Ritual:Rite of Ostracism

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Rite of Ostracism (2)

Requirements: 1 Werewolf Tribe/Sept/Pack, Ratkin Aspect/Pack, or Bastet Tribe/Pride
Cost: 2 Gnosis
Cast Time: 3 minutes
May contribute to: Negate some Honor of target if desired

The characters present gather in a circle around the target to be ostracised. The ritualist begins by issuing a growl, followed by asking for silence from all gathered. Begin with “[name], you are guilty of causing harm to your [brethren, laws, or brethren and laws].” Describe the offense.

Ask: “Do all present agree to ostracism of this louse?” Each present member must offer assent in order to continue with the Rite.

Ask: “Does [his/her] crime dishonor them such that [he/she] should lose [his/her] worth?” Look to each person in the circle for an answer. If all answer yes, the character being ostracized must turn over an Honor/Obligation Renown tag (if they have one) to be destroyed at the end of the ritual. If any disagree, the Honor/Obligation tag is not lost, and the ritual proceeds as normal.

The ritualist should begin the shunning by stating: “Of all Gaia's children, I have no such brother/sister,” and turning their back on the ostracized character. From there, each character should repeat the phrase and action, starting from the ritualist’s (current) right and traveling around the circle.

When all members have turned away, the ritualist should state the duration of the ritual. For minor crimes this may be as little as 24 hours, and for truly severe punishments, the duration may be until “we grant your return”. To state the duration, say “[name], you will observe this punishment [until/for duration],” then motion for all present to scatter and walk off.

All who participated in the ritual will act as if the shunned individual does not exist. The shunned character loses access to any and all Patrons they may have (though they remain on their sheet, they are not acknowledged) and beneficial powers used by their Patrons, Packmates, and (if done by Sept or Tribe) other appropriate entities should be responded to with “no effect”.

After the ritual is complete, the ritualist should report to ST Camp that the ritual was performed, on whom, and for how long, so that the Patron Spirit is informed.

[[Category:purposeTo punish a character for an offense to a grouping.

Rituals]][[Category:purposeTo punish a character for an offense to a grouping.
Level 2 Rituals]]