Universal Character Information

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Universal Character Information

The following table lists the costs for various types of character sheet purchases.

Type Point Cost
Innate Powers / Techniques 4 :: 5 :: 7 :: 10 :: 14
Non-Innate Powers 6 :: 8 :: 11 :: 15 :: 20
Skills 2 :: 3 :: 4 :: 5 :: 6
Backgrounds 3 :: 4 :: 5 :: 6 :: 7
Willpower - maximum value 10 6
Energy - no maximum value 3
Abilities 6
$0.30 Additional money 1
Merits Variable, unless specified (*) only purchasable with freebies and flaw points
Flaws Variable, maximum 10 points from Flaws

Universal Character Creation

  • Start by filling in 10 dots for your Health pool and 2 dots in your Willpower pool.
  • Place 20 points into Skills or Abilities.
  • Place 10 points into your energy pool
You may take up to 10 points in flaws. You may take flaws above this value, however you will only receive points for the first 10.

Purchasing Non-Innate Powers at Character Creation All characters may purchase non-innate powers at character creation, however you may not buy above your lowest level innate power, must have filled out all innate powers at that level, and may not purchase more non-innate trees than you have levels of non-innate powers. In other words, you must have level 1 in all 3 innates to buy a level in 1 non-innate; you must have at least 2 levels of 1 non-innate to buy 1 level of a second non-innate.

Abilities and Skills


These do not have levels. They allow you to simply do specific mechanical things.

Archery - You may use a bow or crossbow and arrows.
Brawl - You may cause damage with fist boffers, which deal 1 base damage. If you have access to them you may cause damage with claw or tentacle weapons.
Firearms - You may use any gun type.
Melee - You may use wooden or metal weapons of any size.

Crafting Skills

These allow you to make items of some sort at check-in, or to repair items during game. For tradeskills that allow you to craft 1 item per game per level, those enter a pool that you may use to craft any item you can make, not just the items from that skill. Unless explicitly specified any crafted item counts as 1 item. Weaponsmithing / Armorsmithing - you may craft 1 item per game per level of this skill.

Level 1) You may craft small 1 handed melee weapons
Level 2) You may craft medium 1 handed melee weapons
Level 3) You may craft long 2 handed melee weapons
Level 4) You may craft armor
Level 5) You may apply specialty materials to crafted melee weapons

Carpentry / Fletching - you may craft 1 item per game per level of this skill.

Level 1) You may craft stakes
Level 2) You may craft bows
Level 3) You may craft crossbows
Level 4) You may craft shields
Level 5) You may craft specialty material arrows. 3 of these count as one item. Specialty arrow tags must be destroyed once the associated ammunition is used.

Gunsmithing / Ammosmithing - you may craft 1 item per game per level of this skill.

Level 1) You may craft Rifles / Shotguns - allows you to craft rifles or shotguns
Level 2) You may craft Derringers - allows you to craft small pistols that fire 1-2 shots
Level 3) You may craft Revolvers / Repeaters - allows you to craft pistols that fire 3 or more rounds per reload or rifles with magazines
Level 4) You may craft Specialty Ammunition - allows you to craft single use specialty ammunition - 3 bullets count as a single item. Specialty ammunition tags must be destroyed once the associated ammunition is used. When using specialty ammunition, a weapon must be loaded *only* with a single type of specialty ammunition and only that specialty ammunition.
Level 5) You may craft Dynamite - You may craft dynamite to use as a thrown weapon. Dynamite deals 4 fire damage to everyone who is hit by it.

Herbalism - you may craft 1 item per game per level of this skill. 3 Herbalism creations count as a single item.

Level 1) You may craft Tonic of Health (2 hp), Toxic Mixture (1 damage per minute for 10 minutes)
Level 2) You may craft Tonic of Vitality (2 essence, counts as 2 potions), Potion of Lethargy (drain 5 of any energy pool)
Level 3) You may craft Smelling Salts(breaks sleep), Sleeping Potion (merciful sleep)
Level 4) You may craft Adhesive Goo (offensive: 60 sec bind foot, defensive: 60 sec immunity to disarm)
Level 5) You may craft Potion of Strength (Augment 10m), Potion of Weakness (anti-augment 60s)

Locksmithing - you may craft 1 item per game per level of this skill.

Level 1) You may craft Class 1 locks - allows you to craft level 1 locks.
Level 2) You may craft Class 1 Lockpicks - allows you to craft level 1 lock picks. 3 lockpicks constitute a single item.
Level 3) You may craft Class 2 locks - allows you to craft level 2 locks.
Level 4) You may craft Class 2 Lockpicks - allows you to craft level 2 lock picks. 3 lockpicks constitute a single item.
Level 5) You may craft Class 3 locks - allows you to craft level 3 locks.

Active Skills

These Skills do special things for you in-game with no attached Energy cost.

Detection - these abilities must be used close enough that you could reach an arm out and touch the target.

Level 1) Type of Damage - You may ask what type of damage caused a target's wounds. Use the sig call: "Detection: What harmed you?" Answers must be vague "Claws" is fine, but "Werewolf claws" is not. This can be used on any target.
Level 2) Conscious Search - Maintain a conversation with another character for 10 minutes. At the end of this period, you may use the sig call “Detection: Where are your tagged items?” - the target must tell you how many tagged items are on their person, including those in containers, and clearly point to the locations where these items are located.
Level 3) Keen Eye - You may ask a target if they are carrying any hidden weapons - use the call: "Detection: are you armed?" - the target must answer if they have any In-Game weapons on them - tagged or otherwise. Please note that thrown weapons and ammunition will cause a yes answer.
Level 4) You're Sure Acting Funny - With a brief study of a target and direct eye contact you may determine if they are under a Mental effect. Maintain eye contact with the target for 10 seconds, then use the sig call: "Detection: are you under a Mental effect?"
Level 5) Forensics - Upon discovering an unconscious, dying, or dead target you may spend 30 seconds examining a scene, then you may ask the target what happened during the last minute before they fell. Use the sig: "Detection: Tell me what happened" - the answers should not be exact - "Bob stabbed me" isn't okay, but "I was walking, I stopped to talk to someone and was stabbed in the chest" is fine.

Medicine - Make a silent count in your head, and use the sig call whenever health is granted. Medicine may only be used on a target other than yourself. You may not use the same prop for any levels of Medicine except Practice and Bandage.

Level 1) Assess & Bandage - You may ask the target their current health levels and if in the dying state how long they have left on their death timer. Upon attaining level 5 Medicine you may ask if the target is under the effect of Aggravated Damage. Bandages or other “first aid” props are required for healing. Apply a bandage to a target, healing them for 1 health every 30 seconds. Bandages can never heal the target to more than 2 below their maximum health. Bandages cannot bring a character that has fallen to 0 or fewer health back from Dying or Dead. Sig call: “Bandage.”
Level 2) Practice - You may bandage after a 15 second count, rather than 30 seconds. Sig call: “Bandage”
Level 3) Stabilize - Pantomime life-saving actions on a dying target (please don't actually perform them - that's painful) - the target's death timer will freeze as long as you continue to pantomime these actions. Maximum of 10 minutes. Use the count call “Stabilize” and maintain a count as long as you continue.
Level 4) Advanced Healing Arts - False suture needles, splints, or other advanced “medical” props are required. Pantomime medical techniques such as suturing, providing medication, or setting bones. While doing this you may heal a target for 2 health every 20 seconds. Advanced Healing Arts can never heal the target to more than 2 below their maximum health. Advanced Healing Arts cannot bring a character that has fallen to 0 or fewer health back from Dying or Dead. This level of Medicine can remove the Aggravated Damage effect. Sig call: “Medicine”.
Level 5) Savior - You must have a boffer knife or other tool with which to perform "surgery" - pantomime the actions of surgery for a minimum of 2 minutes - if the target's death timer has not expired at the end of this time you may restore 2 health to them, removing them from the Dying state. Sig call: “Surgery”

Meditation - Once a day you may spend 10 minutes in-game in meditation and regain your level in Meditation in Willpower (1-5) or, if human, you may instead choose to restore twice this value (2-10) to your Essence pool. Alternatively, you may spend 10 minutes in-game meditating to reduce your taint levels by 1 per level of Meditation you possess.


Income* - This character receives money equivalent to this value at each attended game

Level 1) $0.15/game
Level 2) $0.35/game
Level 3) $0.60/game
Level 4) $0.90/game
Level 5) $1.25/game

Prospecting* - At check-in for each attended game, a player will roll a 6 sided die. The following values correspond to the sides of the die, 1-6. They will receive money equivalent to this value at that session.

Level 1) $0.00/$0.06/$0.09/$0.12/$0.27/$0.45
Level 2) $0.00/$0.14/$0.21/$0.28/$0.63/$1.05
Level 3) $0.00/$0.24/$0.36/$0.48/$1.08/$1.80
Level 4) $0.00/$0.36/$0.54/$0.72/$1.62/$2.70
Level 5) $0.00/$0.50/$0.75/$1.00/$2.25/$3.75

Resources - This character receives money equivalent to this value at their first attended game

Level 1) $0.90
Level 2) $2.10
Level 3) $3.60
Level 4) $5.40
Level 5) $7.50

Equipment - You have some tagged equipment (weapons, etc.) - these items may not be supernatural.

Level 1) 1 item
Level 2) 2 items
Level 3) 3 items
Level 4) 4 items
Level 5) 5 items

Item - You own a supernatural item of some sort. To create an item, please see http://darkprospects.endogaming.net/Custom Items or http://darkprospects.endogaming.net/Items. Relics are considered Level 1 Items. At character creation you may not create more Items than you have levels in the Item Background, and no more than 2 Items may be the same Level.

Level 1) 1 level worth of items
Level 2) 2 levels worth of items
Level 3) 3 levels worth of items
Level 4) 4 levels worth of items
Level 5) 5 levels worth of items

Rituals* - You may use appropriate rituals at the level you have in the rituals background. If taken before character creation you may come in with any number of rituals where the ritual levels total the below values. You can create Custom Rituals using the same chart for Custom Items above. We also have pre-existing Rituals created by your Rules Team, which can be found at game or here: http://darkprospects.endogaming.net/Rituals. Please see the appropriate section of the book to determine if your character can take this Background.

Level 1) 1 level worth of Rituals
Level 2) 3 levels worth of Rituals
Level 3) 6 levels worth of Rituals
Level 4) 10 levels worth of Rituals
Level 5) 15 levels worth of Rituals

Supernatural Knowledge - You may take this background as many types as you wish - specify the supernatural type of knowledge you would like. This background only applies to what knowledge you come into game with. Any knowledge gained in game is learned in game.

Level 1) You know that this type of supernatural exists and may have seen one once.
Level 2) You know the basics - their energy type and loosely know their organizational structure.
Level 3) You know some in-depth information and can name the common clans/tribes/legions. You may purchase specific tribe/clan/legion knowledge for a single supernatural type. The level of that knowledge may not exceed the level of the parent supernatural type’s knowledge.
Level 4) You know everything except the deep, dark secrets.
Level 5) You know all there is to know about this supernatural type.

Totem* - You have a bond via your pack to some Gaian Spirit Totem creature. Each rank of this background provides 1 point toward purchasing Powers for your Totem (see the Gaian Spirits section of the Rulebook for information). You must have a Patron/Totem to take this background for the first time (discuss with CGs), but it does not go away if your Totem does. A Gaian Spirit may not be both a Totem and a Spirit Familiar. Gaian spirits may not take this background.

Spirit Familiar* - You have a bond to a Gaian Spirit.
Similar to the Totem background, but for a bond between yourself and a single spirit. Each rank of this background provides 1 point toward purchasing Powers for your Familiar (see the Gaian Spirits section of the Rulebook for information). Only one non-spirit character may be bound to any one spirit this way, and each character may only take this background once. Each rank of this background can be used to help purchase Totem Powers for your bound spirit. A Gaian Spirit may not be both a Totem and a Spirit Familiar. Gaian Spirits may not take this background.
You may improve the backgrounds: Totem, Spirit Familiar, Income, Prospecting, or Rituals with experience after character creation. Please note that the Totem and Spirit Familiar backgrounds are *not* mutually exclusive. You may have a Totem (shared with a pack) and a Spirit Familiar (connected only to you) at the same time.
* These backgrounds may be further improved after character creation.



Level 1) Vicious Attack, 1 energy, Other, with arrow
Level 2) Hidden Hunter, 2 energy, Self, 10 minutes, with bow in hand
Level 3) Bind Foot, 3 energy, Other, 60 seconds, with arrow
Level 4) Disarm, 3 energy, Other, with arrow
Level 5) Staking Arrow, 4 energy, Other, with arrow


Level 1) Resist: (Physical,Damage), 4 energy, Self
Level 2) Shared Strength: Redirect, 2 energy, Other, “Redirect: To Me”, 10 minutes
Level 3) Cloak, 2 energy, Self, requires a silent 3 count
Level 4) Resist: Status, 3 energy, Self
Level 5) Hanging On, No Cost, Self, once per day


Level 1) Vicious Attack, 1 energy, Other, with guns
Level 2) Shatter, 2 energy, Other, vs. locks, with guns
Level 3) Merciful Sleep, 4 energy, Other, must be holding gun, 10 minutes
Level 4) Disarm, 3 energy, Other, with guns
Level 5) Aggravated Damage, 3 energy, Other, “1 agg” with guns


Level 1) Vicious Attack, 1 Energy, Other, with unarmed boffers only.
Level 2) Grapple, 2 Energy, Other, with unarmed or no boffers only.
Level 3) Counter: Melee or Brawl Damage, 4 Energy, Self, with unarmed or no boffers only.
Level 4) Augment, 3 Energy, Self, 10 minutes, with unarmed or no boffers only.
Level 5) Take Weapon, 4 Energy, Other, touch range, with unarmed or no boffers in hand.


Level 1) Vicious Attack, 1 energy, Other, with melee weapons
Level 2) Resist: Ranged Damage, 2 energy, Self, with melee weapons
Level 3) Disarm, 3 energy, Other, with melee weapons
Level 4) Aggravated Damage, 3 energy, Other, “1 agg” with melee weapons
Level 5) Augment, 4 energy, Self, 10 minutes, while armed

General Merits and Flaws

General Merits

Bad Taste - 1 point Merit - When someone is blood feeding, notify them that you taste terrible (no mechanical effect)
Hidden Taint* - 5 point Merit - Respond to powers that Sense Taint with two levels below your current taint level or 0, whichever is greater.
Huge Size - 3 Point Merit - You have 2 additional Health, but must physically represent your character being particularly large. Platform shoes, bulky shoulder pads, and other pieces of costume are recommended.
Static Nature - 4 Point Merit - If you have a Rage Pool you cannot take this Merit. Any type of Taint decays from your character. It takes the level of the taint in hours to reduce 1 level. (A level 5 taint takes 5 hours to decay to level 4, then 4 hours to decay to 3, 3 to 2, etc…) You decay to your natural state (if you are permanently tainted, you return to your tainted state.)
Willful* - 8 point Merit - Increase your current and Maximum Willpower by 1 (may take up to twice)

Supernatural Merits

Calm Heart* - 3 Point Merit - 3 times a day you may spend 1 less Willpower to Resist the Enrage power. You must have a Frenzy mechanic to take this merit.
Human Aura - 4 Point Merit - Any Supernatural creature may take this merit. You appear as human to sensory powers.
Supernatural Kinfolk - 7 Point Merit - May only be taken by Supernatural Creatures that are not already Fera. You are kin to a Werewolf or other member of the Fera. You receive the equivalent of the first level of the appropriate Werewolf or Fera Knowledge background for free.

General Flaws

Alcohol Addiction* - 2 Point Flaw - If you do not consume alcohol at least once every 12 hours you lose the ability to use Willpower-based resists until you once again consume a tagged alcohol drink.
Drug Addiction* - 3 Point Flaw - Choose either Opium or Cocaine. The same mechanical effects apply as do to alcohol addiction with this substance.
Deformity - 2 Point Flaw - Physically represent a deformity that impacts your character - this deformity must be highly visible. Examples are: non-functional limb, facial deformity, extra limb, etc…
Illiterate - 3 Point Flaw - You cannot read any in-game text, use any Recipes, or use Rituals.
Lame* - 3 Point Flaw - You have an old leg injury and may not run no matter the situation.
Magic Susceptibility* - 5 point Flaw - Choose a harmful Power located in at least 3 Character Type power trees. You may not resist this power. A list of these powers can be found on the forums.
Mute* - 2 Point Flaw - You may not speak while In Game and must find other ways to communicate.
Permanent Subtle Taint* - 2 point Flaw - you have (1) Subtle Taint (your choice which Triat member) that cannot be removed.
Permanent Significant Taint* - 5 point Flaw - you have (3) Significant Taint (your choice which Triat member) that cannot be removed. This is highly discouraged.
Phobia* - 3 Point Flaw - Choose an object or situation that you are likely to encounter somewhat regularly at game. Your character is terrified of that thing and must do whatever is in his power to escape it. You may expend a Willpower to suppress this reaction for 10 minutes.
Short Fuse* - 2 Point Flaw - Costs 1 additional Willpower to resist the Enrage power. You must have a Frenzy mechanic to take this flaw.
Slow Healing - 6 Point Flaw - All heals while not Dead or Dying heal you for 1 less. This reduction takes place before any other healing reductions.
Taint Susceptible* - 3 point Flaw - All taint gains are increased by 1
Unskilled - 5 Point Flaw - You have 8 fewer points to spend on Skills and Abilities.
Weak Willed - 6 Point Flaw - Willpower costs 9 points instead of 6 to purchase..
Derangement* - 2 Point Flaw - See Derangements.


Choose a trigger. Triggers must be common enough that they occur at least once per game. Upon encountering that trigger, activate the Derangement’s effect for the next 10 minutes.

Anxiety - While in this state you are incapable of making a decision - everything you think about gets second guessed. You may not initiate combat.
Compulsion - While in this state you must perform a specific activity when active. Activity must take 10 minutes to complete or should be repetitive.
Dissociation - While in this state, behave as if affected by the Dispassionate power.
Fugue - While in this state, act as if you have been affected by amnesia - you do not remember who you are or what has happened in your past. You may walk and speak just fine, but things that identify your character as themselves are gone. Once the state ends, return to normal with no memory of the Fugue state.
Paranoia - While in this state your character believes everyone around them is out to get them in some way, or to take something from them. Characters should act defensively and may wish to be away from everyone, especially those they trust most.
Power Object Fixation - Specific Trigger: Unable to hold item. Your character believes they cannot use powers without a specific item in their hand. If you are unable to hold this item for any reason you lose all access to powers (including “Always on” and “No Cost” effects.)
Schizophrenia - While in this state, act as if affected by Haunting.
Vocalization - While in this state your character’s inner monologue becomes external. Speak your character’s every thought out loud.