to 'Persistent: Desire'., 1 Glamour, Other, 10 minutes
Level 3) DisplaceDisplace: Mental, Instant. After using a power or causing damage to a target, point at a second target and use the sig call: "Displace: They did it" - the target of the original power is affected as though the power or damage came from the second target, even if they might not otherwise be able to sense that a power was used. Any resource or answer is returned to the caster., 1 Glamour, other
Level 4) ShadowstepShadowstep: While not in combat you may step into a shadow, go out of game, immediately travel to any other shadow within line of sight, then return to game. During this travel time you may not open any doors, nor retain any information you overhear or see., 1 Glamour, self
Level 5) Ultimate LogicUltimate Logic: Mental, Persistent. After 10 minutes of conversation with a target, use the sig call: "Ultimate Logic: [10 word statement]" - the target believes this statement is true until end of game, or until significant evidence is presented to them otherwise. This effect can be broken by Clarity., 3 Glamour, other & ImpostorImpostor: When asked by powers if you have the energy type, health type, or supernatural Type described on the power descriptor line, you must answer as if that Type. When asked for other characteristics defining that Type (such as Tribe, Clan, Auspice, etc…) you may answer with any answer your character would know. You may also choose to answer any question that would identify your native Type with a negative response (“No”, “None”, etc.) (Any), 3 Glamour, self, 1 hour

The art of bringing Nightmares into reality.

Level 1) MonstersMonsters: Mental. Call out "Monsters". The target believes they are surrounded by monsters. They may choose to react by attacking or hiding from them, but will do so indiscriminately.(This power has been replaced by Induce Mistrust), 1 Glamour, other, 10 minutes
Level 2) Merciful SleepMerciful Sleep: Mental, Disable. Designate the target and call “Merciful Sleep”. The target falls unconscious for 10 minutes., 1 Glamour, other, 10 minutes & TremensTremens: For 60 seconds you may give precise commands to an unconscious, dying, or dead character. These commands should be whispered. Start these 60 seconds with the sig call: "Tremens: Act as I command" - the target cannot speak, stand up, or walk, but may do things like "roll onto your back", "sit up", "lift and lower your right arm", etc., NC, other, unconscious/dying target
Level 3) Persistent DreamshapePersistent Dreamshape: Power: Persistent Dreamshape, 1 Glamour, other, 24 hours & VentriloquismVentriloquism: This effect lasts 60 seconds. Use the sig call "Ventriloquism: Repeat after me, [short phrase]". The target must repeat the phrase verbatim in a loud, clear voice. For the remainder of the effect, you need only say “Ventriloquism: [phrase]”, NC, other, unconscious/dying target
Level 4) PossessionPossession: Mental. Place your hand on target's shoulder, call "Possession", and if the power is not resisted equip an orange headband, then for the duration you can give simple commands to the target - the target must follow your commands to the best of their ability. If you command the target to do something that would cause them damage they may expend a willpower to resist the command. You may not repeat a resisted command or attempt to circumvent the resisted command. While possessing a target the possessor may use any Mental or Status powers they possess except for Possession or Clairvoyance or any power that crosses the Gauntlet. Powers that have an actual verbal or physical component, such as Command, must be performed by the possessed. Upon crossing the Gauntlet, Possession becomes broken. The possessor is affected by any Mental powers, the possessed is affected by any other powers. You may possess possess a dead or dying target, when doing so, the target's death timer immediately freezes. Since the target has no health at this point, any damage dealt to the target instead harms the possessor., 1 Glamour, other, 10 minutes, unconscious target only
Level 5) ZombieZombie: Use the sig call "Zombie, do my bidding" against single dying target, this immediately freezes their death timer for the duration of the power, a command (such as "Defend me") must be given when the target is placed in the zombie state. A zombied character has 10 health and cannot use powers. Zombies are immune to mentals while active. Reducing the target zombie to 0 health removes the Zombie effect., 1 Glamour, other, 10 minutes, multiple unconscious/ dying targets

Changeling Merits and Flaws

Changeling Merits
Wyrd Incarnation - 3 point Merit - You have the ability to use the power ConvergenceConvergence: Equip a distinctively orange and white striped headband - you may achieve this effect by twisting your white and orange headbands if you do not have another headband available, as long as the striping is clearly visible and discernible. In addition to the headband, you may optionally wear a green glowstick to help indicate this power in dark conditions. A character affected by this power exists in both the Realm and the Umbra at the same time. Characters who are Native Realm: Realm behave as they normally do in the Realm. Characters who are Native Realm: Umbra behave mechanically as if under the effects of Materialize. Being shunted ends this effect and returns you to your native realm., 1 Willpower +1 Glamour, self, 1 hour
Beastly Form - 4 point merit, Pooka only - As a Pooka, your animal form is a dangerous or monstrous animal. Instead of Animal Form you have Beast Form.
Changeling Flaws
Slipped Seeming - 2 point flaw - similar to Deformity, your character always has some clear aspect of their kith heritage showing. A Satyr or Troll with this flaw may always have tiny horns, a Sidhe may have pointy ears, or any changeling may always have strange eyes (specialty contact lenses).
Echoes - 3 point flaw - A character with this flaw may never willingly enter a church, and cannot use Arts to target anyone they see perform a

good luck’ or ‘protection’

superstition (such as throwing salt over their shoulder or knocking on wood) for 10 minutes. The power Exorcism causes this character to leave the room, even if in the realm.
Verbal Bunks - 3 point flaw - Before you use any art, you must speak an incantation for at least 5 seconds. This incantation can be different each time, but it must distinct from normal speech in some way. Examples would be reciting a poem, orating in an ancient language, or pointing at someone and proclaiming a curse upon them.
General Merit
Lucid Dreamer - 2 point merit - You are less susceptible to the Mists than others. When you become enchanted, you may choose to remain enchanted for an additional hour. While enchanted, you may remember things that were forgotten due to a previous enchantment. When the Enchantment effect wears off, your character forgets everything that occurred while Enchanted until the next time they gain the effect.