Ritual:Spirit Beacon

From Dark Prospects Rules
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Spirit Beacon (3)

Requirements: Necromancy, Rituals 3
Components: A human skull prop, A pathos talen, 4 black candles
Cost: 1 blood
Cast Time: 5 minutes

Prepare your necromantic foci

Set the skull where you want it to remain. Surround it with black candles.

Spend 1 blood. Destroy the talen - do not gain the effect of the talen.

On a white 3x5 card, write the following:

You can see this card if you use Pathos Energy type or have Sense Item.
Ritual: Spirit Beacon
Caster: (Your name)
Begin Time: (Current time and date)
Duration: Until Dawn, or the skull is moved.
Effect: This skull counts as a Haunt, with no emotional resonance.
Wraiths regenerate 1 Pathos every 15 minutes. The range of this card is 10 feet. This node cannot be attacked.

Writing the 3x5 card is part of casting the ritual; it should either be done at the time of casting, or the caster must silently meditate for 1 minute if a preprinted card is used.

Affix the card to the skull. If the skull is moved, the ritual ends and the tag should be removed.