Ritual:Renew the Chantry

From Dark Prospects Rules
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Renew the Chantry (1)

Requirements: Thaumaturgy, Rituals 1, Tremere, an active Dedicate the Chantry ritual
Cost: 3 blood
Cast Time: 5 minutes

Stand in the center of the Chantry ritual circle and recite the Tremere Code.

Spend 3 blood.

Write out enough 3x5 cards to put inside and outside every exterior door (maximum 3 doors/6 cards.)

Ritual: Dedicate the Chantry
Caster: (Original casters name)
Updated by: (Your name)
Update Time: (Current time and date)
Expires: Midnight on the first day of next game: (Date of next game)
Effect: This door is Warded against anyone who is not Tremere or a Gargoyle. Any who pass this door from either direction who are not Tremere or Gargoyle, or not escorted by a Tremere, suffer 5 damage, and Unending Wounds while in the building or for 10 minutes whichever is longer.
A Tremere can escort one person at a time by willingly touching them while crossing the threshold of the door.

Affix these cards on both sides of every exterior door of the building, replacing the Dedicate the Chantry cards located there.