Power: Possession

From Dark Prospects Rules
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Mental. Place your hand on target's shoulder, call "Possession", equip a white Umbral headband, then for the duration you can give simple commands to the target - the target must follow your commands to the best of their ability. If you command the target to do something that would cause them damage they may expend a willpower to resist the command. You may not repeat a resisted command or attempt to circumvent the resisted command. While in this state you may not act against other characters in the Umbra but may be acted upon by them, and upon leaving touch range of your target you return to the realm where you began your possession. The possessor is affected by any Mental powers used on the target, the possessed is affected by any other powers used on the target. While possessing a target you may use Mental and Status powers through the possessed. If the command has an actual verbal or physical component, the possessed must recite that part of the component (you may ask them to do this) - such as Command or Obedience sig calls. Using powers this way uses the possessor's energy pool.