Ritual:Rite of the Den

From Dark Prospects Rules
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Rite of the Den (3)

Requirements: Gurahl (Rank 1), Bastet (Rank 3)
Cost: 5 Gnosis
Cast Time: 5-10 minutes
Purpose: Creating a personal regeneration node

Start by choosing a location to make your Den - Dens are approximately 10 foot Radius and may not overlap. Clean that area to the best of your ability, sweep, make beds, remove litter, etc. Stand or sit next to a surface you would like to place a Den card on. Den cards may not be placed underneath beds or in out of game areas. You must be able to reach the final location for your Den card from the location you are sitting or standing in. Meditate UNINTERRUPTED for 1 minute. At the end of that time, speak the words, "I claim this place as my own. With it comes power. I take responsibility for protecting it, and I pity those who try to take it from me." Spend 5 Gnosis and Place a 3x5 card in a clear plastic bag with the following text:

"Rite of the Den"
[Your Name] / [Your Character's Name]
While within 10 feet of this card...
To Owner: 1 Gnosis every 5 minutes.
To Owner: Gauntlet Sight, No Cost, Always On
To Owner: Shunt, No Cost, Self/Other
This Node is attackable and has 10 Health. If this Node reaches 0 health it ceases to function until restored to 10 Health.

Place 10 tokens of some sort (may be paper, cloth, beads, etc...) in the bag; these are the Den's Health. This Ritual lasts until the end of game.

Please note that this Ritual must be used each game. It is highly recommended that you use it in the same location each game.

Rite of Renewing the Den (3)

Requirements: Gurahl (Rank 1), Bastet (Rank 3)
Cost: Up to 5 Gnosis
Cast Time: 2 minutes
Purpose: restoring your personal node for a reduced cost.

Clean the Den radius to the best of your ability, sweep, make beds, remove litter, etc. Stand or sit next to your Den Card. Meditate UNINTERRUPTED for 1 minute. At the end of that time, speak the words, "I reclaim my place of power. I will avenge those who tried to take it from me. I take responsibility for protecting it, and I pity those who try to take it from me." If your Den has 0 health, remove any Taint cards for no cost. Spend 1 Gnosis for every 2 Den Health you wish to restore up to 10. Spend 2 Gnosis to remove any one type of Taint card from the Node. Alternately, spend 5 Gnosis to remove all Taint and restore your Den to 10 Health.