Changeling Rules

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Changelings are the leftovers of the bygone area of the Fae. As a Changeling, you have a little Fae in you, but you’ve got at least as much human.

Advantages to playing a Changeling:

  • Built in Birthright powers
  • Kith Forms provide advantages to your Birthrights
  • Partial Gauntlet Sight
  • Enchanting mechanics
  • Energy regeneration through creativity or nodes
  • Native Realm: Realm

Disadvantages to playing a Changeling

  • Vulnerable to “iron” attacks
  • Banality can result in a permanent loss of powers
  • All levels of Non-Innate powers require a teacher.
  • Only Nockers may create Fetish Items
  • Forgetting mechanics can cause temporary loss of powers.
  • Fragile Magic means that you cannot repeatedly use powers when someone resists them

Building a Changeling

  • Start by following the Universal Character Creation section in the Universal Character Information chapter and then…
  • Choose a Kith from: Boggan, Eshu, Nocker, Pooka, Redcap, Satyr, Sidhe, Sluagh, Troll
  • Choose 3 Arts as Innate Arts.
  • Fill in 10 points of Glamour (Changeling Energy)
  • Fill in 3 dots of Banality.
  • Spend 12 points on Arts.
  • Spend 18 points on Backgrounds.
  • Spend 10 points (freebies) anywhere you like on your sheet.

When purchasing powers as a Changeling, you must purchase them in order. In order to purchase a level 2 power, you must have purchased the level 1 of the same tree. To purchase a level 3 power, you must purchase the level 2 power from the same tree, etc.

Built-In Powers

Changelings come with a few built-in powers.

  • Create EnchantmentCreate Enchantment: Power: Create Enchantment - Expend an Energy to create an item which will Enchant targets who do not have access to Glamour, or provide Glamour to a target which uses the Glamour Energy Type.
  • Enchant ObjectEnchant Object: Create a 3x5 card with the following: "Enchantment, 1 hour - 1 WP to resist" - "You are Enchanted. Gain Enchanted Sight (see but not hear into umbra from realm) & Reduced Delirium (if affected by Delirium, respond as if your WP is at least 4) & Impunity toward [your name] (you may not attack unless they attack you first); 1 Willpower to resist. At the end of the effect Rationalize everything that happened while Enchanted and destroy this card. If resisted, destroy this card." At any point, you may offer any object to another individual. If they accept the object being offered, hand them the Enchantment card. They take the effects of the card unless they spend one Willpower to resist the entire effect. You may not store up enchanted objects; you may have only one ungifted enchanted object. Create a 3x5 card with the following: "Enchantment of <OBJECT>, 1 hour - 1 WP to resist" - "Gain Enchanted Sight (see but not hear into umbra from realm) & Reduced Delirium (if effected by Delirium, respond as if your WP is at least 4) & Impunity toward [your name] (you may not attack unless they attack you first); 1 Willpower to resist. At the end of the effect forget everything that happened while enchanted and destroy this card. If resisted, destroy this card." At any point, you may offer the Enchanted object to another individual. If a non-Changeling accepts the object being offered, hand them the Enchantment card, they take the effects of the card unless they spend one Willpower to resist the effect.
  • Enchanted VisionEnchanted Vision: Power: Enchanted Vision, No Cost, Always On. Provides visibility into the Umbra from the Realm, but not hearing.
  • Kith FormKith Form: Form. The Changeling pulls their chimerical form into substance. Each kith gains specific bonuses while their kith form is active. While in Kith Form, a Changeling loses their Fragile Magic weakness. However, if a Changeling drops to the dying state while in Kith Form, they immediately gain 1 permanent Banality, and they lose the mechanical benefits of Kith Form for the rest of the day (change out of Kith Form costuming at earliest convenience). A Changeling cannot gain Banality this way more than once per day. Use either a mask or other distinct costuming (such as removable beards or noses), represent your Kith. While in Kith Form gain Gauntlet Sight, No Cost, Always On, and Echo, No Cost, Always On. - Variable effect - see specific Kith for more information. 1 Willpower, Self, 1 hour The Changeling pulls their chimerical form into substance. Each kith gains specific bonuses while their kith form is active. While in Kith Form, a Changeling loses their Fragile Magic weakness. However, if a Changeling drops to the dying state while in Kith Form, they immediately gain 1 permanent Banality, and they lose the mechanical benefits of Kith Form for the rest of the day (change out of Kith Form costuming at earliest convenience). A Changeling cannot gain Banality this way more than once per day. Using either a mask or other distinct costuming (such as removable beards or noses), represent your Kith. While in Kith Form gain Gauntlet Sight, No Cost, Always On, and Echo, No Cost, Always On.
  • MuseMuse: Power: Muse - instill in the target a desire to create something.
  • Muse RegenerationMuse Regeneration: You regain 1 Glamour per 5 minutes that you continuously observe a character creating art, such as writing, drawing, painting, performing music, or enthusiastically reciting a story. - ADD THIS TO THE BOOK
  • After being in the Dying state for 10 minutes, you may gain 1 permanent Banality and empty your Glamour pool to regain full Health. When you do, enter a Forgetting state. Otherwise, after 10 minutes in the dying state you die.

Changeling Pools

Glamour - The primary Changeling energy pool.

Disbelief - An anti-pool. Disbelief can eventually cause your Banality to increase. When the Disbelief pool reaches 10, gain 1 Banality and Disbelief resets to 0. Disbelief also increases any time you are hit for “iron” damage or whenever you reach 0 Glamour. At start of each game, your Disbelief is reset to zero.

Banality - Banality is your character’s inability to accept the fantastical. As long as Banality has not reached 10, once per game you may spend 3 XP at check-in to reduce your Banality by 1. Reaching 10 Banality kills the fae soul of the character; you lose access to all Changeling mechanics and revert to Mortal character sheet.

Fragile Magic

Whenever a target resists one of your Art powers, you may not use another Art for 10 seconds unless you give yourself 1 Disbelief.

Ritual and Fetish Access

All Changelings have access to the Rituals background. Only Nockers may craft Fetishes; any Changeling may use Glamour Fetishes.

Regenerating Glamour

Nodes Freeholds are Glamour nodes and are attackable.

Muse RegenerationMuse Regeneration: You regain 1 Glamour per 5 minutes that you continuously observe a character creating art, such as writing, drawing, painting, performing music, or enthusiastically reciting a story.: While in the presence of a character creating art, telling a story, or creating a lasting change in their character’s relationships, the Changeling gains 1 Glamour every 10 minutes.

'Receiving an Enchanted Item - Receiving an Enchanted Object restores 1 Glamour and destroys the 3x5 card.

Any time you would gain Glamour, you may instead choose to reduce your Disbelief by that amount.


In a Forgetting state, you lose access to all Arts, your Kith Form, and Birthrights. While in this state, you forget all about your changeling half, and all supernatural knowledge is forgotten behind mundane explanations. Being brought to 0 Glamour or gaining a permanent Banality each cause a Forgetting state. On the plus side, you cannot gain Disbelief while in a forgetting state. You may exit a Forgetting by receiving a single point of Glamour.

Arts - Choose 3 Trees.

Changelings are a bit more open than most other types of supernaturals. Choose 3 Arts to be innate. If you purchase a Seelie art, you may not purchase a Shadow art, and vice versa. Choosing a Seelie art will define your nature as a Seelie changeling; one who honors the noble ideals of the Dreaming. Choosing a Shadow art will define your Changeling as someone who serves the nightmare aspect of the Dreaming.


Your character comes with Birthright powers based on their Kith. These powers are available at any time, but may be affected by being in Kith Form. Birthrights are tied directly to your Kith.


Creative Crafting, No Cost, Once a day, buy an item in ST camp at crafting cost
Has a Knack, No Cost, During Check-in, craft 3 items of any kind
Aura Sense, 1 Glamour, Other
Kith Flaw
Gain 2 Disbelief if you refuse to help someone who seems to be in genuine need.
Kith Form
Your kith form should be a mask or prosthetics with exaggerated eyebrows, nose, or beard.
After 1 active hour in your Kith Form you may use Creative Crafting a second time per day. While in your Kith Form Aura Sense costs 1 less Glamour, bringing it to 0.
Quicken, No Cost, Self+Others, "While I tell my tale"
Shadows By Firelight, 2 Glamour, Other, Can effect 1 target and 1 more for every 5 powers purchased.
Inspiration, No Cost, Other, 1x/4h, Must spend at least 1 minute telling an inspiring story or giving advice.
Kith Flaw
Must spend 1 Will to resist a chance to hear or tell a story.
Kith Form
Wear a mask inspired by those worn in an african, or middle eastern culture, or wear vibrant and unnatural contact lenses.
While in Kith Form the costs of Daydream and Shadows By Firelight are reduced by 1. If you remain in Kith Form for the duration, the cooldown on inspiration is halved.

Rigging, No Cost, Self, Receive a single free tag of any type per game. See Flaw. Tages created with rigging should receive a secondary tag with the word “Rigging” written on them. When using Rigging to create a magic item, this item must be able to be created using the ItemMaker and the caster must reduce their maximum pools by a total of the item level of the item spread across their pools. This power may not be used to create a magic item that uses the same power more than once every 6 games.
Trash is Treasure, 2 Glamour, self, 10 minutes, must spend 10 seconds threatening item into working
Chimerical Creation, must reduce maximum Glamour & Willpower by 1 per item level until End of Game. Increase the Item level by 1 with no cost if a Talen with the desired power is expended in the Item construction. Creates a permanent Glamour Fetish Item. STs may add a flaw to the item. If they do, they should increase the level or otherwise alter the variables of the Fetish created this way.
Kith Flaw
Item created with Rigging must have their tags destroyed at End of Game.
Kith Form
Wear a white mask with bright blush, or stage makeup that achieves that effect.
While in Kith Form the cost of Protect Item is reduced by 1, and items you carry are immune to disarm, shatter, and claim item. If you remain in Kith form for an hour an roleplay crafting for a majority of this time, both the willpower and Glamour cost for Chimerical Creation is reduced by 1 as long as its cost remains above 0.
Animal Form, 1 Glamour, Self, Unlimited Duration. Carry a small animal prop wrapped in an orange OOG ribbon. When you use this power, take the orange ribbon off the prop and put it onto your head. You now control the animal prop as your character’s new form. While using this form, you cannot use a weapon prop of any kind, and cannot deal weapon damage. You can still use mental, status, and self powers, and may deliver non-attack touch powers through the prop. While in this form and in the realm, you may not speak verbally. You may speak normally while in the umbra, or may communicate via powers such as Telepathy.
Reminisce, 2 Glamour, other, 10 minutes
Scrounge, No Cost, 1x/day
Kith Flaw
Must spend a willpower in order to provide a direct truthful response to a question.
Kith Form
Your kith form should have the features of your pooka’s animal type, such as a tail, ears, or wings, but not an animal mask. While in your Kith Form, the cost of Reminisce is reduced by 1. If you remain active in game for 10 minutes while in your Kith Form you may use Scrounge twice instead of once while at ST camp.
Shatter, 3 Glamour, Any Item
Snarl, 1 Glamour, Other, 10 minutes
Devour Body, 3 Glamour, Other, 30 seconds.
Kith Flaw
Can’t turn down a challenge without expending willpower
Kith Form
Your Kith form should be frightening and have large teeth, whether prosthetics or a mask. Blood on the scalp or a blood red cap are usually present in the Kith form.
While in your Kith Form, the cost of devour Body is reduced by 2. You may use Shatter a single time per day for no cost, providing you are holding the item you wish to shatter.
Hardened Flesh, 1 Glamour, self, 1 hour
Healing Touch 2, self, no cost, 1x/minute, when you imbibe alcohol, moonshine, or any drug.
Create enchantment, no cost, 1x/hour, after 5 minutes of performing or intimately engaging with someone (dancing, singing, poetry, sex, etc..)
Kith Flaw
Must gain 1 disbelief in order to turn down substances (drugs, alcohol) for 10 minutes.
Kith Form
To indicate your Kith form, you should wear goat or ram horns. You may additionally wear fur leggings and hooves.
While in your Kith Form, your Hardened Flesh birthright is always on, no cost. You are also immune to drug overdose and addiction mechanics.
Fascination, 1 Glamour, Other, signaled
Charm, 1 Glamour, Other, 10 minutes
Resist: Status, 2 Glamour, Self
Kith Flaw
All Disbelief gains are increased by 1
Kith Form
To indicate you Kith form, you should wear elf or faerie like prosthetics, such as strange contacts, fairy wings, or elf ears.
While in your Kith Form, the cost of Fascination, Charm, and Resist: Status are reduced by 1, minimum 0.
Cloak Sight, 1 Glamour, Self, 10 minutes
Bypass 3, 1 Glamour, Self, 10 minutes, only usable when exiting an enclosed space.
Escape Bond, 1 Glamour, Self
Kith Flaw
Must speak softly. If the character ever speaks loudly or yells, they gain one disbelief.
Kith Form
To indicate you Kith form, you should wear gaunt make-up or an undead mask, we also recommend a black or white wig.
While in your Kith Form, the cost of Cloak Sight, Bypass 3, and Slip Bond are reduced by 1 to no cost.
Augment 2, 1 Glamour, Self, 1 hour
Health Increase 5, 1 glamour, self, 1 hour
Resist: (Terror, Snarl, Turncoat), 1 glamour, self
Kith Flaw
You lose access to Kith Form and all of your birthrights so long as you have no active Ritual Contracts.
Kith Form
To indicate you Kith form, you should wear a mask or makeup with horns and blue-ish skin.
While in your Kith Form, your Augment and Health Increase Birthrights are always on, no cost.

ARTS Choose 3 Arts to be Innate. If you purchase a Seelie Art, you may not purchase a Shadow art, and vice versa.

Changeling Powers: Common Arts


The art of illusions and obfuscation.

Level 1) Cloak NC, no cost, self & Silent Voice, 1 Glamour, Other, 1 card
Level 2) Unseen, 1 glamour, self & Instill emotion, 1 Glamour, Other
Level 3) Forgetful Mind, 1 Glamour, Other & Resist: Any sense power, 1 glamour, self
Level 4) Love, 1 Glamour, Other, 10 minutes
Level 5) Mass Cloak, 1 Glamour, 1-2 others

The art of navigating the Dreaming and shaping its denizens.

Level 1) Gauntlet Grasp, No cost & Exorcism, 1 Glamour, other
Level 2) Breach: Any Power you possess, 1 Glamour
Level 3) Gauntlet Strike, 1 Glamour, Other & Gunbreach, 1 Glamour, Other
Level 4) Shunt, 1 Glamour, self/other & Summon Spirit, 1 Glamour, other, 10 minutes
Level 5) Convergence, 3 Glamour, self/ other & Gauntletfallen, no cost, self, 1x/hour

The art of thievery and sleight of hand.

Level 1) Bind Foot, 1 Glamour, Other
Level 2) Conceal, 1 Glamour, self, cost is per item, up to 3 items
Level 3) Subtle Force 3, 1 Glamour, Other
Level 4) Borrow Power, 1 Glamour, Other
Level 5) Claim Item, 3 Glamour, Other & Rebuild Item, 3 Glamour, 1x/day

The art of physical transformations.

Level 1) Visage, 1 Glamour, self/other, 10 minutes, enforced
Level 2) Revert Form, 1 glamour, other, 60 seconds & frozen form, 1 Glamour, other, 10 minutes
Level 3) Animal Form, self/other, 1 hour minimum, enforced
Level 4) War form (any animal mask) + Claws, 1 Glamour, self/other, 1 hour minimum, enforced
Level 5) Persistent: any power this tree, +1 Glamour, 24 hours & Trigger: Any power this tree, +1 Glamour, when specified condition is met

The art of raw elemental creation and destruction.

Level 1) Element 1 (any), levels, 1 Glamour, other & Sense Item, no cost
Level 2) Healing Touch 1, levels, 1 Glamour, other
Level 3) Armor, 1 Glamour, self/ other
Level 4) Deadly Strike, 1 Glamour, other
Level 5) Elemental Form, 3 Glamour, self, 10 minutes, 1x/day

The art of divination and luck manipulation.

Level 1) Sense Supernatural, 1 Glamour, other & Visions, self, 1/day
Level 2) Telepathy, 1 glamour, other, 10 minutes
Level 3) Clairvoyance, 2 Glamour, other & Cloak Sight, 1 Glamour, self, 10 minutes
Level 4) Deep Sense, 1 Glamour, other & Watcher Sight, 1 Glamour, self, 10 minutes
Level 5) Magic Awareness, NC & Counterkill, 1x/day, other, Empty glamour pool and enter forgetting state.

The art of travel and haste.

Level 1) Augment + Enhance, 1 Glamour, self, 1 minute
Level 2) Bypass 2, levels, No cost, self, always on & Hasty Escape, 1 Glamour, self, 10 minutes
Level 3) Resist (physical, damage), 1 Glamour, self
Level 4) Vanish, 1 Glamour, self, 6 seconds
Level 5) Teleport: Node, 2 Glamour, self/other

SEELIE ARTS If you purchase any levels of a Seelie Art then you may not purchase any levels of a Shadow Art.


The Art of changing perceptions of time. It is almost exclusively held by the Sidhe. Or it was at one time. Or it will be?

Level 1) Confusion, 1 Glamour, Other, 10 minutes & Sense Liability, 1 Glamour, other
Level 2) Clarity, 1 Glamour, Other
Level 3) Paralyze, 1 Glamour, Other, 10 minutes
Level 4) Resist: any packet or projectile, 2 Glamour, self
Level 5) Extend: any power currently affecting a target, 1 Glamour, other, +10 minutes

The art of deciphering runes and True Names to bolster allies.

Level 1) Read all, No cost, self, always on & Sense Pool: Glamour, 1 Glamour, other
Level 2) Tool Usage, 2 Glamour, self, 10 minutes, after 10 count ‘attuning’
Level 3) Sense First Form, 1 Glamour, other & Protect item, 1 Glamour, any tagged item, end of game
Level 4) Shared Strength: Augment, 1 Glamour, self/other, 1 hour
Level 5) Guardian, 1 Willpower per target, other, Touch, 10 minutes

The art of ruling. Originally held by the Sidhe, but now commoners in authority practice it as well.

Level 1) Command, no cost, other, signaled & Swollen Tongue, 1 Glamour, other, 60 seconds
Level 2) Obedience, 1 glamour, other, 10 minutes
Level 3) Ward Door, 2 Glamour per door, up to 2 doors
Level 4) Blatant Persistent Goal, 2 glamour, other, 24 hours & Resist Mental, 2 Glamour, self
Level 5) Majesty, 1 Glamour, self, 60 seconds

SHADOW ARTS If you purchase any levels of a Shadow Art then you cannot purchase any levels of a Seelie Art.


The art of undermining nobility and inciting darker natures.

Level 1) Impunity, 1 glamour, other, 10 minutes
Level 2) Enrage, 1 glamour, other & Induce Catharsis, 1 glamour, other
Level 3) Ward Walking, 2 Glamour, self, 10 minutes
Level 4) Turncoat, 2 Glamour, other, 10 minutes & Resist Mental, 2 Glamour, self
Level 5) Mass Riot, 2 glamour, all in 10 feet, 10 minutes

The art of contorting the Mists which hide the Fae.

Level 1) Think on That, 1 glamour, other, 10 minutes, past action
Level 2) Truth in Lies, 1 Glamour, self, 10 minutes & Instill Desire, 1 Glamour, Other, 10 minutes
Level 3) Displace, 1 Glamour, other
Level 4) Shadowstep, 1 Glamour, self
Level 5) Ultimate Logic, 3 Glamour, other & Impostor (Any), 3 Glamour, self, 1 hour

The art of bringing Nightmares into reality.

Level 1) Monsters, 1 Glamour, other, 10 minutes
Level 2) Merciful Sleep, 1 Glamour, other, 10 minutes & Tremens, NC, other, unconscious/dying target
Level 3) Persistent Dreamshape, 1 Glamour, other, 24 hours & Ventriloquism, NC, other, unconscious/dying target
Level 4) Possession, 1 Glamour, other, 10 minutes, unconscious target only
Level 5) Zombie, 1 Glamour, other, 10 minutes, multiple unconscious/ dying targets

CHANGELING MERITS AND FLAWS CHANGELING MERITS Wyrd Incarnation - 3 point Merit You have the ability to use the power Convergence, 1 Willpower +1 Glamour, self, 1 hour

Beastly form - 4 point merit, Pooka only - As a Pooka, your animal form is a dangerous or monstrous animal. Instead of ‘animal form’ you have ‘beast form’.

CHANGELING FLAWS Slipped seeming - 2 point flaw - similar to ‘deformity’, your character always has some clear aspect of their kith heritage showing. A Satyr or troll with this flaw may always have tiny horns, a sidhe may have pointy ears, or any changeling may always have strange eyes (specialty contact lenses).

Echoes - 3 point flaw - A character with this flaw may never willingly enter a church, and cannot use Arts to target anyone they see perform a ‘good luck’ or ‘protection’ superstition (such as throwing salt over their shoulder or knocking on wood) for 10 minutes. The power ‘exorcism’ causes this character to leave the room, even if in the realm.

Verbal Bunks - 3 point flaw - before you use any art, you must speak an incantation for at least 5 seconds. This incantation can be different each time, but it must distinct from normal speech in some way. Examples would be reciting a poem, orating in an ancient language, or pointing at someone and proclaiming a curse upon them.

GENERAL MERIT [color=#FF0000]Lucid Dreamer: 2 point merit You are less susceptible to the Mists than others. When you become enchanted, you may choose to remain enchanted for an additional hour. While enchanted, you may remember things that were forgotten due to a previous enchantment. When the Enchantment effect wears off, your character forgets everything that occurred while Enchanted until the next time they gain the effect.[/color]