Ritual:Mirror Walk

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Mirror Walk (5)

Requirements: Thaumaturgy, Rituals 5
Components: A mirror large enough to see your whole reflection in (This can be a non-glass prop). 2 candles. A way of marking the mirror.
Cost: 5 blood
Cast Time: 5 minutes

Special: This ritual must be cast twice, once on two different mirrors to link them together.

Create a level 5 Thaumaturgy Circle in front of the mirror. Place the candles on either side of the mirror.

Draw arcane symbols along the edges of the mirror, all the way around. (These can be cleaned off after the ritual is complete.)

Repeat the following:

"I see my own image
in this mirror
But these surroundings
could be clearer."

"I touch my reflection
and view my station,
Then I find myself
in a new location."

Spend 5 blood.

This ritual enchants the mirror to be a permanent Fetish. Any given caster can only have two of these fetishes in existence at any one time.

As soon as possible, go to ST camp and request a fetish tag. The fetish should say:

“(Caster’s) Mirror Walk.” 
Caster may touch this fetish and spend 1 blood to equip an OOG headband and immediately move to the other “(Caster’s) Mirror Walk” fetish. Then remove the OOG headband. If you cannot find the second mirror (or if it has been destroyed) return to the original mirror. The caster may bring up to two other willing participants by spending 1 blood for each.

Affix the fetish tag to the mirror. Once the tag is affixed, the mirror can be cleaned.

Note: The fetish will not work unless the caster has two mystically connected mirrors.