Power: Visage

From Dark Prospects Rules
Revision as of 14:29, 19 August 2016 by Brian (talk | contribs)

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You may alter your outward appearance; equip or remove any mask or prosthetic including mantles that represents another power. You may wear any other mask or prosthetic that you wish; if you equip an item you do not get the benefits of that power. You may remove any mask or prosthetic that you wish; if you remove an item, you do not lose the associated power. You may also remove any costuming requirements while this is in effect - if you use this power solely to remove a costume requirement reduce the use cost by 1. If this effect was used on you, you may cancel it after its minimum duration. You may only remove and/or add one visual effect at a time. (So you may remove a mask or mantle, or add a mask or mantle, but may not remove both a mask and a mantle.) This ability requires a 10 count. When renewing a power with a duration you must reapply the prop and then the Visage. If this power is used to remove something that provides mechanical advantage then it must be renewed every 10 minutes.