
From Dark Prospects Rules
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Crafting Skills
These allow you to make items of some sort at check-in, or to repair items during game. For tradeskills that allow you to craft 1 item per game per level, those enter a pool that you may use to craft any item you can make, not just the items from that skill. Unless explicitly specified any crafted item counts as 1 item.
Weaponsmithing / Armorsmithing
You may craft 1 item per game per level of this skill.
Level 1) You may craft Small 1 Handed Melee Weapons
Level 2) You may craft Medium 1 Handed Melee Weapons
Level 3) You may craft Long 2 Handed Melee Weapons
Level 4) You may craft Armor
Level 5) You may apply Specialty Materials to crafted Melee Weapons
Carpentry / Fletching
You may craft 1 item per game per level of this skill.
Level 1) You may craft Stakes
Level 2) You may craft Bows
Level 3) You may craft Crossbows
Level 4) You may craft Shields
Level 5) You may craft Specialty Material Arrows. 3 of these count as one item. Specialty arrow tags must be destroyed once the associated ammunition is used.
Gunsmithing / Ammosmithing
You may craft 1 item per game per level of this skill.
Level 1) You may craft Rifles / Shotguns
Level 2) You may craft Derringers
Level 3) You may craft Revolvers / Repeaters
Level 4) You may craft Specialty Ammunition - 3 bullets count as a single item for crafting purposes. Specialty ammunition tags must be destroyed once the associated ammunition is used. When using specialty ammunition, a weapon must be loaded *only* with a single type of specialty ammunition and only that specialty ammunition.
Level 5) You may craft Dynamite - Dynamite is used as a thrown weapon and deals 4 fire damage to everyone who is hit by it.
You may craft 1 item per game per level of this skill. 3 Herbalism creations count as a single item for crafting purposes.
Level 1) You may craft Tonic of Health (2 hp), Toxic Mixture (1 damage per minute for 1 Hour)
Level 2) You may craft Tonic of Vitality (3 essence), Potion of Lethargy (drain 5 of any energy pool)
Level 3) You may craft Smelling Salts (breaks sleep effects), Sleeping Potion (Merciful Sleep)
Level 4) You may craft Adhesive Goo (offensive: 60 sec Bind Foot, defensive: 60 sec Immunity: Disarm)
Level 5) You may craft Potion of Strength (Augment 10m), Potion of Weakness (Weakness 60s)
You may craft 1 item per game per level of this skill.
Level 1) You may craft Class 1 Locks
Level 2) You may craft Class 1 Lockpicks. 3 lockpicks constitute a single item for crafting purposes.
Level 3) You may craft Class 2 Locks
Level 4) You may craft Class 2 Lockpicks. 3 lockpicks constitute a single item for crafting purposes.
Level 5) You may craft Class 3 Locks
Active Skills
These Skills do special things for you in-game with no attached Energy cost.
these abilities must be used close enough that you could reach an arm out and touch the target.
Level 1) Type of Damage - You may ask what type of damage caused a target's wounds. Use the sig call: "Detection: What harmed you?" Answers must be vague "Claws" is fine, but "Werewolf claws" is not. This can be used on any target.
Level 2) Conscious Search - Maintain a conversation with another character for 10 minutes. At the end of this period, you may use the sig call “Detection: Where are your tagged items?” - the target must tell you how many tagged items are on their person, including those in containers, and clearly point to the locations where these items are located.
Level 3) Keen Eye - You may ask a target if they are carrying any hidden weapons - use the call: "Detection: are you armed?" - the target must answer if they have any In-Game weapons on them - tagged or otherwise. Please note that thrown weapons and ammunition will cause a yes answer.
Level 4) You're Sure Acting Funny - With a brief study of a target and direct eye contact you may determine if they are under a Mental effect. Maintain eye contact with the target for 10 seconds, then use the sig call: "Detection: are you under a Mental effect?"
Level 5) Forensics - Upon discovering an unconscious, dying, or dead target you may spend 30 seconds examining a scene, then you may ask the target what happened during the last minute before they fell. Use the sig: "Detection: Tell me what happened" - the answers should not be exact - "Bob stabbed me" isn't okay, but "I was walking, I stopped to talk to someone and was stabbed in the chest" is fine.
Make a silent count in your head, and use the sig call whenever health is granted. Medicine may only be used on a target other than yourself. You may not use the same prop for any levels of Medicine except Practice and Bandage.
Level 1) Assess & Bandage - You may ask the target their current health levels and if in the dying state how long they have left on their death timer. Upon attaining level 5 Medicine you may ask if the target is under the effect of Aggravated Damage. Bandages or other “first aid” props are required for healing. Apply a bandage to a target, healing them for 1 health every 30 seconds. Bandages can never heal the target to more than 2 below their maximum health. Bandages cannot bring a character that has fallen to 0 or fewer health back from Dying or Dead. Sig call: “Bandage.”
Level 2) Practice - You may bandage after a 15 second count, rather than 30 seconds. Sig call: “Bandage”
Level 3) Stabilize - Pantomime life-saving actions on a dying target (please don't actually perform them - that's painful) - the target's death timer will freeze as long as you continue to pantomime these actions. Maximum of 10 minutes. Use the count call “Stabilize” and maintain a count as long as you continue.
Level 4) Advanced Healing Arts - False suture needles, splints, or other advanced “medical” props are required. Pantomime medical techniques such as suturing, providing medication, or setting bones. While doing this you may heal a target for 2 health every 20 seconds. Advanced Healing Arts can never heal the target to more than 2 below their maximum health. Advanced Healing Arts cannot bring a character that has fallen to 0 or fewer health back from Dying or Dead. This level of Medicine can remove the Aggravated Damage effect. Sig call: “Medicine”.
Level 5) Savior - You must have a boffer knife or other tool with which to perform "surgery" - pantomime the actions of surgery for a minimum of 2 minutes - if the target's death timer has not expired at the end of this time you may restore 2 health to them, removing them from the Dying state. Sig call: “Surgery”
You may use each of the following effects once per day: Regain your level in Meditation in Willpower (1-5). Reduce all of your taint levels by 1 per level of Meditation you possess. If human, regain 2 times your level in Meditation (2-10) to your Essence pool. To use any of these effects, find a place to meditate for 10 minutes uninterrupted.