Difference between revisions of "Gaian Spirit Rules"

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(agg for aggressors)
(2 intermediate revisions by one other user not shown)
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: <span class="treepower">Level 2) {{PowerTip|Apply Taint}}: Wyrm, 1-5 Gnosis, Other</span>
: <span class="treepower">Level 2) {{PowerTip|Apply Taint}}: Wyrm, 1-5 Gnosis, Other</span>
: <span class="treepower">Level 3) {{PowerTip|Disguise Taint}}, 1 Gnosis, Self, 1 hour</span>
: <span class="treepower">Level 3) {{PowerTip|Disguise Taint}}, 1 Gnosis, Self, 1 hour</span>
: <span class="treepower">Level 4) {{PowerTip|Monsters}}, 1 Gnosis, Other, 10 minutes</span>
: <span class="treepower">Level 4) {{PowerTip|Induce Mistrust}}, 1 Gnosis, Other, 10 minutes</span>
: <span class="treepower">Level 5) {{PowerTip|Pathogen}}, 5 Gnosis, Other, 10 cards, Touch, 10 cards</span>
: <span class="treepower">Level 5) {{PowerTip|Pathogen}}, 5 Gnosis, Other, 10 cards, Touch, 10 cards</span>
</div><div class="tree">
</div><div class="tree">
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: <span class="treepower">Level 2) {{PowerTip|Apparition}}, 1 Gnosis, Other, 10 minutes, cross-gauntlet</span>
: <span class="treepower">Level 2) {{PowerTip|Apparition}}, 1 Gnosis, Other, 10 minutes, cross-gauntlet</span>
: <span class="treepower">Level 3) {{PowerTip|Obedience}}, 1 Gnosis, Other, 10 minutes</span>
: <span class="treepower">Level 3) {{PowerTip|Obedience}}, 1 Gnosis, Other, 10 minutes</span>
: <span class="treepower">Level 4) {{PowerTip|Clairvoyance}}, 2 Gnosis, Other & {{PowerTip|Turncoat}}, 1 Gnosis, Other, 10 minutes</span>
: <span class="treepower">Level 4) {{PowerTip|Clairvoyance}}, 2 Gnosis, Self & {{PowerTip|Entrancement}}, 1 Gnosis, Other, 10 minutes</span>
: <span class="treepower">Level 5) {{PowerTip|Possession}}, 2 Gnosis, Other</span>
: <span class="treepower">Level 5) {{PowerTip|Possession}}, 2 Gnosis, Other</span>
</div><div class="tree">
</div><div class="tree">
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There are no flaws available at this time.
There are no flaws available at this time.
==='''''NPC Spirit Totems / Familiars'''''===
==='''''NPC Totems / Spirit Familiars'''''===
Players may elect to choose an NPC as their Totem or Spirit Familiar. If you do, you may use your background levels to purchase: Unlike PC Totem Powers, these may only be taken once across all members of the pack.
Players may elect to choose an NPC as their Totem or Spirit Familiar. If you do, you may use your background levels to purchase: Unlike PC Totem Powers, these may only be taken once across all members of the pack.
: Cost 1) Packmates may use {{PowerTip|Augment}}, 1 Energy, Self, 10 minutes, 1x/6 hours  
: Cost 1) Packmates may use {{PowerTip|Augment}}, 1 Energy, Self, 10 minutes, 1x/6 hours  

Latest revision as of 12:39, 14 September 2024

Gaian Spirits are the essences of things within our world. These things can be objects (trees, animals, etc…) or ideas (law, truth, etc…) - by nature, spirits do not change on their own, as they are idealized things. Spirits exist in the world in a few strength levels. Engling (not self aware), Lesser Gaffling (barely self aware), Greater Gaffling (slightly self aware), Lesser Jaggling (players start here), Greater Jaggling, Lesser Incarna, Incarna, Greater Incarna, Celestine

Advantages to playing a Gaian Spirit:

  • Can gain Energy from Gnosis Nodes
  • Totem Mechanics
  • Immunity to Diseases and Poisons
  • Shared Energy type with Shifters
  • Particularly difficult to kill
  • Expected Gameplay: Support
  • Native Realm: Umbra

Disadvantages to playing a Gaian Spirit:

  • Generally Umbra-bound, does not come with Gauntlet Sight
  • Must signify spirit types at all times through costuming
  • Totem ban mechanics
  • Charms are much more limited because spirits do not generally evolve new abilities
  • Can be turned into Items
  • Gauntlet Sight not included. Requires merit.
  • No Mortal Healing
  • No access to Rituals, Talens, Talismans, or Fetishes

Building a Gaian Spirit

To create a Gaian Spirit, start with the Universal Character Creation rules and then

  • Fill in 10 dots for Gnosis (Energy).
  • Choose an Aspect (Wyld, Weaver, Wyrm, General) treeset to take as Innate
  • Choose a Primary Role (Aggressor, Defender, Regenerator, Restorer, Perceiver, Manipulator) to take as Innate
  • Choose one additional Role to take as Innate
  • Choose 2 individual Role trees that are not in the same treeset or one of your Innate treesets, you may never take these trees.
  • Spend 12 points on Charms (Spirit Powers).
  • You receive no Background points.
  • You may take up to 10 points in flaws. You may take flaws above this value, however you will only receive points for the first 10. (Mortal Rules or special GS Merits/Flaws below)
  • Place 20 points (freebies) anywhere you want on your sheet, including Techniques. Please note that you can spend these points WHILE spending the rest of your character points.

You do not need to purchase your Charms in tree order, however you do need to purchase Charms in treeset order. You may build and learn 3 Innate trees using the powers in your treeset: one for your Aspect, one for your Primary role, and one for your second role. You may build and learn additional trees from these treesets with no teacher for non-innate costs. Additional Trees require teachers at each level.

Built-In Powers

Gaian Spirits come with built-in powers.

  • ImmunityImmunity: You are immune to the effect in the title. Immunity effects with durations are exclusive.: (Alcohol + Disease + Drugs + Poison + Medicine + Potions), No Cost, Self, Always On, only while in the Umbra
  • PortalwalkPortalwalk: When you are in the Umbra, you may interact with a door as if in the Realm. Locked doors are still locked; warded doors are still warded and the stated effects and costs still apply., No Cost, Self
  • Sense Spirit RapportSense Spirit Rapport: Mental, instant. When approached by another character you may ask the question: “Do you have Spirit Rapport?”, No Cost, Other
  • Teach GiftTeach Gift: You may teach the described power as a Gift to a Shifter character at the appropriate level for that character to learn it (not necessarily at the level you learned it at), No Cost, Shape Shifters, see gift list information in Charm treesets.
  • Sense SupernaturalSense Supernatural: Mental, Instant, Sensory. If a type is not specified on the power descriptor line then you may use the sig call: “Sense Supernatural: Are you a supernatural creature?” - you may not ask the type. If a type is specified, you may ask “Sense Supernatural: Are you a [type]?” - the target must respond truthfully. A supernatural creature is any character not written on a Mortal character sheet. If "any" is listed in the power description, or if multiple supernatural types are listed, you must choose one type each time you use the power.: Gaian Spirit, No Cost, Other
  • Sense PoolSense Pool: Mental, Instant, Sensory. Use sig call: "Sense:" followed by the name of the pool, as described on the power descriptor line, the target should reply with their current Pool level or “Resist”, or "No Effect" if they don't have that pool.: Gnosis, No Cost, Other
  • AbsorptionAbsorption: When struck for damage you may choose to take that damage to your Energy pool instead of your Health pool if you have at least as much Energy as damage taken. Use the "Filtered" call with this power., varies, Self, Only in Umbra
  • Energy to HealthEnergy to Health: While conscious the character may spend any amount of energy to regain the same amount of health. While out of combat you may use this power with no cooldown., varies, Self
  • Shape ObjectShape Object: Misc. Create a temporary umbra-bound relic using your energy. Objects created this way will last 1 hour or until they leave the user's sight, whichever is shorter. The object must be mundane and non-mechanical (nothing that requires a tag). Indicate your object is umbra-bound by wrapping it in white mesh or attaching a white ribbon. If you hand this item to anyone else, tell them it is spiritcrafted and if they leave your sight they must wrap it in orange ribbon, or go out of game briefly to return it to you. You may optionally attach a label that says "Shaped Object" and includes the end time. Items created with this power are created from the user's being - moving too far from the user or keeping it present for too long will cause the item to dissolve. , 1G, Self

After 10 minutes in the Dying state you may spend 1 Gnosis to regain 1 Health.

Spirit Pools

Gnosis - Gnosis is your primary Energy pool - use it to activate the majority of your Powers.

No access to Rituals, Talens, Talismans, Fetishes

You may not use any of these items even if you can use that item’s energy type, with the exception of Energy Talens.

Regenerating Gnosis

  • Nodes: You may regenerate at any Node that provides the Gnosis Energy Type at the fastest rate listed on the card.
  • Shifters: Shifters may freely “give gnosis” to Gaian Spirits. You may also freely “give gnosis” to Shifters. To give to a Shifter use the call “Giving Gnosis [amount]”. Giving Gnosis can be resisted freely. If you are tainted, follow the call with “Take 1 [taint type] Taint”. Gaian Spirits may freely trade Gnosis with each other as well.
  • Devouring Spirits: If you are responsible for reducing another Gaian Spirit to 0 health, you may devour it. To do so, make a “Devouring Spirit” call (60 count). Upon completion, the other spirit is destroyed and you absorb its essence, instantly gaining 10 Gnosis.

Costume Requirements

As a Gaian Spirit you are required to signify your spirit type at all times. Often this is done through masks, but can be done through other clothing or makeup just as easily. A tree spirit may wear a green leafy shirt/coat and knotty brown pants. An animal spirit may simply wear prosthetics to represent the animal they are derived from. A stone spirit may wear bulky gray clothing. Your imagination should play heavily in what you decide represents your spirit, but it must be clearly represented.

Becoming Items

Spirits can be bound into Fetish and Talisman items. In order for this to happen, they must be in the Dying state and the person who wishes to turn them into an Item must have a Ritual that allows them to do this. Alternatively, the spirit may voluntarily enter an item. This cannot be done to a PC Spirit for their first 6 games. After that, you’re free game.

Killing Spirits

Spirits are particularly difficult to destroy - you can’t just reduce them to 0 health and leave them lying around. They’ll stand back up eventually. If a spirit is reduced to 0 health and isn’t saved before the 10 minute Dying state timer, then the spirit dissipates. The player should immediately go OOG. At sunrise the next day they may return. If this happens 3 times in one season then they are killed permanently. You can also effectively kill a spirit by binding it to an item, as above in becoming items.


While Spirits may not have to eat, Spirit players do. Because of this, you may pick up items like plates of food, glasses of drink, etc… if you intend to ingest it yourself, for no cost.

No Mortal Healing

While in the Umbra you are a creature made entirely of energy. You cannot be healed by medicine.

Spirit Bans

When creating your character, create a spirit ban that is appropriate to your spirit’s conceptual origin. A mineral spirit may insist that its allies be unmoved by emotion, or that they never run. A tree spirit may require its allies drink only water, or that they spend a certain amount of time in the sun every day. A prey animal spirit may require that its allies not eat meat, or that they are careful not to frighten people. A predatory animal spirit might insist its allies give chase regardless the cost, or that they have meat with every meal. The ban is fairly open, however, you’ll need to okay it with CGs. If you become someone’s Patron and they break your Ban then you must confront them - if they do not make up for this action in some serious way (such as eating ONLY meat at their next meal) then you must break your bond with them immediately. Spirit Bans must impact the gameplay for your followers in some way at game.

Spirit Bonds

Various groups will have rituals that allow them to bond to a spirit - this spirit becomes their Patron (Shifters usually refer to this as a “Totem”). The Spirit must be willing to join the individual or group for this bond to take place. All members of the group who wish to be joined to the Spirit must be present for the ritual. If any are absent, they will need to have a later ritual performed to bring them into the fold. Once a Spirit is bound to an individual or group, they receive an additional group of powers referred to as “Totem Powers”.

Totem and Familiar Powers

Totem Powers don’t have levels, but they do have costs. Any character with a Totem can purchase Totem as a Background at Background costs. The same is true for any character with a Spirit Familiar. They can choose to give your Spirit a power with the amount of Totem Levels they have put into it. Check-in should add these powers to the Totem section of your character sheet. Totem Powers may only be used if you have first seen the character associated with them at game during that event. Because of this, Totem Powers may be purchased more than once if purchased by multiple members of the same group. If a member of your pack leaves the pack (or is kicked out) the powers they granted are removed from your sheet. A Totem may only receive Totem Levels from 5 characters at one time. A Spirit Familiar may only receive Totem Levels from 1 character at a time. Your pack may only contain PC or NPC Packmates, not both.

Learning Charms

You may learn charms outside of your Innate Charms with a teacher for each level. The teacher must teach you abilities they know, and you must proceed up the treeset.

Teaching Gifts

When working with Shifters, you may teach certain powers (see your Charm trees for more information) to them. Use the normal teaching rules to do so. The character will learn the most appropriate version of that power for their character.

New Background: NPC Packmates

As a Gaian Spirit you have 1 Packmate per level in this background. Each of these Packmates may be used to purchase the "Packmate-Totem" background below. This Background becomes inactive while you have any Player Characters bound to you as their Totem or Familiar. While active, you may only purchase this Background to 1 level above the highest level Packmate-Totem you have.

New Background: Packmate-Totem

You may not purchase more levels in each instance of Packmate-Totem than you have in the NPC Packmates background. You may purchase this background once for each level you have in NPC Packmates. Each level in Packmate-Totem provides a single Totem Power Level.

Gaian Spirit Powers: Charms


Gaian Spirits belong to a single Aspect. Wyld, Weaver, Wyrm, or General. Aspected spirits get access to additional tree options for their treeset as compared to a General spirit, as their Aspect lends them strengths. For each Aspect Tree you build, (General is not an aspect), gain 1 permanent taint of that type. This taint is only active as long as you have access to that tree. You may not take powers from Aspects other than your own Aspect. If you change Aspects during gameplay, your original Aspect trees go dormant (you cannot use those powers until and unless you return to your original Aspect). Choose one Aspect from: Wyld, Weaver, Wyrm, or General.

Wyld - Chaos - May teach any version of Breach or Shadowstep to Shifters, once you have these.

Level 1) Disguise TaintDisguise Taint: No matter your taint level, you may respond to Sense Taint powers with any amount or type. It is highly recommended that you only respond with a value of the type requested, rather than answering with some other type., 1 Gnosis, Self, 1 hour
Level 2) BreachBreach: You may use the described power Cross-gauntlet. Use the sig call “Breach:” preceding your normal sig call. Unless otherwise specified, you may also use the power without the Breach call to use it in your current realm. If the power you are using over Breach has its own cost, you must also pay the cost of that power., 1 Gnosis, Self, any power that you own which is resisted as a Status or Mental power
Level 3) AppearAppear: Other, Disable. Remove your white headband and enter the Realm. You are only partially there. You cannot use powers or attack while in this state. If you are struck by a damaging effect call resist (take no damage), immediately re-equip your white headband to return to the Umbra., 1 Gnosis, Self
Level 4) Body WrackBody Wrack: Status, Disable. Throw a packet with the call "Body Wrack". Your target falls to the ground in agony., 1 Gnosis, Other, 60 seconds
Level 5) ShadowstepShadowstep: While not in combat you may step into a shadow, go out of game, immediately travel to any other shadow within line of sight, then return to game. During this travel time you may not open any doors, nor retain any information you overhear or see., 1 Gnosis, Self

Wyld - Creation - May teach any version of Gauntlet Grasp or Confusion to shifters, once you have these.

Level 1) VisageVisage: After a 10 count, you may alter your outward appearance; equip or remove any mask or prosthetic including mantles that represents another power. You may wear any other mask or prosthetic that you wish; if you equip an item you do not get the benefits of that power. You may remove any mask, mantle, or prosthetic that you wish; if you remove an item that is a requirement for a power, pause any timers and suppress all effects of the associated power. The power returns at its original timers when you release Visage, requiring you to restore any props required. You may also remove any costuming requirements while this is in effect. Using this power *only* to remove costume requirements has no cost. If this effect was used on you, you may cancel it after its minimum duration., 1 Gnosis, Self/Other, minimum 10 minutes
Level 2) Trash is TreasureTrash is Treasure: Target may use any single untagged weapon as if it were a basic tagged version of the same item. If another player asks to see or use the item they should note that it lacks a tag and is thus unusable. Gaian Spirits may use any item they bring back with Trash is Treasure in any realm. Firearms still do not work in the Umbra. You may only use any given untagged item once per weekend this way, though it can be used by another person when you’re done. We won’t hold it against you if you accidentally use the same weapon twice because someone hands you something you already used but didn’t realize. Just try to keep it in mind. You may extend the duration of this power to 6 hours with the expenditure of 1 Willpower., 1 Gnosis, Self, 1 hour
Level 3) Gauntlet GraspGauntlet Grasp: You may pick up an item from the other side of the Gauntlet, or may attempt to open a closed door while in the Umbra. Locked doors are still locked in the Umbra. Opening doors does not cost Energy., 1 Gnosis, Self, Any object
Level 4) ConfusionConfusion: Mental. Use the sig call: “Confusion” For the next 10 minutes the target cannot fathom what's happening around them - it is as if they are a child learning about the world for the first time. When this period ends the target returns to normal, forgetting the time they were under the Confusion effect., 1 Gnosis, Other, 10 minutes
Level 5) MaterializeMaterialize: Remove your white headband and enter the Realm. You have full access to powers in this state and effectively are a living being. You become vulnerable to poisons, diseases, drugs and alcohol. While in the Realm you may be healed by any means that would restore health to a living being. Any passive Energy generation is halved while in the Realm., 2 Gnosis, Self

Weaver - Control - May teach any version of Honesty or Quell Beast to shifters, once you have these.

Level 1) HonestyHonesty: Mental. You may ask the target a number of questions as defined on the Power Descriptor Line. They must answer honestly. Use the sig call "Give me Honesty:" before each question. Targets need not reveal character sheet information, such as supernatural type, powers, etc., 1 Gnosis, Other, 1 question
Level 2) Disable ItemDisable Item: Physical. Touch a tagged item on another player and call "Disable Item" - the target may not use that item for 10 minutes., 1 Gnosis, Other, Item
Level 3) Quell BeastQuell Beast: Mental, Instant. Use the sig call "Quell Beast, calm your Frenzy" and designate your target. The Frenzy effect is removed from that target., 1 Gnosis, Other
Level 4) Rebuild ItemRebuild Item: Take a magic Item that has had its tag destroyed to ST camp, replace the tag with a new one., 3 Gnosis, Any Item and its destroyed Tag
Level 5) MaterializeMaterialize: Remove your white headband and enter the Realm. You have full access to powers in this state and effectively are a living being. You become vulnerable to poisons, diseases, drugs and alcohol. While in the Realm you may be healed by any means that would restore health to a living being. Any passive Energy generation is halved while in the Realm., 2 Gnosis, Self

Weaver - Stasis - May teach any version of Freeze or Ward Door to shifters, once you have these.

Level 1) Taint ReductionTaint Reduction: Reduces taint level by 1 from any source., No Cost, Self, Always On
Level 2) Disguise TaintDisguise Taint: No matter your taint level, you may respond to Sense Taint powers with any amount or type. It is highly recommended that you only respond with a value of the type requested, rather than answering with some other type., 1 Gnosis, Self, 1 hour
Level 3) FreezeFreeze: Status, Disable. Use the signature call “Freeze” and throw a packet. If successful the target may not move their body for the duration of this power. Characters under this effect may move their head and speak, as well as use mental effects, self powers, and resist powers. Resisted effects will not end this power., 1 Gnosis, Other, 60 seconds
Level 4) Ward DoorWard Door: Attach a 3x5 card to a door with the following text: “This Door Is Warded [start time], [duration], Spend [cost] to enter”. Unless otherwise specified, this power lasts for 2 hours. You may expend additional energy to increase the duration by 1 hour per energy spent. None may not pass through this door from the warded side without spending the required pool or being invited. In order to invite another character, you must remain within touch range of the door. If the power descriptor line lists a type and target cost, adjust the text to: “This Door Is Warded against [type] [start time], [duration], Spend [cost] to enter”. The target type must spend the required pool to pass through the door from the warded side or be invited.: Any, 2 Gnosis, Any doorway, 1 at a time, vs. 2 Willpower
Level 5) Gauntlet LockGauntlet Lock: Physical. Your target is unable to cross into or out of the Umbra in any way for the duration of this power, even if another power would normally let them do so., 1 Gnosis, Other, 10 minutes

Wyrm - Corruption - May teach any version of Disguise Taint or Monsters to shifters once you have these.

Level 1) Induce SinInduce Sin: Power: Induce Sin, 1 Gnosis, Other, 10 minutes
Level 2) Apply TaintApply Taint: Mental, Instant. Call "Apply taint: [amount] [type]" where the amount is the amount of Energy spent. The target receives that many levels of Taint.: Wyrm, 1-5 Gnosis, Other
Level 3) Disguise TaintDisguise Taint: No matter your taint level, you may respond to Sense Taint powers with any amount or type. It is highly recommended that you only respond with a value of the type requested, rather than answering with some other type., 1 Gnosis, Self, 1 hour
Level 4) Induce MistrustInduce Mistrust: Mental. Spend the required energy, indicate your target and call “Induce Mistrust, they’re all out to get you” The target perceives all other characters as inherently hostile and out for their blood. The target may choose how to respond to this knowledge, fighting, fleeing or keeping their head down and biding their time as befits the situation and their disposition, but they cannot bring themselves to ever trust another person while under the effects of the power., 1 Gnosis, Other, 10 minutes
Level 5) PathogenPathogen: This ability cannot be resisted, but cannot be used in combat. Call "Subtle Pathogen", then hand your target 10 cards with the following text: "Subtle Pathogen, Disease: Your maximum health is immediately reduced by 2. For the remainder of game you cannot regenerate your own health without energy expenditure, and the Medicine skill will not have an effect. If you have more than one of these cards, hand approximately half of them to the next person who touches you or who you touch. Keep at least 1 card.” The caster of Pathogen is Immune to the Pathogen power for 10 minutes after use and may return any Pathogen cards handed to them during this time., 5 Gnosis, Other, 10 cards, Touch, 10 cards

Wyrm - Destruction - May teach any version of Visage or Enrage to shifters once you have these.

Level 1) ShatterShatter: Physical. Destroy a tagged item by touching it with a physical attack. Use the sig call "Shatter.": Locks, 1 Gnosis, Any Lock
Level 2) VisageVisage: After a 10 count, you may alter your outward appearance; equip or remove any mask or prosthetic including mantles that represents another power. You may wear any other mask or prosthetic that you wish; if you equip an item you do not get the benefits of that power. You may remove any mask, mantle, or prosthetic that you wish; if you remove an item that is a requirement for a power, pause any timers and suppress all effects of the associated power. The power returns at its original timers when you release Visage, requiring you to restore any props required. You may also remove any costuming requirements while this is in effect. Using this power *only* to remove costume requirements has no cost. If this effect was used on you, you may cancel it after its minimum duration., 1 Gnosis, Self minimum 10 minutes & Aggravated DamageAggravated Damage: Physical. You may call the described damage as Aggravated. Use the sig call “[number] Agg”. If a duration is not specified, this power lasts for a single attack., 2 Gnosis, Other, “1 agg” touch
Level 3) AppearAppear: Other, Disable. Remove your white headband and enter the Realm. You are only partially there. You cannot use powers or attack while in this state. If you are struck by a damaging effect call resist (take no damage), immediately re-equip your white headband to return to the Umbra., 1 Gnosis, Self
Level 4) EnrageEnrage: Mental, Instant. If the target is capable of Rage Frenzy, causes the target to enter Rage Frenzy - you will be the first target of their Beast’s onslaught., 1 Gnosis, Other
Level 5) ShatterShatter: Physical. Destroy a tagged item by touching it with a physical attack. Use the sig call "Shatter.", 3 Gnosis, Other (Item)

Wyrm - Devouring - May teach any version of Cloak or Devour Body to shifters once you have these.

Level 1) Drain PoolDrain Pool: Physical. You may drain the pool described in the power descriptor line. Once the sig call for this power begins, the user may not move from their current position. You may use your natural reach to maintain contact, but you may not lean to increase your reach. The target may move away from the user to disengage from this power, unless another power has immobilized them. Use the sig call: "Tapping 1, Tapping 2, Tapping 3, Draining [type] 1, Draining [type] 2…" If the target does not have that pool, they must respond with "No effect." If you have the named pool then you gain the same amount that you drain all at once after the draining call ends.: Health, No Cost, Other + Convert HealthConvert Health: You may convert any amount of Health into your innate Energy type at a rate of 2 Health to 1 Energy., 1+ Health, Self
Level 2) CloakCloak: Buff. Use the cloak hand sign: place your hand in front of your face, palm inward, fingers spread. You are considered invisible except to the power Cloak Sight. You cannot be targeted by a character who cannot see you, but you are affected by mass powers.You may not move your feet, speak, use any power which requires your character to speak, or take any aggressive action aside from Mental powers while using this power. This power has a 1 minute cooldown., No Cost, Self & UnseenUnseen: While in Cloak, spend the required energy, you may choose to move. If you leave Cloak then this power ends. You may use this power with Mass Cloak with no cost increase., 1 Gnosis, Self
Level 3) MaterializeMaterialize: Remove your white headband and enter the Realm. You have full access to powers in this state and effectively are a living being. You become vulnerable to poisons, diseases, drugs and alcohol. While in the Realm you may be healed by any means that would restore health to a living being. Any passive Energy generation is halved while in the Realm., 2 Gnosis, Self
Level 4) Energy VampirismEnergy Vampirism: Physical. This ability only costs to initiate. Use the counted call: "Draining Energy" to drain any Energy resource from your target. You may drain 1 Energy per Draining Energy call. Gain as much health as Energy drained this way. Because you are not drinking it, a vampire’s blood taken this way will not cause a blood bond., 1 Gnosis, Other
Level 5) Devour BodyDevour Body: Physical. Touch a Dying target, make an audible 30 count of "Devouring Body". Once you reach the 30 count, the target's body is destroyed. They must go immediately to ST camp. The user of this ability is restored to full health and restores 3 in all Energy pools they possess., 3 Gnosis, Other, Dying Target

General - May teach any version of Bypass, Visage, or Cloak to shifters once you have these.

Level 1) BypassBypass: You may open Locks of the Class defined on your power descriptor line (or Class 1, if not defined). If a door, you alone may enter, closing the door behind you. If this power levels this amount increases by 1 for every second level you purchase in its associated power tree past where it was obtained, maximum 3. 1, No Cost, Self, Levels
Level 2) VisageVisage: After a 10 count, you may alter your outward appearance; equip or remove any mask or prosthetic including mantles that represents another power. You may wear any other mask or prosthetic that you wish; if you equip an item you do not get the benefits of that power. You may remove any mask, mantle, or prosthetic that you wish; if you remove an item that is a requirement for a power, pause any timers and suppress all effects of the associated power. The power returns at its original timers when you release Visage, requiring you to restore any props required. You may also remove any costuming requirements while this is in effect. Using this power *only* to remove costume requirements has no cost. If this effect was used on you, you may cancel it after its minimum duration., 1 Gnosis, Self, minimum 10 minutes
Level 3) CloakCloak: Buff. Use the cloak hand sign: place your hand in front of your face, palm inward, fingers spread. You are considered invisible except to the power Cloak Sight. You cannot be targeted by a character who cannot see you, but you are affected by mass powers.You may not move your feet, speak, use any power which requires your character to speak, or take any aggressive action aside from Mental powers while using this power. This power has a 1 minute cooldown., No Cost, Self
Level 4) Disable ItemDisable Item: Physical. Touch a tagged item on another player and call "Disable Item" - the target may not use that item for 10 minutes., 1 Gnosis, Any Item & Gauntlet GraspGauntlet Grasp: You may pick up an item from the other side of the Gauntlet, or may attempt to open a closed door while in the Umbra. Locked doors are still locked in the Umbra. Opening doors does not cost Energy., 1 Gnosis, Any Object
Level 5) MaterializeMaterialize: Remove your white headband and enter the Realm. You have full access to powers in this state and effectively are a living being. You become vulnerable to poisons, diseases, drugs and alcohol. While in the Realm you may be healed by any means that would restore health to a living being. Any passive Energy generation is halved while in the Realm., 1 Gnosis, Self


Spirits also have roles associated with them. In our system there are 6 of these. These roles are: Aggressor, Defender, Regenerator, Restorer, Perceiver, Manipulator. As a Gaian Spirit, you’re limited to being what you came into this world as - not entirely, but at least partially. As such, when creating your character choose 2 individual trees from the ROLE category that are not in the same treeset as each other. You may never take the powers in these 2 trees. Please find a place to note them down on your sheet.

Aggressor - Elemental - May teach Element 1, Counter, or Elemental Form to shifters once you have them

Level 1) ElementElement: Physical. Throw a packet with the sig call: “[name of element] [amount of damage]” (Example: Fire 3). If the element is not defined, you may use any of the 4 Western elements (Earth, Air, Fire, Water) or the five Eastern elements (Fire, Earth, Water, Wood, Metal) - you must choose which elemental system you intend to use before ever using this ability and should not switch between them. If this power levels this amount increases by 1 for every level you purchase in its associated power tree past where it was obtained, to a maximum 4. 1, 1 Gnosis, Other, Levels
Level 2) Bind FootBind Foot: Status. Throw a packet with the call "Bind Foot". The affected target may not move from their current location., 1 Gnosis, Other
Level 3) CounterCounter: When you are struck by the damage type described you may spend energy to call "Resist, counter [resisted call]", where number is the amount of damage you would have been dealt. Your attacker takes that damage instead of you. This damage cannot be modified and can also be countered back.: Packet Attacks, 2 Gnosis, Self
Level 4) Elemental FormElemental Form: Form. Equip a mask that clearly represents the element you are going to be using. You become immune to all damaging effects for the specified duration and may throw Element 4 for that element at no cost during that time. Call “Immune” when an effect you are immune to is used on you., 5 Gnosis, Self, 60 seconds, 1x/10 minutes
Level 5) Energy BurnEnergy Burn: Physical. By default, this power drains 1 energy then deals 1 damage for each energy drained. Touch your target and call "Energy Burn: [number]" where [number] is the amount total amount of damage you wish to do. Putting up to 3 additional energy into it will increase [number] by 1 per energy added. The target loses that much of their energy pool and takes as much damage as energy drained., 1 Gnosis, Other, Touch, 1x/60sec

Aggressor - Physical - May teach Claws, Augment (cost version), or Aggravated Damage to shifters once you have them

Level 1) ClawsClaws: You may use 1 or 2 Claw boffers. While using these boffers you receive Augment (does not stack with Augment from War Form or Beast Form). You may defend with your Claws, but must have the Brawl skill to attack with them., 1 Gnosis, Self, 10 minutes
Level 2) AugmentAugment: Increase that damage you deal with brawl and melee attacks by 1 unless otherwise specified. You may not increase your damage above 4. This ability stacks with other instances of Augment, but you cannot use the same source of Augment twice (each use must come from a different power tree location.), No Cost, Self, Always On
Level 3) AugmentAugment: Increase that damage you deal with brawl and melee attacks by 1 unless otherwise specified. You may not increase your damage above 4. This ability stacks with other instances of Augment, but you cannot use the same source of Augment twice (each use must come from a different power tree location.), 1 Gnosis, Self, 10 minutes
Level 4) Aggravated DamageAggravated Damage: Physical. You may call the described damage as Aggravated. Use the sig call “[number] Agg”. If a duration is not specified, this power lasts for a single attack., 1 Gnosis, Self, 60 seconds, with brawl or melee
Level 5) Punch ThroughPunch Through: Physical. You may make a single melee or brawl attack for at least “4 Irresistible Agg”. If the player physically dodges the attack you lose the energy but the target does not take the damage. If the target is immune to damage then they take no damage., 1 Gnosis, Other

Defender - Escape - May teach Meld, Hasty Escape, Merciful Sleep to shifters once you have them

Level 1) MeldMeld: Place a marker (an orange 3x5 card) that states “[Player Name] / [Character Name] [Time], Meld”. Make an audible 3 count and go out of game. You may not return to game for a minimum of 4 hours and may remain out of game as long as you would like beyond that. This power may be used to sleep. This power may not be used in combat., 1 Gnosis, Self, >4 hours
Level 2) Hanging OnHanging On: Buff. When you are reduced to 0 health, make the call “Hanging On.” For the next 60 seconds, you may only move at a shambling pace and speak. During this time, you are immune to all attacks and cannot enter the dying state. You may not use powers, items, or otherwise attack. You may allow allies to affect you with healing powers and buffs. At the end of the 60 second duration, if you are still at 0 health, you fall unconscious and enter the dying state., No Cost, Self & CloakCloak: Buff. Use the cloak hand sign: place your hand in front of your face, palm inward, fingers spread. You are considered invisible except to the power Cloak Sight. You cannot be targeted by a character who cannot see you, but you are affected by mass powers.You may not move your feet, speak, use any power which requires your character to speak, or take any aggressive action aside from Mental powers while using this power. This power has a 1 minute cooldown., No Cost, Self
Level 3) Hasty EscapeHasty Escape: Cross your arms over your chest in an “X”. As long as you take no action other than moving away from enemy targets as quickly as you safely can you will take no damage. This power has a 1 minute cooldown., 1 Gnosis, Self, 10 minutes
Level 4) DisplaceDisplace: Mental, Instant. After using a power or causing damage to a target, point at a second target and use the sig call: "Displace: They did it" - the target of the original power is affected as though the power or damage came from the second target, even if they might not otherwise be able to sense that a power was used. Any resource or answer is returned to the caster., 1 Gnosis, Other
Level 5) Merciful SleepMerciful Sleep: Mental, Disable. Designate the target and call “Merciful Sleep”. The target falls unconscious for 10 minutes., 1 Gnosis, Other & UnseenUnseen: While in Cloak, spend the required energy, you may choose to move. If you leave Cloak then this power ends. You may use this power with Mass Cloak with no cost increase., 1 Gnosis, Self (requires Cloak)

Defender - Protection - May teach Vaporous Body, Resist: Mental, Hardened Flesh to shifters once you have them

Level 1) DisarmDisarm: Physical. Use the sig call: "Disarm, drop your gear", while attacking. You must make a successful attack with this sig call to cause the Disarm. Targets struck with Disarm drop one weapon that is held in hand. If they have a second weapon and are struck with a second Disarm, they drop the second weapon. The same holds true for shields or magical weapons. If specified on the command line, you may call "Disarm, give me your weapon", instead of dropping, the target should pass their weapon to you., 1 Gnosis, Other, via packet
Level 2) ResistResist: You may call resist to the power(s) described on the power descriptor line.: Status, 1 Gnosis, Self
Level 3) Vaporous BodyVaporous Body: Equip a white mantle. You are immune to Damage and Status effects, may only use non-offensive or Mental powers, and may not use any power that is considered “Physical”. You may not use Medicine, Resist: Mental, or any effect which is tagged as Physical while in Vaporous Body. While in Vaporous Body, you may walk through any door, even if locked with a level 3 lock. Call “Immune” when you are hit with an effect that you are immune to., 1 Gnosis, Self, 10 minutes
Level 4) ResistResist: You may call resist to the power(s) described on the power descriptor line.: Mental, 2 Gnosis, Self
Level 5) Hardened FleshHardened Flesh: Call "Hardened Flesh" to activate this effect. You may not take more than 2 damage from each hit for the duration of this power., 1 Gnosis, Self, 10 minutes

Regenerator - Regrowth - May teach Remove Agg, Invigorate, Inspiration to shifters once you have them

Level 1) Steal HealthSteal Health: Physical. Touch a target, call “Steal Health 1”, the target’s health is reduced by 1 and your health is increased by 1., No Cost, Other
Level 2) Healing TouchHealing Touch: Touch the target and use the sig call “Healing Touch [x]”. The target of this power is healed for the amount designated on your power descriptor line. If this power levels this amount increases by 1 for every level you purchase in its associated power tree past where it was obtained, to a maximum 4. 2, 1 Gnosis, Self, 1x/10 minutes, Levels
Level 3) Remove AggRemove Agg: Use the sig call “Remove Agg” to remove the Aggravated Damage effect from a target., 1 Gnosis, Self
Level 4) InvigorateInvigorate: Use the sig call "Invigorate: Double Healing" - any effect that would restore Health to the target has its value doubled for the duration of this ability., 1 Gnosis, Self, 10 minutes
Level 5) InspirationInspiration: Use the sig call: "Inspiration: [target] gain 1 Willpower" - defined targets within 10 feet regain 1 Willpower., 10 Gnosis, Self, 1x/hour

Regenerator - Reversion - May teach Cleanse Taint, Cure Ailment, Clarity to shifters once you have them

Level 1) Cleanse TaintCleanse Taint: You may remove 1 level of taint and 1 additional level of taint per energy spent above the base cost. To do so, call “Cleanse [number] [type] Taint” - if type is not defined, you may call “any.”, 1 Gnosis, Self
Level 2) Cure AilmentCure Ailment: Remove a single disease or poison effect from the target. If curing a disease effect, the target may destroy any disease cards they have on them. Touching a target while using this power to cure a disease prevents the remaining disease cards from being handed to you., 1 Gnosis, Self
Level 3) Escape BondEscape Bond: You may remove any mundane restraint (such as rope, handcuffs, a bear-trap, or a straight jacket), or you may remove a grapple or bind foot effect. If used out of combat, you may do so in a whisper., 1 Gnosis, Self
Level 4) Elemental ImmunityElemental Immunity: Call out: "Elemental Immunity!" You are immune to any damage from any of the 4 Western or 5 Eastern elements for the duration of this power., 3 Gnosis, Self, 60 seconds
Level 5) ClarityClarity: Mental, Instant. Remove any single Mental Effect or Dream effect or shut off a Derangement - if shutting off a Derangement it cannot be reactivated again for 10 minutes., 2 Gnosis, Self

Restorer - Renewal - May teach Remove Agg, Invigorate, Inspiration to shifters once you have them

Level 1) Healing TouchHealing Touch: Touch the target and use the sig call “Healing Touch [x]”. The target of this power is healed for the amount designated on your power descriptor line. If this power levels this amount increases by 1 for every level you purchase in its associated power tree past where it was obtained, to a maximum 4. 1, no cost, Other, 1x/10 minutes, Does not level
Level 2) Healing TouchHealing Touch: Touch the target and use the sig call “Healing Touch [x]”. The target of this power is healed for the amount designated on your power descriptor line. If this power levels this amount increases by 1 for every level you purchase in its associated power tree past where it was obtained, to a maximum 4. 2, 1 Gnosis, Other, Levels
Level 3) Remove AggRemove Agg: Use the sig call “Remove Agg” to remove the Aggravated Damage effect from a target., 1 Gnosis, Other
Level 4) InvigorateInvigorate: Use the sig call "Invigorate: Double Healing" - any effect that would restore Health to the target has its value doubled for the duration of this ability., 3 Gnosis, Other, 10 minutes
Level 5) InspirationInspiration: Use the sig call: "Inspiration: [target] gain 1 Willpower" - defined targets within 10 feet regain 1 Willpower., 5 Gnosis, Any 1 Other, 1x/1 hour

Restorer - Purification - May teach Cleanse Taint, Cure Ailment, Clarity to shifters once you have them

Level 1) Cure AilmentCure Ailment: Remove a single disease or poison effect from the target. If curing a disease effect, the target may destroy any disease cards they have on them. Touching a target while using this power to cure a disease prevents the remaining disease cards from being handed to you., 1 Gnosis, Other
Level 2) Remove VulnerabilityRemove Vulnerability: The damage type on the Power Descriptor Line may deal no more than 1 damage to you, and no longer applies the Aggravated Damage effect.: Fire, 1 Gnosis, Other, 1 hour
Level 3) Cleanse TaintCleanse Taint: You may remove 1 level of taint and 1 additional level of taint per energy spent above the base cost. To do so, call “Cleanse [number] [type] Taint” - if type is not defined, you may call “any.”, 1 Gnosis, Other
Level 4) Forgetful MindForgetful Mind: Mental, Instant. Use the signature call “Forgetful Mind” - the target forgets the last 10 minutes of in-game activity., 1 Gnosis, Other
Level 5) ClarityClarity: Mental, Instant. Remove any single Mental Effect or Dream effect or shut off a Derangement - if shutting off a Derangement it cannot be reactivated again for 10 minutes., 1 Gnosis, Other

Perceiver - Sight - May teach Cloak Sight, Sense Pool: Gnosis to shifters once you have the appropriate power to do so

Level 1) Sense AuraSense Aura: Mental, Instant, Sensory. Use the sig call "Sense Aura", you may ask the target their current strongest emotion, if they are supernatural, if they are your Type, if they are under a ritual effect, or if they have any magic items on them., 1 Gnosis, Other
Level 2) Sense PoolSense Pool: Mental, Instant, Sensory. Use sig call: "Sense:" followed by the name of the pool, as described on the power descriptor line, the target should reply with their current Pool level or “Resist”, or "No Effect" if they don't have that pool.: Energy, 1 Gnosis, Other & Sense BeastSense Beast: Mental, Instant, Sensory. Use the sig call "Sense Beast, do you possess a Frenzy mechanic?". Yes answers by the target would include vampires, ghouls, and anyone with a Rage pool (even temporarily). Impostor and other deceptive powers allow a "no"., 1 Gnosis, Other
Level 3) Cloak SightCloak Sight: Buff, Sight. You may see any individual with the cloak hand sign up who is in a realm you can see; you are are aware they are cloaked, and can target them normally., No Cost, Self, Always On
Level 4) Watcher SightWatcher Sight: You may see characters in orange headbands who are either following another individual or are stationary. This allows you to see individuals using Clairvoyance or Possession. If a player is out of costume or obviously not playing a character, this power does not allow you to see them. A player wearing an orange headband who is truly out of game (if you're not sure) may clarify their out of game status by flashing or maintaining a second Out Of Game signal., No Cost, Self, Always On
Level 5) Sense DeeplySense Deeply: Mental, Instant, Sensory. Use the sig call "Deep Sense" - you may ask the target three of the following questions: their current Willpower rating, if they are under a Mental Effect, how many ritual effects they are under, if they have Magic Susceptibility, If they have the Infernalist effect on them, or if they are under a Blood Bond, Charm, Love, or Obsession. Shifters, Gaian Spirits, and Kinfolk may ask if the target is Kinfolk. Vampires and Ghouls may ask the target's Path, Path rating, if they have committed Diablerie, or if they are a Ghoul. You may use this power multiple times on a single target to ask 3 questions for each expenditure., 1 Gnosis, Other & Sense LiabilitySense Liability: Mental, Instant, Sensory. Use the sig call: "Sense Liability: Are you under any negative effects?" - the target must answer yes if they are under any harmful Mental, Status, or Physical effect. You may not choose to use a more precise call., 1 Gnosis, Other

Perceiver - Sense - May teach Item Sight, Sense Taint (any 1 type), Sense Supernatural to shifters once you have them

Level 1) Item SightItem Sight: If you are able to physically read the tag or 3x5 card on an item then you may read and understand its contents. This means that you must be within range to study the item. If you see that an item is tagged and you are standing near the person, you may ask to see the tag. The in-game effect is that the individual sees you staring at their item. A person using this ability is obviously and in-game studying the object in question., No Cost, Self, Always On
Level 2) Sense TaintSense Taint: Mental, Instant, Sensory. Sig call: "Sense Taint: [type]", where the type is listed on the Power Descriptor Line. If the target is affected by that type of taint then they must answer with what level. If "any" is listed in the power description, you must choose one type each time you use the power.: Any, 1 Gnosis, Other
Level 3) Sense SupernaturalSense Supernatural: Mental, Instant, Sensory. If a type is not specified on the power descriptor line then you may use the sig call: “Sense Supernatural: Are you a supernatural creature?” - you may not ask the type. If a type is specified, you may ask “Sense Supernatural: Are you a [type]?” - the target must respond truthfully. A supernatural creature is any character not written on a Mortal character sheet. If "any" is listed in the power description, or if multiple supernatural types are listed, you must choose one type each time you use the power., 1 Gnosis, Other & Sense SupernaturalSense Supernatural: Mental, Instant, Sensory. If a type is not specified on the power descriptor line then you may use the sig call: “Sense Supernatural: Are you a supernatural creature?” - you may not ask the type. If a type is specified, you may ask “Sense Supernatural: Are you a [type]?” - the target must respond truthfully. A supernatural creature is any character not written on a Mortal character sheet. If "any" is listed in the power description, or if multiple supernatural types are listed, you must choose one type each time you use the power.: (Werewolf & Fera (any)), 1 Gnosis, Other
Level 4) Magic AwarenessMagic Awareness: When you resist any power that is used on your character you know what power was used. You do not know where the power came from. This power has no effect unless you resist a power, No Cost, Self, Always On & Sense SupernaturalSense Supernatural: Mental, Instant, Sensory. If a type is not specified on the power descriptor line then you may use the sig call: “Sense Supernatural: Are you a supernatural creature?” - you may not ask the type. If a type is specified, you may ask “Sense Supernatural: Are you a [type]?” - the target must respond truthfully. A supernatural creature is any character not written on a Mortal character sheet. If "any" is listed in the power description, or if multiple supernatural types are listed, you must choose one type each time you use the power.: (Fomori & Stormborn & Kami & Gorgon & Drone), 1 Gnosis, Other
Level 5) BreachBreach: You may use the described power Cross-gauntlet. Use the sig call “Breach:” preceding your normal sig call. Unless otherwise specified, you may also use the power without the Breach call to use it in your current realm. If the power you are using over Breach has its own cost, you must also pay the cost of that power., 1 Gnosis, Self, Any Perceiver - Sense tree power

Manipulator - Ride - May teach Telepathy, Obedience, Possession to shifters once you have them

Level 1) BreachBreach: You may use the described power Cross-gauntlet. Use the sig call “Breach:” preceding your normal sig call. Unless otherwise specified, you may also use the power without the Breach call to use it in your current realm. If the power you are using over Breach has its own cost, you must also pay the cost of that power.: TelepathyTelepathy: Mental, Special. Use the telepathy hand sign, hand with first 3 fingers closed, thumb and pinky spread. Look into the eyes of your target - the target may refuse Telepathy by simply not returning the gesture for no cost. Speak in a whisper or very soft voice - your target will hear your voice in their mind. Others who see this should ignore your communication., No Cost, Other, 10 minutes
Level 2) ApparitionApparition: Other. Touch a target that you can see and call "You see me" - the target may see and hear you for the duration of this power. You may not touch each other as long as you remain on opposite sides of the Gauntlet unless you would otherwise be able to., 1 Gnosis, Other, 10 minutes, cross-gauntlet
Level 3) ObedienceObedience: Mental. Lasts 10 minutes or until task is completed, whichever comes first. Use the sig call "Obedience: [command less than 10 words]" in conjunction with the command hand signal. The target must attempt to complete the command as given. This power cannot be used to force a character to do anything that would obviously cause them to suffer damage, change their state of consciousness, or prevent them from defending themselves when attacked., 1 Gnosis, Other, 10 minutes
Level 4) ClairvoyanceClairvoyance: Other, Irresistible. As Astral Projection, except that you equip an orange headband and may only visit a character who you believe is friendly to you, a target who you can currently see, or the thing defined on the power descriptor line. You may follow the target, listening and seeing what they do for up to 10 minutes at which point you must return to your body. While traveling to or from the target you may not overhear or oversee events. While this power is active you may not use any powers except for Possessing Heal - you are only able to follow, listen, and watch. This power is not usable in combat., 2 Gnosis, Self & EntrancementEntrancement: Mental, Special. Indicate the target, spend the required energy and call “Entrance: You are my ally” The target becomes an unconditionally loyal ally and retainer, and should obey your instructions and requests to the best of their ability so long as they do not result in immediate harm to the target or to their pre-existing allies or friends. They will not voluntarily attack, betray or undermine you and should defend you if you are attacked. While the target will happily perform violence at your request (to the best of their ability) they cannot be compelled to end another’s life or to attack one of their close friends or family members., 1 Gnosis, Other, 10 minutes
Level 5) PossessionPossession: Mental. Place your hand on target's shoulder, call "Possession", and if the power is not resisted equip an orange headband, then for the duration you can give simple commands to the target - the target must follow your commands to the best of their ability. If you command the target to do something that would cause them damage they may expend a willpower to resist the command. You may not repeat a resisted command or attempt to circumvent the resisted command. While possessing a target the possessor may use any Mental or Status powers they possess except for Possession or Clairvoyance or any power that crosses the Gauntlet. Powers that have an actual verbal or physical component, such as Command, must be performed by the possessed. Upon crossing the Gauntlet, Possession becomes broken. The possessor is affected by any Mental powers, the possessed is affected by any other powers. You may possess possess a dead or dying target, when doing so, the target's death timer immediately freezes. Since the target has no health at this point, any damage dealt to the target instead harms the possessor., 2 Gnosis, Other

Manipulator - Effect - May teach Fascination, Instill Emotion, Daydream to shifters once you have them

Level 1) FascinationFascination: Mental, Signaled, Disable. Use the sig call "Fascination: While we converse" or "Fascination: While I entertain". As long as you can maintain your end of a conversation or otherwise provide entertainment the target must keep their attention focused on you and may not attack you. You may not initiate power usage while this power is in use., 1 Gnosis, Other
Level 2) Instill EmotionInstill Emotion: Mental, Instant. Use the sig call "Instill Emotion: [name of emotion]". The emotion becomes the primary thing the character feels, pushing all other emotions to the side. This change in emotion may only be instant, but the effects last until external forces begin to impact that character. Making a character happy may only last until they turn to see their friend bleeding out again. Making a character angry may only last until someone offers them a kindness. , 1 Gnosis, Other, 10 minutes & ResistResist: You may call resist to the power(s) described on the power descriptor line.: Status, 1 Gnosis, Self
Level 3) DaydreamDaydream: Mental. Hand the target a 3x5 card. The first line on both sides should be the word: “Daydream” - this does not count as a word for determining word counts. On one side, describe a dream that character would have. On the other, give a 10 word command. For the duration, the target should attempt to follow that command as long as it does not directly counter their nature. Someone is not likely to attack individuals they consider trusted allies, but they might be unable to attack when they would otherwise be aggressive. If the target is asleep, they may not resist this ability., 1 Gnosis, Other, 24 hours
Level 4) DispassionateDispassionate: Mental. Target becomes unable to feel emotions. This also prevents anyone with a Frenzy mechanic from Frenzying., 1 Gnosis, Other, 10 minutes
Level 5) DerangeDerange: Mental. Give a target an active Derangement for the next 10 minutes. You may choose the Derangement., 1 Gnosis, Other, 10 minutes

Totem Powers / Familiar Powers

Characters who take your Spirit as a Totem or Familiar purchase these for you via the appropriate background.
Cost 1) CloakCloak: Buff. Use the cloak hand sign: place your hand in front of your face, palm inward, fingers spread. You are considered invisible except to the power Cloak Sight. You cannot be targeted by a character who cannot see you, but you are affected by mass powers.You may not move your feet, speak, use any power which requires your character to speak, or take any aggressive action aside from Mental powers while using this power. This power has a 1 minute cooldown., No Cost, Self
Cost 1) Convert BloodConvert Blood: You may convert any Blood you receive into your innate Energy type., No cost, Self, the Gaian Spirit cannot Grant Gnosis for 1 hour after using this ability.
Cost 1) VisionsVisions: Send the target to ST camp to obtain a Vision. Instruct them to provide your name and request a Vision., No Cost, Self, 1x/game
Cost 1) Give EnergyGive Energy: Allows the user to give one of their primary Energy pool. If an energy type is not specified it is converted automatically to the recipient’s Energy pool. Use the sig call: "Giving Energy 1" for universal exchange and "Giving [pool type] 1" for specific energies., Variable Gnosis, Packmate, 1 to 1 rate
Cost 1) Sense TaintSense Taint: Mental, Instant, Sensory. Sig call: "Sense Taint: [type]", where the type is listed on the Power Descriptor Line. If the target is affected by that type of taint then they must answer with what level. If "any" is listed in the power description, you must choose one type each time you use the power.: [type], 1 Gnosis, Other
Cost 1) Shared StrengthShared Strength: Grant the allowed power(s) to another target for up to 1 hour unless otherwise specified on the power descriptor line. Shared Strength may only be used to grant one power per use. The cost listed is to use the Shared Strength power itself. You must also pay the cost of the power described. In the ItemMaker, this means the cost of the unmodified item. In a power tree, this is the cost of the power in that tree. If the power is not located in that tree, there is no additional cost. If the power can be used multiple times during that hour, you must spend energy per use you wish to give. Notify the player with sig call: “Shared Strength: [power name] [number] uses [time]”. The target does not *need* to use the power if they do not wish to. You may not give Shared Strength as a power. Shared Strength is freely resistible.: Augment, 1 Gnosis, Packmate, 10 minutes
Cost 1) Silent VoiceSilent Voice: Offer a white 3x5 card to a target of your choosing. The target may read the card in its entirety but need not do so immediately upon receiving the card. The card must start with the text: "Phantom Speaker, you hear a voice:" followed by the full text you wish to convey. As 3x5s are not physical objects in the world of our game, the message cannot be intercepted intentionally or otherwise., 1 Gnosis, 1 Card to Packmate, cross-gauntlet
Cost 1) TransferTransfer: You may give or take the energy type specified from a willing target. To do so, use a tapping 3 count followed by a draining or giving count for each energy given. You may also fill or empty an Energy Storage Fetish of the energy type specified while not in combat.: Pathos, No Cost, Packmate, the Gaian Spirit cannot Grant Gnosis for 1 hour after using this ability. & Convert PathosConvert Pathos: You may convert any Pathos you receive into your innate Energy type., No Cost, Self, the Gaian Spirit cannot Grant Gnosis for 1 hour after using this ability.
Cost 1) UnhiddenUnhidden: A character with this power may designate targets (as defined on the power descriptor line) - notify them that you are Unhidden to them. For the rest of the game weekend, those targets are allowed to see you, even if in a realm they cannot normally see, and even if you would normally be hidden from their sight (through, for example, cloak), No Cost, Packmates, remainder of game
Cost 1) UnseenUnseen: While in Cloak, spend the required energy, you may choose to move. If you leave Cloak then this power ends. You may use this power with Mass Cloak with no cost increase., 1 Gnosis, Self, requires Cloak
Cost 1) VisageVisage: After a 10 count, you may alter your outward appearance; equip or remove any mask or prosthetic including mantles that represents another power. You may wear any other mask or prosthetic that you wish; if you equip an item you do not get the benefits of that power. You may remove any mask, mantle, or prosthetic that you wish; if you remove an item that is a requirement for a power, pause any timers and suppress all effects of the associated power. The power returns at its original timers when you release Visage, requiring you to restore any props required. You may also remove any costuming requirements while this is in effect. Using this power *only* to remove costume requirements has no cost. If this effect was used on you, you may cancel it after its minimum duration., 1 Gnosis, Self/Packmate, minimum 10 minutes
Cost 2) Break CatharsisBreak Catharsis: Mental, Instant. Use the sig call "Break Catharsis" and touch the target. If the target is in Catharsis, they immediately exit the Catharsis state., 1 Gnosis, Packmate
Cost 2) Break BondsBreak Bonds: Touch your target, say “Break all Bonds” - if the target is under the effect of any bond-like effects then they are removed., 1 Gnosis, Packmate
Cost 2) EchoEcho: For the duration of this ability you may communicate Cross-gauntlet with the Sig Call: "Echo:" followed by the words you wish to send across the Gauntlet. This power does not let you use other powers cross gauntlet., 1 Gnosis, Self, 10 minutes
Cost 2) Flog SoulFlog Soul: Mental, Instant. Over the duration specified, role play an attempt to repair the target's soul. You may use fire and brimstone speeches or help explain how they can reconnect with their humanity. At the end of that time notify the recipient that they may lower their Angst by up to 5, but must take the same amount of damage., 3 Gnosis, Packmate (Wraith)
Cost 2) Forgetful MindForgetful Mind: Mental, Instant. Use the signature call “Forgetful Mind” - the target forgets the last 10 minutes of in-game activity., 1 Gnosis, Other
Cost 2) Shared StrengthShared Strength: Grant the allowed power(s) to another target for up to 1 hour unless otherwise specified on the power descriptor line. Shared Strength may only be used to grant one power per use. The cost listed is to use the Shared Strength power itself. You must also pay the cost of the power described. In the ItemMaker, this means the cost of the unmodified item. In a power tree, this is the cost of the power in that tree. If the power is not located in that tree, there is no additional cost. If the power can be used multiple times during that hour, you must spend energy per use you wish to give. Notify the player with sig call: “Shared Strength: [power name] [number] uses [time]”. The target does not *need* to use the power if they do not wish to. You may not give Shared Strength as a power. Shared Strength is freely resistible.: Gauntlet Sight, 1 Gnosis, Packmate, 1 hour
Cost 2) MaterializeMaterialize: Remove your white headband and enter the Realm. You have full access to powers in this state and effectively are a living being. You become vulnerable to poisons, diseases, drugs and alcohol. While in the Realm you may be healed by any means that would restore health to a living being. Any passive Energy generation is halved while in the Realm., 1 Gnosis, Self
Cost 2) Quell BeastQuell Beast: Mental, Instant. Use the sig call "Quell Beast, calm your Frenzy" and designate your target. The Frenzy effect is removed from that target., 1 Gnosis, Other
Cost 2) BreachBreach: You may use the described power Cross-gauntlet. Use the sig call “Breach:” preceding your normal sig call. Unless otherwise specified, you may also use the power without the Breach call to use it in your current realm. If the power you are using over Breach has its own cost, you must also pay the cost of that power.: TerrorTerror: Mental. Use the sig call "Terror: Run from me." The target must flee from you and must attempt to remain away from your presence for the duration., 1 Gnosis, Other, 10 minutes
Cost 3) Mass PowerMass Power: Use the described power(s) as mass powers. Targets should be described on the power descriptor line.: AugmentAugment: Increase that damage you deal with brawl and melee attacks by 1 unless otherwise specified. You may not increase your damage above 4. This ability stacks with other instances of Augment, but you cannot use the same source of Augment twice (each use must come from a different power tree location.), 3 Gnosis, 10 minutes, Packmates: "Mass Augment: Packmates"
Cost 3) Mass PowerMass Power: Use the described power(s) as mass powers. Targets should be described on the power descriptor line.: ClarityClarity: Mental, Instant. Remove any single Mental Effect or Dream effect or shut off a Derangement - if shutting off a Derangement it cannot be reactivated again for 10 minutes., 1 Willpower, "Mass Clarity: Packmates"
Cost 3) GuardianGuardian: Physical. Touch as many as 2 willing targets - they may not take damage as long as you remain in contact with them. They cannot attack, or use Abilities or Powers, but may break contact to do so. If you wish to bring them back to this damage immunity, you must spend another will. The user of this power may still be damaged., 1 Willpower per target, Packmates only
Cost 3) InspirationInspiration: Use the sig call: "Inspiration: [target] gain 1 Willpower" - defined targets within 10 feet regain 1 Willpower., 1 Willpower, Packmates, 1x/hour
Cost 3) Knit SoulKnit Soul: Willing Wraith target loses 2 maximum health for the remainder of this game session and reduces their Shadow level by 1., 1 Willpower, Packmate (Wraith), 1x/game
Cost 3) PathogenPathogen: This ability cannot be resisted, but cannot be used in combat. Call "Subtle Pathogen", then hand your target 10 cards with the following text: "Subtle Pathogen, Disease: Your maximum health is immediately reduced by 2. For the remainder of game you cannot regenerate your own health without energy expenditure, and the Medicine skill will not have an effect. If you have more than one of these cards, hand approximately half of them to the next person who touches you or who you touch. Keep at least 1 card.” The caster of Pathogen is Immune to the Pathogen power for 10 minutes after use and may return any Pathogen cards handed to them during this time., 6 Gnosis, Other, Touch, 10 cards
Cost 3) Rebuild ItemRebuild Item: Take a magic Item that has had its tag destroyed to ST camp, replace the tag with a new one., 1 Willpower, Any previously tagged item
Cost 3) Rebuild SoulRebuild Soul: Choose a willing Vampire target with at least 2 Humanity (this does not work on other paths.) This character becomes a shell of themselves who will follow the user's every command - they will not speak unless spoken to and even then will respond in very few words. They may defend themselves but can take no aggressive actions. During this time, they are immune to all Frenzy mechanics. This effect must be played for 1 waking hour before it will wear off. This ability may only be used once per game. At the end of game place a 3x5 in the check-in box stating your name, your character’s name, “Rebuild Soul”, the target player and target character name. The target receives a humanity gain for no XP cost at the following game session., 1 Willpower, Packmate (Vampire), 1x/game
Cost 3) *Shared StrengthShared Strength: Grant the allowed power(s) to another target for up to 1 hour unless otherwise specified on the power descriptor line. Shared Strength may only be used to grant one power per use. The cost listed is to use the Shared Strength power itself. You must also pay the cost of the power described. In the ItemMaker, this means the cost of the unmodified item. In a power tree, this is the cost of the power in that tree. If the power is not located in that tree, there is no additional cost. If the power can be used multiple times during that hour, you must spend energy per use you wish to give. Notify the player with sig call: “Shared Strength: [power name] [number] uses [time]”. The target does not *need* to use the power if they do not wish to. You may not give Shared Strength as a power. Shared Strength is freely resistible.: Chosen Spirit Power the Spirit possesses, cost of power, Packmate, 10 minutes
Cost 3) BreachBreach: You may use the described power Cross-gauntlet. Use the sig call “Breach:” preceding your normal sig call. Unless otherwise specified, you may also use the power without the Breach call to use it in your current realm. If the power you are using over Breach has its own cost, you must also pay the cost of that power.: ShuntShunt: Mental, Instant. Force another target into or out of the Umbra. If the target is entering the Umbra you must be able to provide the white headband., 1 Gnosis, Packmate
Cost 3) BreachBreach: You may use the described power Cross-gauntlet. Use the sig call “Breach:” preceding your normal sig call. Unless otherwise specified, you may also use the power without the Breach call to use it in your current realm. If the power you are using over Breach has its own cost, you must also pay the cost of that power.: TeleportTeleport: Physical. Touch the target, call "Teleport: [location]" where the location is defined on the power descriptor line. The target must go out of game, then go to the nearest of that defined location type they know of. If you are within 10 feet of that location and there is another one, then they may choose to go to the next nearest.: Node, 1 Gnosis, Self/Packmate

Your Totem powers should be written on a 3x5 card. Each member of your Pack should have a copy of this card on them. If someone uses the gift Tagalong, please give them a copy of this card (even if it’s your copy - you can always get/make another later.)

*May be purchased with or provide XP, not limited to freebies and flaw points, including after character creation. The Shared Strength: Chosen Spirit Power option means that you choose a power that the Spirit possesses when you purchase this power. The spirit can then loan out that power for at most 10 minutes and must be a Level 3 or lower Power.

Gaian Spirit Merits and Flaws

Gaian Spirit Merits

Sighted* - 5 Point Merit - You have the Gauntlet Sight Power (Gauntlet Sight, No Cost, Self, Always On).

Gaian Spirit Flaws

There are no flaws available at this time.

NPC Totems / Spirit Familiars

Players may elect to choose an NPC as their Totem or Spirit Familiar. If you do, you may use your background levels to purchase: Unlike PC Totem Powers, these may only be taken once across all members of the pack.

Cost 1) Packmates may use AugmentAugment: Increase that damage you deal with brawl and melee attacks by 1 unless otherwise specified. You may not increase your damage above 4. This ability stacks with other instances of Augment, but you cannot use the same source of Augment twice (each use must come from a different power tree location.), 1 Energy, Self, 10 minutes, 1x/6 hours
Cost 1) Packmates may use BreachBreach: You may use the described power Cross-gauntlet. Use the sig call “Breach:” preceding your normal sig call. Unless otherwise specified, you may also use the power without the Breach call to use it in your current realm. If the power you are using over Breach has its own cost, you must also pay the cost of that power.: TelepathyTelepathy: Mental, Special. Use the telepathy hand sign, hand with first 3 fingers closed, thumb and pinky spread. Look into the eyes of your target - the target may refuse Telepathy by simply not returning the gesture for no cost. Speak in a whisper or very soft voice - your target will hear your voice in their mind. Others who see this should ignore your communication., 1 Energy Packmate, 10 minutes
Cost 1) Packmates may use VisageVisage: After a 10 count, you may alter your outward appearance; equip or remove any mask or prosthetic including mantles that represents another power. You may wear any other mask or prosthetic that you wish; if you equip an item you do not get the benefits of that power. You may remove any mask, mantle, or prosthetic that you wish; if you remove an item that is a requirement for a power, pause any timers and suppress all effects of the associated power. The power returns at its original timers when you release Visage, requiring you to restore any props required. You may also remove any costuming requirements while this is in effect. Using this power *only* to remove costume requirements has no cost. If this effect was used on you, you may cancel it after its minimum duration., 1 Energy, Self, 10 minutes, 1x/6 hours
Cost 1) Packmates may use ResistResist: You may call resist to the power(s) described on the power descriptor line.: Enrage 1x/day
Cost 1) Packmates Regenerate 1 Primary Energy per hour, does not stack with itself
Cost 2) Packmates may use Break CatharsisBreak Catharsis: Mental, Instant. Use the sig call "Break Catharsis" and touch the target. If the target is in Catharsis, they immediately exit the Catharsis state., 1 Energy, Packmate, 1x/6 hours
Cost 2) Packmates may use Quell BeastQuell Beast: Mental, Instant. Use the sig call "Quell Beast, calm your Frenzy" and designate your target. The Frenzy effect is removed from that target., 1 Energy, Packmate, 1x/6 hours
Cost 2) Packmates may use TerrorTerror: Mental. Use the sig call "Terror: Run from me." The target must flee from you and must attempt to remain away from your presence for the duration., 1 Energy, Other, 10 minutes 1x/6 hours
Cost 2) Packmates receive Gauntlet SightGauntlet Sight: Buff, Sight. You can perceive across the gauntlet, into both realms at once. You are aware which side the gauntlet someone is on, or if they're in both. You may not target cross-gauntlet (including sensory powers) without Breach or similar., No Cost, Self, While in the Umbra
Cost 3) Packmates increase Maximum Willpower by 1, not to exceed their normal maximum
Cost 3) Packmates increase Health IncreaseHealth Increase: Increase your maximum health by the amount given on the power descriptor line. This ability stacks with other instances of Health Increase, but you cannot use the same source of Health Increase twice (each use must come from a different power tree location.) This power also increases your current health if your current health is at more than half of your maximum pool.: 3
Cost 3) Packmates may use AegisAegis: Physical. Use the sig call “Aegis” and designate the target. Target is immune to all damage and Status for the next 60 seconds and all brawl or melee attacks deal at least 4 damage. Target can still be affected by Mentals, but will not take damage while under their effects. Use the Immune calling rules when struck. Irresistible damage does not penetrate Aegis. This power may not be used for at least 1 minute after the effect ends., 2 Willpower, Self, 60 seconds 1x/day
Cost 3) Packmates may use ResistResist: You may call resist to the power(s) described on the power descriptor line.: Mental, 4 Energy, Self
Cost 3) Packmates may use Hardened FleshHardened Flesh: Call "Hardened Flesh" to activate this effect. You may not take more than 2 damage from each hit for the duration of this power., 2 Energy, Self, 10 minutes when full present pack together
