
From Dark Prospects Rules
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When struck for damage you may choose to take that damage to your Energy pool instead of your Health pool if you have at least as much Energy as damage taken. Use the "Filtered" call with this power.
Physical. Use the sig call “Aegis” and designate the target. Target is immune to all damage and Status for the next 60 seconds and all brawl or melee attacks deal at least 4 damage. Target can still be affected by Mentals, but will not take damage while under their effects. Use the Immune calling rules when struck. Irresistible damage does not penetrate Aegis. This power may not be used for at least 1 minute after the effect ends.
Aggravated Damage
Physical. You may call the described damage as Aggravated. Use the sig call “[number] Agg”. If a duration is not specified, this power lasts for a single attack.
Amplify Emotion
Mental. Use the sig call: "Amplify emotion: [described emotion]." The target must already be feeling the emotion described. The target becomes overwhelmed by the emotion described for the duration of this power.
Other. Touch a target that you can see and call "You see me" - the target may see and hear you for the duration of this power. You may not touch each other as long as you remain on opposite sides of the Gauntlet unless you would otherwise be able to.
Other, Disable. Remove your white headband and enter the Realm. You are only partially there. You cannot use powers or attack while in this state. If you are struck by a damaging effect call resist (take no damage), immediately re-equip your white headband to return to the Umbra.
Apply Taint
Mental, Instant. Call "Apply taint: [amount] [type]" where the amount is the amount of Energy spent. The target receives that many levels of Taint.
Place your hands on an in-game shirt, worn or unworn (if worn, get permission from the player) - this item must not be tagged Armor. Make a 3 count of "Creating Armor", then spend the described amount for every 2 armor pool you wish to infuse the item with. This armor lasts up to 24 hours.. This armor, once lost, cannot be repaired. Attach a 3x5 to the shirt with: “Armor: [your name], [your character's name], [the start time], [the end time], and [the total amount of armor provided]”. No target may have more than 10 armor pool added this way.
Astral Projection
Drop a 3x5 card that states “All who see this card may read it”, [Your name], [Your character's name], and "Astral Projection". Then equip a white headband and travel as normal. While in Astral Projection, you may use any Mental or Status powers against targets in the Umbra but may not attack anyone physically, you also effectively have the Gauntlet Sight power active. If you would take damage from any source, lose 1 willpower instead. If your willpower reaches 0, go out of game, return to your body, then remove any headbands you may have on. You return to consciousness with 0 willpower. You may return to your native realm instantly at any time - there is no energy cost for this. When returning to your native realm, regardless of the reason, go out of game and return to where you left your body card, then remove any headbands you may have on and return to game. While in Astral Projection you may open doors as if in the Realm.
Increase that damage you deal with brawl and melee attacks by 1 unless otherwise specified. You may not increase your damage above 4. This ability stacks with other instances of Augment, but you cannot use the same source of Augment twice (each use must come from a different power tree location.)
Aura Sense
Mental, Instant, Sensory. Use the sig call "Sense Aura", you may ask the target their current strongest emotion, if they are supernatural, if they are your Type, if they are under a ritual effect, or if they have any magic items on them.
Mental, Signaled. Hold your arm straight toward a single target with your palm out and fingers pointed upward, use the sig call "Avert: come no closer". The target may not move closer to you but can move in any other direction as long as you maintain the hand position. You may not attack a character you have Averted.


Beast Form
Form. Equip a mask designated by this power. This power lasts until deactivated unless otherwise specified. Falling unconscious while in this form reverts you to your natural form. Remember that while wearing an animal mask you inflict the Delirium effect on mortals. While in this form, gain the powers Augment and Resist: Status, 2 Energy, Self - if you have more than one Energy type, use your Primary Energy type for this.
Bestow Patron
Use the sig call: “Bestow Patron: [name]”. The target character changes their sheet Patron to the current Spirit. This ability can be freely resisted. Players with this ability used on them should turn in a 3x5 card at game-down with the text: “Bestow Patron”, [your name], [your character’s name], [the new Patron], [the player of that Patron].
Bind Fetter
This requires any non-magical Realm item, tagged or untagged, and a willing target. Touch the item and the target, call "Bind Fetter". Head to ST camp when possible with yourself, the target, and the item, and obtain a Fetter tag for the item.
Bind Foot
Status. Throw a packet with the call "Bind Foot". The affected target may not move from their current location.
Status, Disable. Throw a packet at the target and call "Blindness" - the target cannot see anything while this effect is active. The player is expected to keep their eyes open for safety reasons, but cannot use any power that would normally require sight. That is, they cannot throw packets, attack, or use any non-touch power.
Blood Bond
Other. Please see the Vampire section for Blood Bonds.
Blood Feeding
To feed from a target, place your hand on their shoulder and start a 3 count of “biting” - once completed, switch to “Draining blood [n]” where N is the total amount of blood drained so far. You may drain 1 blood per count. If the target can not spend energy as blood then they lose 1 Health per count. You gain 1 blood for each health taken this way; see the Vampire section for exceptions. When feeding from a character's health pool, you may not feed from the same target again for 10 minutes. Feeding from a Changeling causes Enchantment. This effect can be resisted with Willpower. The Changeling player must provide an Enchantment card.
Blood Healing
Vampires may also choose to restore health to another target with their blood. To do so, the vampire must cut themselves - A thrown weapon prop, a bladed weapon prop, or the vampire's fangs may be used for this (call "cutting 1, cutting 2, cutting 3" regardless of the implement, while pantomiming the action); you will take no damage from this process. Begin using the sig call "Giving Health" to heal the target by 1 for each blood given. Although conscious targets may choose to reject this health, unconscious targets must accept it. Successfully giving health this way incurs a Blood Bond. A target in the Dying state may have life restored to them through this mechanic. If they do you may choose to keep them Unconscious until awakened by any player (no damage required, roleplay shaking or otherwise trying to awaken them) or for 10 minutes, whichever comes first (notify the player). You may give blood above someone's maximum health, though they will not receive health above their maximum. More than 1 health in 10 minutes to a single mortal target will create a Ghoul; more than five in a single blood healing will cause the Embrace. Out-of-game consent is vital before taking these in-game actions. The player of the vampire is required to warn the player of the mortal about the imminent ghouling/embrace.
Blood of Potency
You may purchase Powers as if 1 generation classification lower, however any power purchased this way costs an additional blood to use.
Energy to Health
While conscious the character may spend any amount of energy to regain the same amount of health. While out of combat you may use this power with no cooldown.
Blood Sense
Other. By draining one blood from a target you may ask how much blood or health remains in their system, whether the target is under a Blood Bond, if the target is a Vampire, what Generation Vampire, or whether the target has ever committed Diablerie. You may not ask the Generation or Diablerie questions without first knowing the target is a Vampire. You may ask all questions from a single point of blood. If you are draining more than one point of blood you must drain a point between each question up until the last.
Body Wrack
Status, Disable. Throw a packet with the call "Body Wrack". Your target falls to the ground in agony.
Boiling Blood
Physical. Touch the target and call "Boiling Blood 2" - if the target has blood as their energy type they lose 2 energy and take 2 damage. Otherwise the target simply takes 2 damage.
Borrow Power
Physical, Touch. You may use a single power that you know the target has once. Use the sig call: "Thieving Talons - Borrow Power: [power name]". The target will respond with the cost. You must spend 1 of the called resource type - energy, willpower, health - immediately in addition to the cost of this power. Convert the resource type to your native type if possible. If you do not have an equivalent resource (mortals borrowing rage powers, etc...), you may not use the power. You may not use this power to borrow a power you already own, nor may you borrow Thieving Talons; you may have only one borrowed power at a time. Powers without durations (unlimited, always on) or self powers with durations longer than 10 minutes are reduced to 10 minutes. You may not borrow the same power twice in any given hour.
You may use the described power Cross-gauntlet. Use the sig call “Breach:” preceding your normal sig call. Unless otherwise specified, you may also use the power without the Breach call to use it in your current realm. If the power you are using over Breach has its own cost, you must also pay the cost of that power.
Break Catharsis
Mental, Instant. Use the sig call "Break Catharsis" and touch the target. If the target is in Catharsis, they immediately exit the Catharsis state.
Break Bonds
Touch your target, say “Break all Bonds” - if the target is under the effect of any bond-like effects then they are removed.
You may open Locks of the Class defined on your power descriptor line (or Class 1, if not defined). If a door, you alone may enter, closing the door behind you. If this power levels this amount increases by 1 for every second level you purchase in its associated power tree past where it was obtained, maximum 3.


Other. Raise your right hand into the air with a closed fist, look down. Any Umbral target may approach you and possess your body even if they do not have the Possession power.
Claim Item
Mental, Special. You may take a tagged item from another character. You must be able to see the actual item to use this power, the item cannot be in the target’s hand. Use the sig call: "Claim Item: You never had this", touch the item. The target does not remember ever having had this tagged item or that you took it. Other characters may. This effect lasts until the end of the game weekend.
Other, Irresistible. As Astral Projection, except that you equip an orange headband and may only visit a character who you believe is friendly to you, a target who you can currently see, or the thing defined on the power descriptor line. You may follow the target, listening and seeing what they do for up to 10 minutes at which point you must return to your body. While traveling to or from the target you may not overhear or oversee events. While this power is active you may not use any powers except for Possessing Heal - you are only able to follow, listen, and watch. This power is not usable in combat.
Mental, Instant. Remove any single Mental Effect or Dream effect or shut off a Derangement - if shutting off a Derangement it cannot be reactivated again for 10 minutes.
You may use 1 or 2 Claw boffers. While using these boffers you receive Augment (does not stack with Augment from War Form or Beast Form). You may defend with your Claws, but must have the Brawl skill to attack with them.
Cleanse Taint
You may remove 1 level of taint and 1 additional level of taint per energy spent above the base cost. To do so, call “Cleanse [number] [type] Taint” - if type is not defined, you may call “any.”
Cleansing Blow
Use the sig call: “Cleansing Blow: Agg from Taint”. Removes all taint from the target and deals an amount of aggravated damage equal to the highest taint level the target had on them.
Buff. Use the cloak hand sign: place your hand in front of your face, palm inward, fingers spread. You are considered invisible except to the power Cloak Sight. You cannot be targeted by a character who cannot see you, but you are affected by mass powers.You may not move your feet, speak, use any power which requires your character to speak, or take any aggressive action aside from Mental powers while using this power. This power has a 1 minute cooldown.
Cloak Sight
Buff, Sight. You may see any individual with the cloak hand sign up who is in a realm you can see; you are are aware they are cloaked, and can target them normally.
Combat Healing
Make the call “Combat Healing”. For the duration of this power and while you are conscious you may spend 1 energy and call “Healing Touch 3” to restore 3 Health to yourself. You may do this as many times as you like for the duration of the power. After this power ends you lose as much health as you gained this way. If this reduces you to 0 or fewer health then you will enter the Dying state at 0 health.
Mental, Signaled, Disable. Use the sig call "Command: [single word]" in conjunction with the command hand signal. The target must attempt to complete the command as given to the best of their understanding. The target must continue to attempt to enact this command for as long as the hand signal is maintained, or until they are out of line of sight from the user. Example commands are: “Dance”, “Duck”, “Come”, “Follow”, “Stop”, "Leave". If the command is nonsensical or impossible to achieve, the target may choose to either attempt to do so anyways, or may stand still and think about how they could do so for the duration.
You may wrap a number of tagged items described in your power descriptor line with an orange band, making them out of game. If the power does not describe a number, then you may do this with a single item. If someone searches you for tagged items you do not need to turn these items over. If you do this with a weapon and a concealed weapon check is used on you, you may answer “no” regarding that weapon. If you have other weapons on you, you must still answer “yes”. In order to use an item that was previously Concealed, you must first remove the orange band.
Confess Guilt
Mental, Instant. Use the sig call: “Confess Guilt”. The target must tell you what their character feels the greatest guilt over in-game.
Mental. Use the sig call: “Confusion” For the next 10 minutes the target cannot fathom what's happening around them - it is as if they are a child learning about the world for the first time. When this period ends the target returns to normal, forgetting the time they were under the Confusion effect.
Conquer Beast
You may expend energy to resist the Frenzy effect, to exit any Frenzy, or to voluntarily enter Frenzy. If you voluntarily enter Frenzy, you may exit at any time without needing to expend further energy.
Convert Blood
You may convert any Blood you receive into your innate Energy type.
Convert Essence
You may convert any Essence you receive into your innate Energy type.
Convert Gnosis
You may convert any Gnosis you receive into your innate Energy type.
Convert Health
You may convert any amount of Health into your innate Energy type at a rate of 2 Health to 1 Energy.
Convert Pathos
You may convert any Pathos you receive into your innate Energy type.
When you are struck by the damage type described you may spend energy to call "Resist, counter [resisted call]", where number is the amount of damage you would have been dealt. Your attacker takes that damage instead of you. This damage cannot be modified and can also be countered back.
Other. Upon having your health reduced to 0 you may call "Counterkill". Your killer's health is instantly reduced to 0. This effect cannot be resisted. Counterkill cannot be used in conjunction with other powers and must be the last power used. Using Counterkill reduces all of your character's pools to 0 and applies Aggravated Damage to your character.
Mental. Reverse the target Wraith or Specter's passions for 1 hour. Use the sig call: "Counterpassion: Reverse your passions".
Create Relic
You may go to ST camp with a prop and one or more Obolus tag/prop. You may create a Relic item (such as a weapon or other Umbrabound item) from this Obolus. You must have a prop to turn into this Relic. When creating a Weapon, please obtain an appropriate Weapon tag to add next to the Relic tag.
Crimson Fury
Physical. Upon having your energy drained you may immediately respond with the "Enrage, Frenzy" call to your attacker. The Enrage effect is a Mental, Instant. You may make this call even if you could not otherwise make signature calls (for example, due to The Kiss).
Cure Disease
Remove a single disease or poison effect from the target. If curing a disease effect, the target may destroy any disease cards they have on them. Touching a target while using this power to cure a disease prevents the remaining disease cards from being handed to you.


Vicious Attack
When attacking a target, expend the required amount of energy to increase the damage of a single attack by 1. This can stack with Augment, you may not deal more than 4 damage this way.