Dark Prospects Players Guide
While the rulebook handles the mechanical aspects of Dark Prospects, the Player's Guide is intended to handle what a player needs to know about our site, our game, and our world, as well as provide information regarding typical points of view in the world around Quarry Creek.
The Social Contract
What we expect from Players
What to Expect from Staff
Camp Harmon
When we make major overhauls to portions of the rules, such as introducing a large number of power trees to a character type, changing an energy mechanic, or other similar systems, we typically plan a playtest day. These are mini-games, where players build characters specifically for the playtest to test the changes themselves, balance, and enjoyment of things they may not have gotten to run before. We typically run these as a semi-standard 4 hour gaming session, but often in a public place to avoid having the costs associated with a typical game. Playtests are usually reserved for summer months.